PM&C Enterprise Agreement 2024-27

This Agreement is made under s172 of the Fair Work Act 2009. It covers and applies to the Secretary of PM&C (on behalf of the Commonwealth) and APS employees in PM&C, except for substantive SES employees and SES-equivalents.

Attachment B – Supported Wage System

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1. This schedule defines the condition which will apply to employees because of the effects of a disability, and are eligible for a supported wage under the terms of this agreement.

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2. In this attachment:

  • Approved assessor means a person accredited by the management unit established by the Commonwealth under the SWS to perform assessments of an individual’s productive capacity within the SWS.
  • Assessment instrument means the tool provided for under the SWS that records the assessment of the productive capacity of the person to be employed under the SWS.
  • Disability Support Pension means the Commonwealth Government pension scheme to provide income security for persons with a disability as provided under the Social Security Act 1991 (Cth), as amended from time to time, or any successor to that scheme.
  • Relevant minimum wage means the minimum wage prescribed in this Agreement for the class of work for which an employee is engaged.
  • SWS means the Commonwealth Government system to promote employment for people who cannot work at full agreement wages because of a disability, as documented in the Supported Wage System Handbook. The Handbook is available from the JobAccess website (
  • SWS wage assessment agreement means the document in the form required by the Department of Social Services that records the employee’s productive capacity and agreed wage rate.
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Eligibility Criteria

3. Employees covered by this attachment will be those who are unable to perform the range of duties to the competence level required within the classification for which the employee is engaged under this Agreement, because of the effects of a disability on their productive capacity and who meet the impairment criteria for receipt of a disability support pension.

4. This attachment does not apply to any existing employee who has a claim against the employer which is subject to the provisions of workers compensation legislation or any provision of this Agreement relating to the rehabilitation of employees who are injured in the course of their employment.

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Supported wage rates

5. Employees to whom this clause applies shall be paid the applicable percentage of the relevant minimum wage according to the following table:

Applicable percentage of relevant minimum wage paid to applicable employees

Assessed capacity [subclause (d)]Percentage of Agreement rate

6. Provided that the minimum amount payable to an employees to whom the SWS applies is not less than the amount prescribed in the National Minimum Wage Order. Note: The minimum amount payable is reviewed every year in July.

7. Where an employee’s assessed capacity is 10%, they must receive a high degree of assistance and support.

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Assessment of capacity

8. For the purposes of establishing the percentage of the relevant minimum wage, the productive capacity of the employee will be assessed in accordance with the SWS by an approved assessor, having consulted the employer and the employee, and if the employee so desires, a union which the employee is eligible to join.

9. Assessment made under this attachment must be documented in a SWS wage assessment agreement, and retained by the employer as a time and wages record in accordance with the FW Act.

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Lodgement of SWS wage assessment agreement

10. All SWS wage assessment agreements under the conditions of this attachment, including the appropriate percentage of the relevant minimum wage to be paid to the employee, must be lodged by the employer with the Fair Work Commission.

11. All SWS wage assessment agreements must be agreed and signed by the employee and employer parties to the assessment. Where a union which has an interest in this Agreement and is not a party to the assessment, the assessment will be referred by the Fair Work Commission to the union by certified mail and the agreement will take effect unless an objection is notified to the Fair Work Commission within 10 working days.

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Review of assessment

12. The assessment of the applicable percentage should be subject to annual review or more frequent review on the basis of a reasonable request for such a review. The process of review must be in accordance with the procedures for assessing capacity under the SWS.

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Other terms and conditions of employment

13. Where an assessment has been made, the applicable percentage will apply to the relevant wage rate only. Employees covered by the provisions of this attachment will be entitled to the same terms and conditions of employment as all other workers covered by this Agreement paid on a pro-rata basis.

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Workplace adjustment

14. An employer wishing to employ a person under the provisions of this attachment must take reasonable steps to make changes in the workplace to enhance the employee’s capacity to do the job. Changes may involve redesign of job duties, working time arrangements and work organisation in consultation with other workers in the area.

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Trial Period

15. In order for an adequate assessment of the employee’s capacity to be made, an employer may employ a person under the provisions of this attachment for a Trial Period not exceeding 12 weeks, except that in some cases additional work adjustment time (not exceeding 4 weeks) may be needed.

16. During that Trial Period the assessment of capacity will be undertaken and the percentage of the relevant minimum wage for a continuing employment relationship will be determined.

17. The minimum amount payable to the employee during the Trial Period must be no less than the current weekly rate, as determined by the Fair Work Commission.

18. Work trials should include induction or training as appropriate to the job being trialled.

19. Where the employer and employee wish to establish a continuing employment relationship following the completion of the Trial Period, a further contract of employment will be entered into based on the outcome of assessment under clause 8 and 9 (assessment of capacity).

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