Corporate Plan 2023–2024

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Corporate Plan for 2023–2024

Corporate Plan on a page

What we do

Outcome 1

Provide high-quality policy advice and support to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, portfolio ministers and assistant ministers, including through coordination of government activities, policy development and program delivery

Corporate Plan 2023–24

Our Mission

Improve the lives of all Australians through high-quality advice and support to the Government

Our Purpose

To provide support to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, portfolio ministers and assistant ministers to improve the lives of all Australians, including through coordination of government activities, effective policy advice and development, and program delivery

How we do it

Our key activities to deliver on our purpose

  1. Effective and timely advice  
    Performance measures 1 and 2
  2. Helping our partner agencies deliver on Government priorities  
    Performance measures 3 and 4
  3. Coordination and support for national and international agendas  
    Performance measures 5 to 9
  4. Collaborate, communicate and engage  
    Performance measures 10 and 11
  5. Deliver Government programs and priorities  
    Performance measures 12 to 17

What drives our performance

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Our people

Our people are core to our success. We aim to have the right mix of people, with diverse skills, capability and life experience, to support the Government to deliver for the Australian people in an increasingly complex and uncertain environment.

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Risk management

The environment in which PM&C operates is complex and dynamic, and PM&C pro-actively engages with risk in a way that enables us to be accountable.

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ICT capability

We work in a highly responsive, fast-paced and flexible work environment where collaboration internally and externally is key to supporting Government priorities. Information and communications technology (ICT) capability is a critical enabler of our success.

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Values and behaviours

  • Influence what matters.
  • Promote a whole-of-government and whole-of-nation perspective.
  • Support good government.
  • Lead through partnership.
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PM&C actively promotes a pro-integrity culture with an emphasis on ethical leadership and fostering psychological safety in our workplace. This includes seeking diverse perspectives on potential barriers to achieve this culture.