Corporate Plan 2023–2024

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Corporate Plan for 2023–2024

Key activity 4: Collaborate, communicate and engage

PM&C provides support to the Prime Minister and our portfolio ministers and assistant ministers to engage with the community. This role requires our staff to have strong communication skills and expertise, as well as a deep understanding of audiences. Effective collaboration, communication and engagement are important aspects of delivering the other 4 key activities outlined in this corporate plan.

We evaluate this key activity by measuring the timeliness of our handling of incoming ministerial correspondence, and the extent to which our stakeholders are satisfied with our collaboration, communication and engagement activities.

Intended result 4.1: PM&C effectively communicates and engages with key stakeholders and the Australian community

Performance measure 10: Percentage of incoming ministerial correspondence triaged and assigned for appropriate action within 5 working days



Why do we measure this?

It is important that we triage all correspondence, consider response options, and assign correspondence for appropriate action as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is one of the primary ways we support the Prime Minister to engage with stakeholders and the Australian community.

Data source

Data collected on percentage of incoming ministerial correspondence triaged and assigned for action via the Parliamentary Document Management System.


Number of items of incoming ministerial correspondence triaged and assigned in 5 days or less, divided by the total number of items of incoming ministerial correspondence received, multiplied by 100.

Note on targets: Targets will remain constant across forward years in recognition of the impact that fluctuations and complexities in the operating environment may have on the volume of incoming ministerial correspondence received during any given reporting period.


  • Quantitative
  • Output and effectiveness (proxy)

Changes since previous year

The wording of the measure (previously identified as 4.1.1) has been updated to promote a clear link between the measure and the rationale ('Why do we measure this?'). We have also made updates to better define our data source and methodology. Targets for the forward years have been more clearly identified, including explanatory text within the methodology.

Performance measure 11: Percentage of ministers, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholders satisfied with the effectiveness of PM&C's stakeholder collaboration, communication and engagement activities


76% satisfied77% satisfied78% satisfied79% satisfied

Why do we measure this?

Maintaining the satisfaction of ministers, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholders with the effectiveness of PM&C's stakeholder collaboration, communication and engagement activities, is key to achieving our purpose and is an important way to measure our success.

Data source

Responses to the annual minister, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholder surveys. The surveys are conducted by an independent provider.

Further information on the definition of a stakeholder can be found in Note 2.


Results are calculated based on the annual minister, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholder surveys.


  • Quantitative and qualitative
  • Output and effectiveness

Changes since previous year

The wording of the measure (previously identified as 4.1.2) has been updated to promote a clear link between the measure and the rationale ('Why do we measure this?'). We have also updated the measure to include greater clarity on the stakeholders involved in providing input for the performance result – in this case, ministers, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholders. We have also made updates to better define our data source and methodology.