Gender Balance on Australian Government Boards Report 2022-23

The Gender Balance on Australian Government Boards Report is prepared annually by the Office for Women, and reports on the Government’s performance against its gender diversity target. 

External nominations

External nominations refer to nominations made by an individual, an organisation or a number of organisations who are not the Australian Government Minister responsible for approving the appointment, or a member of their department. This may include a state or territory government or a non-government organisation and extends to appointment processes where it is either legislated or accepted practice for nominations to be provided to the Minister by external bodies. Not all nominations made by external bodies result in the appointment of that nominee, as multiple nominations may be received for the same vacancy. 

In 2022-2023 (for the period from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023), women received 71 of 157 external nominations, equating to 45.2 per cent. This is 1.2 percentage points lower than in 2021-2022, when women received 46.4 per cent of external nominations.

Table 5 lists the 62 external organisations that nominated candidates for a position on an Australian Government board in 2022-2023, the number of nominations given, and the number of and percentage of nominations given for women.

Table 5: External nominations for Australian Government board positions received in 2022-2023, by nominating organisation
Nominating OrganisationNumber of nominations given 2022-2023Number of women nominated  2022-2023Percentage of nominees who were women 2022-2023
Australian Capital Territory Government200.0
New South Wales Government14428.6
Northern Territory Government2150.0
Queensland Government11763.6
South Australian Government4250.0
Tasmanian Government3266.7
Victorian Government8337.5
Western Australian Government4125.0
New Zealand Government5240.0
Minister for Communications2150.0
Minister for Workplace Relations100.0
Tasmanian Minister for Health100.0
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet200.0
National Indigenous Australians Agency200.0
Office for Women3266.7
Chief of the Australian Defence Force200.0
Queensland Government - Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water11100.0
State and Territory Health Chief Executives100.0
South Australia Arid Lands Landscape Board200.0
Skills Senior Officials Network11100.0
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia11100.0
Pharmacy Guild of Australia2150.0
Health Consumers of Rural and Remote Australia11100.0
Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia100.0
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute7457.1
Australian Local Government Organisation100.0
Australian National University100.0
Community Housing Industry Association100.0
Customer Owned Banking Association11100.0
Grattan Institute100.0
Housing Industry Association4125.0
Master Builders Australia3266.7
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Association2150.0
National Shelter100.0
Planning Institute of Australia200.0
PowerHousing Australia22100.0
Property Council of Australia5120.0
Urban Development Institute of Australia400.0
Australian Industry Group2150.0
Business Council of Australia2150.0
Australian Council of Trade Unions8450.0
National Farmers' Federation100.0
Australian Resources and Energy Employer Association11100.0
Maritime Industry Australia Limited11100.0
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry66100.0
Independent Schools Australia100.0
The Healing Foundation4250.0
Northern Territory Stolen Generations Aboriginal Corporation22100.0
Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Link-Up Service22100.0
ACT and NSW Stolen Generations Council22100.0
The United Ngunnawal Elders Council22100.0
Australian Institute of Petroleum100.0
Truck Industry Council100.0
Bioenergy Australia11100.0
Australian Automobile Association100.0
Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries100.0
Professionals Australia100.0
Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand100.0
Desert Channels Queensland Group2150.0
Territory Natural Resource Management11100.0
Conservation Council of South Australia Inc., Queensland Conservation Council and Arid Lands Environment Centre100.0
Business Council of Australia and Property Council of Australia11100.0