Australian Government Crisis Management Framework (AGCMF)

Crisis coordination

Senior leaders in uniforms and business attire at the National Preparedness Summit, standing in a circle for discussion.

Figure 5. Crisis coordination spans near-term preparedness, response, relief and early recovery

A critical purpose of the Framework is articulating Australian Government coordination requirements for the near-term preparedness, response, relief and early recovery phases of the Continuum (see Figure 2). During these phases, actions are taken in anticipation of, during or immediately after a crisis to ensure that its effects are minimised and that those affected are given relief and support as quickly as possible.

To support this, the Framework:

  • sets out the role of the tiered model for coordination
  • designates lead Australian Government ministers and agencies required to coordinate responses to identified hazards
  • outlines the roles and responsibilities of Australian Government ministers and senior officials
  • details the approach to coordination for extreme to catastrophic crises.