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*Content warning. Information on this page may be triggering to some readers. If you need support, please call 1800 Respect National Helpline: 1800 737 732 or Lifeline (24 hours): 131 114Gender-based violence is a…
The Women and Women’s Safety Ministerial Council (Council) was convened virtually today, attended by:Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher (Commonwealth)The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP (Commonwealth)The Hon Justine Elliot MP (…
On 23 August 2024, the Australian Government received the final report from the expert panel appointed to undertake a rapid review of evidence-based approaches to prevent gender-based violence. The report provides…
OverviewViolence against women and children remains a national crisis in Australia. While there has been significant action and investment towards ending gender-based …
The Women and Women’s Safety Ministerial Council (Council) was convened virtually today, attended by:The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP (Commonwealth)The Hon Justine Elliot MP (Commonwealth)Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher (…
Background and contextWork has been occurring for decades at the frontline, policy and decision-making levels to reduce and ultimately end domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV). This includes through the current National Plan…
OverviewViolence against women and children remains a national crisis in Australia. While there has been significant action and investment towards ending gender-based …
States and territories administer their own criminal justice systems, correctional and prison services. Detail can be provided as part of the State Party Dialogue.Holistic early intervention, design prevention and diversion…
About this documentThis information is from the Expert Panel.The information is about the review of what more could be done to stop violence of women and children. It is…
The Australian Government47 values the views and perspectives of the Australian community. As part of Australia's long-standing commitment to transparency, the Government funded the development of a shadow report from independent civil society…
Changing behaviours and attitudes leading to gender-based violenceIn addition to addressing discriminatory stereotypes, the Government adopted measures to change behaviours and attitudes leading to high rates of GBV in Australia.The…
The Women and Women's Safety Ministerial Council (Council) was convened virtually today, attended by:The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP (Commonwealth)The Hon Justine Elliot MP (Commonwealth)Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher (…
The inaugural meeting of the Women and Women’s Safety Ministerial Council was held today, which has now been formally established under the National Cabinet architecture.The Council, co-chaired by Minister for…
The taskforce has seven primary recommendations to the Government that will drive women’s economic equality and contribute to a strong and globally competitive Australian economy. Each recommendation contains immediate actions for…
On 23 August 2024, the Australian Government received the final report from the expert panel appointed to undertake a rapid review of evidence-based approaches to prevent gender-based violence. The report provides…
The Women and Women’s Safety Ministerial Council (Council) was convened in Canberra and virtually today, attended by:Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher (Commonwealth)The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP (Commonwealth)The Hon…
Assess demand and calculate the costTo build a firm foundation for expanding Australia’s approach to prevention, governments must provide adequate funding for DFSV services. For decades, however, services have been chronically underfunded. As…
An ongoing, national priorityOn 28 April 2024, the Prime Minister declared that Australia faced a ‘national crisis’ of violence against women, with one woman being killed every four days.8 On 1 May…
The following principles underpin each recommendation and should be at the forefront in their implementation. In our efforts to prevent domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV), Australia must:Explicitly…
Safety and recovery for children and young peopleApproximately one child is killed as a result of family violence every fortnight in Australia.45Australia’s first National Child Maltreatment Study found that two…
This ‘placemat’ section provides an overview of what is currently (August 2024) known about gender-based violence in Australia, using infographic images and text.We know that violence poses significant cost to…
The Government must ensure that women have financial security across their lives and are increasingly building lifetime wealth and economic equality.Immediate actions6.1. Co-design…
Gender inequality is a driver of violence against women. Women in Australia continue to be disproportionally impacted by family, domestic and sexual violence. On…
Department of Social Services (DSS) National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, DSS, Australian Government, 2022; Department of Social Services (DSS)…
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