4. Making a Public Interest Disclosure

4.1 How a Disclosure can be made

  1. Disclosures can be made verbally or in writing, including by phone and email. Disclosures can be made to:
    1. a supervisor;
    2. an Authorised Officer of PM&C; or
    3. publicinterestdisclosure@pmc.gov.au.
  2. Disclosures can be made anonymously. However, prospective disclosers should be aware that this may limit the disclosure from being properly considered under the PID Act framework.;
  3. PM&C maintains a list of current Authorised Officers on the internet which can be accessed at Public Interest Disclosure Scheme
  4. When a disclosure has been considered a PID, protections for the discloser contained in the PID Act may apply. These include:
    1. protection from reprisal action;
    2. protection from liability and disciplinary action for making the PID (see s10(1)(a) of the PID Act); and
    3. protection from contractual rights and remedies being exercised against the discloser on the basis of the PID (see s10(1)(b) of the PID Act).
  5. If the discloser has made a false or misleading disclosure, the protections will not apply.