Gender Balance on Australian Government Boards Report 2021-22

The Gender Balance on Australian Government Boards Report is prepared annually by the Office for Women, and reports on the Government’s performance against its gender diversity target. As of June 2022, women held a record 51.4 per cent of Australian Government board positions, the highest overall result since reporting began in 2008.

Gender Balance on Australian Government Boards Data

Overall Government results

At 30 June 2022, there were 335 Australian Government Boards with 2,214 filled positions. Women filled 51.4 per cent of all board positions (1,138 positions were filled by women).

This result is an increase of 1.8 percentage points since 30 June 2021 when women filled

49.6 per cent of Government board positions (1,149 of 2,315 filled positions).

Table 1 details the number of boards, number and percentage of occupied positions by gender, and the percentage point difference from the previous year, since 2016.

Table 1: Gender balance on Australian Government boards as at 30 June, from 2016 to 2022

Year Number of boards Number of filled positions Number of women Number of men Percentage of positions filled by women Percentage point change since previous year
2022 335 2,214 1,138 1,076 51.4 +1.8
2021 342 2,315 1,149 1,166 49.6 +1.1
2020 343 2,489 1,206 1,283 48.5 +0.6
2019 341 2,313 1,109 1,204 47.9 +2.1
2018 339 2,530 1,158 1,372 45.8 +3.1
2017 337 2,508 1,072 1,436 42.7 +2.2
2016 332 2,351 953 1,395 40.5 +1.4

Portfolio results

At 30 June 2022, six out of 13 portfolios met or exceeded the 50 per cent gender diversity target:

  • Social Services (including Services Australia)
  • Health
  • Attorney-General’s
  • Education, Skills and Employment
  • Foreign Affairs and Trade, and
  • rime Minister and Cabinet.

Women held between 45 and 50 per cent of board positions in the remaining eight portfolios (see Figure 1 and Table 2).

Figure 1: Gender balance of overall Australian Government board positions as at 30 June 2020, by portfolio

Social Services (including Services Australia) 70.0%, Health 59.3%, Attorney-General's 57.0%, Education, Skills and Employment 52.7%, Foreign Affairs and Trade 52.6%, Prime Minister and Cabinet 51.6%, Home Affairs 48.9%, Defence (including Veteran's Affairs) 48.2%, Finance 47.5%, Industry, Science, Energy and Resources 46.7%, Treasury 46.3%, Agriculture, Water and the Environment 46.3%, Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications 46.0%

Table 2: Gender balance of overall Australian Government board positions as at 30 June 2022, by portfolio

Portfolio Number of Boards Number of Filled Positions Number of Women Percentage of positions filled by women as at
30 June 2022
Percentage of positions filled by women at
30 June 2021
Percentage point difference from 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2022
Social Services (including Services Australia) 5 30 21 70.0 69.4 0.6
Health 48 504 299 59.3 56.8 2.5
Attorney-General's 14 100 57 57.0 50.0 7.0
Education, Skills and Employment 20 131 69 52.7 51.8 0.9
Foreign Affairs and Trade 24 196 103 52.6 50.5 2.1
Prime Minister and Cabinet 15 91 47 51.6 50.9 0.7
Home Affairs 7 88 43 48.9 44.7 4.2
Defence (including Veterans' Affairs) 18 110 53 48.2 49.3 -1.1
Finance 6 40 19 47.5 40.0 7.5
Industry, Science, Energy and Resources 27 165 77 46.7 52.6 -5.9
Treasury 23 121 56 46.3 45.8 0.5
Agriculture, Water and the Environment 34 242 112 46.3 46.9 -0.6
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications 94 396 182 46.0 41.4 4.6
TOTAL 335 2214 1138 51.4 49.6 1.8

New appointments

New appointments are those appointments made over the 2021-22 financial year that were not reappointments of the same person to the same position.

Of the 682 new appointments made in 2021-22, 54.4 per cent of appointees were women. This is an increase of 2.2 percentage points since the last annual report when women comprised 52.2 per cent of new appointees.

Table 3 shows at 30 June 2022, in eight of 13 portfolios, women represented 50 per cent or more of new appointments.

Table 3: Gender balance of new appointments in 2021-22, by portfolio

Portfolio Number of new appointments Number of women appointed Percentage of new appointments who were women  1 July 2021 to
 30 June 2022
Finance 6 6 100.0
Attorney-General's 39 27 69.2
Foreign Affairs and Trade 25 17 68.0
Social Services (including Services Australia) 6 4 66.7
Health 172 112 65.1
Education, Skills and Employment 46 26 56.5
Prime Minister and Cabinet 26 14 53.8
Home Affairs 21 11 52.4
Agriculture, Water and the Environment 63 31 49.2
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications 186 88 47.3
Treasury 33 15 45.5
Defence (including Veterans' Affairs) 23 9 39.1
Industry, Science, Energy and Resources 36 11 30.6
TOTAL 682 371 54.4