Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry

The purpose of the inquiry is to identify lessons learned to improve Australia’s preparedness for future pandemics.

On 21 September 2023, the Prime Minister the Hon Anthony Albanese MP announced an independent inquiry into Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Inquiry terms of reference

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Scope of inquiry

The terms of reference are broad. The independent panel can also consider other matters that support the overarching goal of enhancing our national preparedness and response systems to manage future pandemic events.

The inquiry will consider health and non-health responses to the pandemic, which were the sole responsibility of the Commonwealth Government or jointly with the states and territories. For example, the provision of vaccinations, treatments and key medical supplies to Australians, aged care, disability care, mental health support for those impacted by COVID-19 and lockdowns, assistance to maintain cross-border road and shipping supply chains, financial support for individuals and businesses, and assistance for Australians abroad.

Actions undertaken unilaterally by the states and territories are not in scope. However, the inquiry will consider the roles and responsibilities of the Commonwealth Government, and state and territory governments in managing pandemic responses, the interaction between these tiers of government, and the overall cohesiveness of the joint Australian response. This will include national governance mechanisms such as National Cabinet and the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee.

The inquiry will also consider how evidence informed decisions regarding interventions, such as lockdowns, in different jurisdictions across Australia, how evidence was used or produced during implementation of these interventions, and ideas to improve evidence-based pandemic prevention and response practices.

A range of reviews and ‘lessons learned’ have been undertaken by Commonwealth, state and territory government agencies and other non-government organisations. The inquiry will not duplicate this work – instead it will build on it, by identifying gaps, opportunities for best practice and applying a national perspective.

As the inquiry proceeds this website will be updated as required.

Independent panel members

The inquiry will be conducted by an independent panel who have extensive experience across public health, health, social care, government and economics.

Robyn Kruk AO Chair
Professor Catherine BennettMember
Dr Angela JacksonMember

The panel will be supported by a taskforce, based within the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and will draw upon additional expertise as required.

Terms of reference

The terms of reference for the inquiry are available.

Statement from the panel - 3 November 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic was the most significant crisis that Australians and the world has faced in many decades. The health, social and economic impacts were felt throughout our society. Unfortunately the weight of these impacts fell disproportionately on particular communities.  Despite this Australia fared better than many countries with positive examples of our governments, community groups workers and industry working together to keep us all safe.

The COVID-19 Response Inquiry provides us with the opportunity to examine what worked well, what have been the longer-term repercussions of some of the policies put in place, and identify where we can make improvements to enhance our preparedness so that we have resilient and effective national systems, workforce and institutions to manage a future pandemic event.

In undertaking the inquiry, we recognise that governments have already made a number of legislative and structural changes that mean our future operating environment will be different. For example, public health and other legislation were amended during the pandemic when it was clear that they were not ‘fit for purpose’,  and the Commonwealth Government is currently working with states and territories to establish an Australian Centre for Disease Control.

This inquiry seeks to build on these foundations by identifying areas of good practice and potential improvement including across the Commonwealth Government, national governance arrangements and the interaction between Commonwealth, state and territory governments.

With a focus on evidence-based policy and practice, the inquiry will look at information generation and sharing to ensure that Australia will be prepared for future pandemic threats, and that future pandemic responses are tailored to meet the varying needs of Australia’s diverse communities.

We are committed to engaging broadly and openly to ensure that the inquiry draws on diverse experience and perspectives – including individuals, community groups, unions, businesses, peak bodies and experts across a range of fields.

You can make a submission and/or provide evidence.

Ms Robyn Kruk AO,Chair,
Professor Catherine Bennett
Dr Angela Jackson

Contact us

For general enquiries related to the COVID-19 Response Inquiry, please email

For all media enquiries, please email

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