Corporate Plan 2023–2024

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Corporate Plan for 2023–2024

Key activity 5: Deliver Government programs and priorities

PM&C is directly responsible for delivering some Australian Government programs. We also support the Cabinet as the focal point of government decision-making and assist the PM&C Secretary in their APS stewardship responsibilities. We deliver well-coordinated corporate and enabling services that support our business operations and those of our portfolio agencies.

In measuring our performance against this key activity, we primarily assess stakeholder satisfaction with our efforts and the volume of our output.

Intended result 5.1: PM&C effectively delivers the Women's Leadership and Development Program

Performance measure 12: Percentage of government agreed grant funding decisions under the Women's Leadership and Development Program executed by the department



Why do we measure this?

The Office for Women administers the Women's Leadership and Development Program, which funds and delivers a range of projects for women in Australia. Assessing the department's execution of grant funding decisions under the program is an important way to measure our success.

Data source

Data collected from the Department of Social Services Community Grants Hub's grants processing system, finance systems and ShareHub document management system, and the Parliamentary Document Management System.


The number of agreed grant funding decisions that have been executed (signed by the grantee and countersigned by the department) by the department, divided by the total number of agreed grant funding decisions, multiplied by 100.

For the purposes of reporting against this performance measure, agreed grant funding decisions are those approved by the Minister for Women, seeking to allocate funding in the reporting period, and executed within the same reporting period.

The result will be supplemented by an analysis of the grants funded under the Women's Leadership and Development Program in line with the priorities of the program. The analysis will investigate the breadth and variety of projects, as well as a range of participant outcomes under the projects.

The analysis will be provided within the annual performance statements in the annual report.


  • Quantitative and qualitative
  • Output, effectiveness and efficiency (proxy)

Changes since previous year

The wording of the measure (previously identified as 5.1.1) has been updated to promote a clear link between the measure and the rationale ('Why do we measure this?'). We have also updated the methodology to remove the use of a case study to supplement the reporting on our performance against the measure. Instead, the reporting will be supplemented by an analysis.

Intended result 5.2: PM&C effectively supports the Cabinet and its committees

Performance measure 13: Percentage of ministers, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholders satisfied with PM&C's support to the Cabinet and its committees


76% satisfied77% satisfied78% satisfied79% satisfied

Why do we measure this?

Maintaining the satisfaction of ministers, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholders with PM&C's support to the Cabinet and its committees, is key to achieving our purpose and is an important way to measure our success.

Data source

Responses to the ministers, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholder surveys. The surveys are conducted by an independent provider.

Further information on the definition of a stakeholder can be found in Note 2.


Results are calculated based on the annual minister, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholder survey.


  • Quantitative and qualitative
  • Output and effectiveness

Changes since previous year

The wording of the measure (previously identified as 5.2.1) has been updated to promote a clear link between the measure and the rationale ('Why do we measure this?'). We have also updated the measure to include greater clarity on the stakeholders involved in providing input for the performance result – in this case, ministers, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholders. We have also made updates to better define our data source and methodology.

Intended result 5.3: PM&C contributes to the delivery of Government priorities through high-quality policy projects using structured policy analysis and application of behavioural insights

Performance measure 14: Number of advisory and evaluation projects completed that contribute to the delivery of Government priorities through the application of behavioural insights


20 projects20 projects20 projects20 projects

Why do we measure this?

PM&C advances the wellbeing of Australians by applying behavioural insights in public policy and administration, and rigorously evaluating project outcomes. These are important aspects of how we build APS capability, provide advice to government and work collaboratively with partner agencies.

Data source

Data collected on the number of advisory and evaluation projects through an overarching, internal project tracker.


Count all (in-scope) advisory and evaluation projects within the reporting period.

Note on targets: Targets will remain constant across forward years in recognition of the impact that fluctuations and complexities in the operating environment may have on the volume and types of projects required during any given reporting period.


  • Quantitative
  • Output

Changes since previous year

The measure (previously identified as 5.3.1) has been updated to promote a clear link between the measure and the rationale ('Why do we measure this?'). We have also made updates to better define our data source and methodology.

Performance measure 15: Percentage of ministers, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholders satisfied that PM&C effectively contributes to the delivery of Government priorities by using structured policy analysis


76% satisfied77% satisfied78% satisfied79% satisfied

Why do we measure this?

Maintaining the satisfaction of ministers, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholders with PM&C's contribution to the delivery of Government priorities by using structured policy analysis, is key to achieving our purpose and is an important way to measure our success.

Data source

Responses to the annual ministers, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholder surveys. The surveys are conducted by an independent provider.

Further information on the definition of a stakeholder can be found in Note 2.


Results are calculated based on the annual minister, ministerial and non-ministerial stakeholder survey.


  • Quantitative and qualitative
  • Output, effectiveness and efficiency (proxy)

Changes since previous year

This measure was previously identified as 5.3.2.

Intended result 5.4: PM&C supports APS Reform outcomes, and transitions the APS Reform Office functions to the Australian Public Service Commission

Performance measure 16: PM&C continues to support APS Reform outcomes and transitions the APS Reform Office functions to the Australian Public Service Commission


APS Reform Office transitioned to the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) by 31 December 2023.

Why do we measure this?

PM&C recognises that the successful transition of the APS Reform Office function to the APSC is key to the ongoing delivery of the APS Reform program. Reporting on our efforts to transition APS Reform Office to the APSC is key to achieving our purpose and is an important way to measure our success.

In addition, PM&C is committed to acting as a leader and whole-of-service enabler of APS Reform outcomes. This includes providing support to key functions that support the delivery of APS Reform program outcomes, while also leading on a number of initiatives. Reporting on our efforts to lead and act as a whole-of-service enabler for APS reform, is key to achieving our purpose and is an important way to measure our success. This is a transition measure.

Data source

Data from APS Reform Office transition records, APS Reform program reporting mechanisms


The result will be presented as an analysis of the APS Reform Office to the APSC based on the data collected throughout the transition process.

The result will be supplemented by an analysis of PM&C's efforts to act as a leader and whole-of-service enabler of APS Reform outcomes. The analysis will investigate the breadth and variety of work undertaken by PM&C to lead, support and embed APS reform across the sector – including program initiatives.

The analysis will be provided within the annual performance statements in the annual report.


  • Quantitative and qualitative
  • Output and effectiveness

Changes since previous year

This is a new measure for the 2023–24 to 2026–27 reporting periods and replaces the measure '5.4.2: Establishment of a new APS Reform agenda'.

Intended result 5.5: PM&C supports the establishment of the Net Zero Economy Agency

Performance measure 17: PM&C effectively establishes the Net Zero Economy Agency


Effectively establishes the Net Zero Economy Agency from 1 July 2023.

Why do we measure this?

PM&C is committed to supporting the effective establishment of the interim Net Zero Economy Agency from 1 July 2023. This will enable us to establish the Net Zero Authority, a key priority of the Australian Government, and begin some of its core functions. Delivering on key strategic priorities of the Australian Government is key to achieving our purpose and is an important way to measure our success.

Data source

Data collected from the Net Zero Economy Agency.


Results are calculated based on records of the Net Zero Economy Agency.

The result will be supplemented by an analysis of PM&C's contributions to supporting the establishment of the Net Zero Economy Agency. In addition, the analysis will assess our progress in establishing the Net Zero Authority (including some of its core functions).

The analysis will be provided within the annual performance statements in the annual report.


  • Quantitative
  • Output

Changes since previous year

This is a new measure for the 2023–24 to 2026–27 reporting period.