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Additional obligations of the Principal OfficerThe principal officer must:ensure that the number of authorised officers in the Department is sufficient to ensure that they are readily accessible by public officials…
Our privacy obligationsThe Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Privacy Policy illustrates our commitment to being responsible custodians of personal information and our obligations to protect that information.The Department has obligations…
The Secretaries Board met at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.APS ReformThe Board agreed an approach to engage APS staff in developing an APS Purpose Statement (Recommendation 6 of the Thodey Review…
Key resourcesPM&C Reconciliation Action PlanWe celebrate and respect the knowledge, understandings and experiences of the custodians of the oldest living cultures in the world and recognise the immeasurable contribution that Aboriginal and…
Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
Summary of WGEA Review recommendations
1. Make it easier for employers to report to WGEA and improve collection and sharing of gender data…
As required by the Terms of Reference, this report assesses the effectiveness of WGEA’s existing practices in the promotion and improvement of gender equality in Australian workplaces, and identifies areas of future focus for WGEA. In line with the…
Recommendation 1 – Make it easier for employers to report to WGEA and improve collection and sharing of gender data
1.1 Improve the quality of data reported to WGEA, and reduce the regulatory burden for employers…
Board achievementsA collegiate and collaborative BoardThe general view expressed in interviews was that the Board works well, is collegiate and collaborative, able to have honest discussions and sets a good tone across the APS.It has benefited from…
6.1 Role of Authorised OfficersAn Authorised Officer is defined in the PID Act. At PM&C, it refers to the Secretary, and people who may be appointed in writing as Authorised Officers from time to time. A list of the current…
7.1 Role of Principal OfficersThe Secretary of PM&C is the Principal Officer for the purposes of the PID Act. The Secretary may delegate all or some of their powers as Principal Officer under the PID Act to:…
REVOCATION OF APPOINTMENTS OF MINISTERS OF STATEI, SAM MOSTYN AC, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, pursuant to sections 64 and 65 of the Constitution, hereby revoke the appointments of: LINDA JEAN BURNEY to…
2024 marks 50 years since the establishment of a centralised women’s policy function in the Australian Public Service – the area now known as the Office for Women (OFW).The milestone was marked with an event held at the Museum of Australian…
The Office for Women works across government to place women and gender equality at the centre of policy and decision-making through gender-responsive budgeting and gender impact analysis. To support the Australian Government’s gender equality…
Who can make a public interest disclosure?A person must be a current or former ‘public official’, as defined in ss69-70 of the PID Act, to make a public interest disclosure (s26(1)(a)).In general, a person can make a disclosure if they belong, or…
5.1 Role of supervisorsUnder the PID Act, supervisors are public officials who supervise or manage individuals who make PIDs.Supervisors may have PIDs made to them from time to time. This part of the Procedures applies to supervisors who are not…
The National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022 (NACC Act) establishes the National Anti-Corruption Commission (the NACC). Further information is available on the NACC's website.At all stages of dealing with and handling a disclosure, staff…
Recommendation 6Make confidential ethics and integrity advice available to APS staff, SES and agency heads.APS staff at all levels can benefit from confidential support to talk through an integrity issue causing them concern. SES must navigate…
The government is committed to advancing gender equality as a national priority and is taking a whole-of-government approach.Gender equality brings with it opportunities for women and men to thrive, making our economy stronger, more inclusive and…
The National Office for Child Safety is inviting feedback on a proposed advisory group for The National Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Child Sexual Abuse 2021-2030 (National Strategy).
The National Office recognises the need to design and…
Signed copies of these instruments are available in the attached PDF.Marles, Richard DonaldAPPOINTMENT OF MINISTER OF STATEI, DAVID JOHN HURLEY, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, pursuant to sections 64 and 65 of the Constitution,…
Cabinet DivisionCabinet Division is directly responsible to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Secretary for the impartial recording of Cabinet decisions and for the administration and development of Cabinet processes. It is also responsible to the…
Organisations and people interviewed by the review
Australian Government
The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Hon Stephen Smith MP, Minister…
Catherine DicksDirector Inclusion and Diversity, People 02 6271 5219Julie CraneIndigenous Staff Liaison Officer, Inclusion and 02 6228 6965
Instrument of Appointment – Anthony Albanese to the office of Prime Minister
Instrument of Appointment – James Chalmers to the office of Treasurer
Instrument of Appointment – Katherine Gallagher to the offices of Minister for Finance, Minister…
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