Evaluation of the National Women’s Alliances Model

Global Institute for Women’s Leadership and the Office for Women


These recommendations centre on the development of strategic advice on options to strengthen the NWA model and delivery of its objectives and outcomes.


  1. Establish options to increase and extend grant funding for the Alliances, to ensure they are adequately resourced to fulfil performance expectations, and to future-proof the model’s ability to deliver women’s voices to Government. Options include:
    1. Lengthening grant agreements to five years, to allow Alliances to engage in longer-term planning, employment and services.
    2. Establish funding arrangements to cover the resource intensive forms of communication and engagement required by Alliances (e.g., for language translation, cultural safety, disability accessibility requirements, and/or travel to remote locations).
    3. Develop guidance on options for direct funding by OfW, PMC or other Government Agencies for work that is beyond the scope of NWA activity plans.
  2. Establish options to increase resourcing within OfW to ensure the program has adequate capability and capacity for effective implementation. Options include:
    1. Support capability development, including in cultural safety and vicarious trauma, amongst relationship managers.
    2. Allow time for meaningful engagement with Alliance representatives.
    3. Establish options for OfW provision of administration, communications and marketing support for the Alliances to enhance program efficiency and improve program reach and visibility.

Grant management

  1. Undertake consultation with Alliances about grant management processes, with the aim of:
    1. Balancing tensions between expectations of OfW and Alliance members in content of activity plans.
    2. Revising performance reporting requirements to better capture desired outcomes and better reflect variation in cultural and organisational practice across Alliances.
    3. Introducing flexibility in activity requirements to accommodate responsiveness to emerging requests for policy input.


  1. Establish options to further improve the inclusiveness and representativeness of the model by:
    1. Funding a cross-Alliance youth forum.
    2. Explicitly including transwomen and non-binary individuals in the NWA purpose.
    3. Formally establishing LGBTQI+ representation, either in an additional Alliance or within existing Alliances

Facilitating policy engagement

  1. Support the development of more collaborative and inclusive policy making to better enable the contribution of the NWA program to the objectives of the WLDP; options include:
    1. Consider options for structuring or formalising the process by which Alliances are involved in policy-making decisions.
    2. Supporting capability development in inclusive policy within Government.
    3. Establish a more explicit description of policy collaboration, including the role of Government, in grant guidelines.
  2. Undertake an impact evaluation of the NWA program that concentrates on women and the women’s sector to better understand barriers and enablers to flow on benefits from NWA activity to WLDP objectives.

Inter-Alliance collaboration

  1. Support inter-Alliance collaboration to ensure policy problems and solutions are interpreted and addressed through an intersectional lens; options include:
    1. Establishing inter-Alliance projects to establish patterns of collaborative working.
    2. Working with Alliances to identify appropriate platforms for inter-Alliance communication and collaboration to support knowledge sharing and trust building (e.g. regular forums, online knowledge management platform).