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Denial of education on the basis of motherhoodAmong states and territories, there are no grounds for suspension and expulsion on the basis of motherhood. States and territories have policies and programs to support students who are…
The Australian Government47 values the views and perspectives of the Australian community. As part of Australia's long-standing commitment to transparency, the Government funded the development of a shadow report from independent civil society…
The Australian Government must provide women in Australia with lifelong, accessible, flexible and affordable education and skill building. They must also remove existing disincentives and inequities that perpetuate industry…
The Australian Government has released new and updated educational resources to strengthen knowledge of Australia’s national symbols.
Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister, the Hon Patrick Gorman MP, launched the resources on 3 September 2022…
Each box represents a portfolio. Cabinet Ministers are shown in bold type. As a general rule, there is one department in each portfolio. However, there can be two departments in one portfolio. The title of a department does not…
Each box represents a portfolio. As a general rule, there is one department in each portfolio. However, there can be two departments in one portfolio. Cabinet Ministers are shown in bold type. Assistant Ministers in italics are…
Current Ministry as at 2 September 2022Names of Cabinet ministers are shown in bold. Names of Assistant Ministers are shown in italics.The column 'Guide to responsibilities' identifies, as a matter of practice, the…
Current Ministry as at 31 May 2023Names of Cabinet ministers are shown in bold. Names of Assistant Ministers are shown in italics.The column 'Guide to responsibilities' identifies, as a matter of practice, the…
Each box represents a portfolio. As a general rule, there is one department in each portfolio. However, there can be two departments in one portfolio.Cabinet Ministers are shown in bold type. Assistant Ministers in italics are…
Each box represents a portfolio. As a general rule, there is one department in each portfolio. However, there can be two departments in one portfolio.Cabinet Ministers are shown in bold type. Assistant Ministers in italics are…
29 July 2024Names of Cabinet ministers are shown in bold. Names of Assistant Ministers are shown in italics.The column 'Guide to responsibilities' identifies, as a matter of practice, the division of…
20 January 2025Names of Cabinet ministers are shown in bold. Names of Assistant Ministers are shown in italics.The column 'Guide to responsibilities' identifies, as a matter of practice, the division of…
Care and support are activities that develop and maintain people’s capabilities, independence or quality of life. Across a person’s lifetime, these activities may span many areas, such as health, education or social care.The care…
Date: Tuesday 9 July 2024Hosts: Dr Angela Jackson and Professor Catherine Bennett, Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry PanelParticipants: This roundtable brought together a range of…
Changing behaviours and attitudes leading to gender-based violenceIn addition to addressing discriminatory stereotypes, the Government adopted measures to change behaviours and attitudes leading to high rates of GBV in Australia.The Government…
Let me acknowledge the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong/Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin nation as traditional custodians of these unceded lands and recognise other Aboriginal people with connection to Narrm and the region. We are privileged to…
Safety and recovery for children and young peopleApproximately one child is killed as a result of family violence every fortnight in Australia.45Australia’s first National Child Maltreatment Study found that two thirds of…
These learning resources are user friendly and are suitable for children of all ages, specifically those in school years 3 to 8, containing a variety of interactive activities, lessons and games.
The Symbols of Australia website…
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.Strategic OutlookThe Board discussed government priorities, emerging risks and strategic issues.The Board received an update on…
This report reflects the state of the Albanese Ministry before the changes to the Ministry on 29 July 2024.Agriculture, Fisheries and ForestryNilAttorney-General’sMinisterStart dateEnd dateActing MinisterDreyfus14 July19 JulyRowlandDreyfus20 July27…
Roundtable summariesMay 2024Economic responseFreight and logisticsHealth modellingHealth researchHigher education and VETImpacts on health servicesPandemic response logisticsJune 2024Community service providersCouncil of Small…
Intercepting and returning asylum-seeking women and girls arriving by seaThe Government's policy is to intercept any vessel seeking to reach Australia irregularly and to safely return those on board to their point of departure or country of origin,…
Instruments of Authorisation that enable a Minister from another portfolio to act for a Minister who is unavailable for a period of two weeks or more are published on the Federal Register of Legislation.Agriculture, Fisheries and…
Instruments of Authorisation that enable a Minister from another portfolio to act for a Minister who is unavailable for a period of two weeks or more are published on the Federal Register of LegislationAgriculture, Fisheries and Forestry…
Guiding recommendation: Decision‑making processes in a pandemic need to fully account for the broader health, economic and social impacts of decisions, and the changing level and nature of risk to inform escalation and de‑escalation…
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