Evaluation of the National Women’s Alliances Model

Global Institute for Women’s Leadership and the Office for Women


There was general agreement among stakeholders that a key purpose of the NWA is to bring women’s voice to government. However, there was some inconsistency in an understanding of what ‘voice’ incorporates, and whether the NWA should aim to influence policy as advocates for women. Some interviewees identified policy engagement and impact as a key goal of the NWA, whilst others did not. This review used the intended objectives identified in the NWA grant guidelines as basis of assessment; those being to: 

  • Represent Australian women, including underrepresented women 
  • Collaborate with policymakers to inform Government’s understanding of policy issues affecting Australian women 
  • Collaborate with policymakers to inform the development of policy solutions to issues affecting Australian women.

However, these objectives are not applied consistently in all program documentation provided by OfW. For example, the program logic specifies that the NWA program goal is to “provide the Australian Government with an understanding of the issues affecting Australian women and potential policy issues”, whilst recent NWA application forms specify the goal is to “advocate for Australian women and collaborate with policymakers to inform Australian Government policies which impact women”. Creating more consistency among documentation may help to enhance clarity for NWAs, and their members OfW and policy makers across government, and increase program implementation and effectiveness.

In addition to this variation, key terms are being interpreted differently by different stakeholders. The purpose and meaning of bringing women’s voice to government, representing women or collaborating with government would benefit from being more clearly defined to create a shared understanding of program purpose, process and value. These interpretations will be discussed with reference to the activity being undertaken to achieve program objectives.