The Quad continues to advance critical and emerging technologies to enhance the prosperity and security of the region. The Quad promotes global technology markets and standards that are governed by our shared interests and values such as openness, diversity, trust and resilience.
Open Radio Access Networks
The Quad is working to advance secure and resilient telecommunications infrastructure across the Indo-Pacific. At the 2023 Quad Leaders' Summit, Quad Leaders announced cooperation with Palau to establish a deployment of Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) capabilities, the first in the Pacific. The development of Open RAN capabilities represents a significant commitment to supporting the modernisation of telecommunications infrastructure in the Pacific.
Open RAN Security Report
The Quad has produced an Open RAN security report. The report conducted a risk-based assessment of Open RAN technology, demonstrating how Open RAN can be constructed in a manner as secure as traditional RAN networks.
Technical Experts’ Discussion - Open RAN Test Lab Frameworks
Following the development of a Memorandum of Cooperation on Open RAN announced at the 2022 Quad Leaders’ Summit in Tokyo, the Quad conducted an online workshop, convening experts in operationalising national Open RAN research and development and testing facilities. This initiative further promoted supplier diversification.
Quad Investors Network
The Quad welcomes the launch of the Quad Investors Network (the QUIN), a non-governmental network that will aim to foster private sector investment into critical and emerging technologies in Quad countries and across the Indo-Pacific.
Quad Technology Business and Investment Forum
In partnership with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), the inaugural Quad Technology Business and Investment Forum convened on 2 December 2022 in Sydney, aimed at aligning private capital with the Quad’s strategic technology interests. The forum kick-started a genuine partnership among Quad governments, technology companies and investors. The next forum will be held in the United States.
Quad Principles on Critical and Emerging Technology Standards
The Quad has published a joint statement of Principles on Critical and Emerging Technology Standards, outlining our common vision for international technology standards, underpinned by values such as transparency, openness, security and interoperability.
These principles will help to shape technology standards in cooperation with other like-minded countries who share these values.
Quad International Standards Cooperation Network (Q-ISCN)
Building on commitments made at the 2022 Quad Leaders’ Summit in Tokyo, the Quad is launching the Quad International Standards Cooperation Network (Q-ISCN) to serve as a mechanism for Quad partners to increase situational awareness, coordination, and influence in international standards development.
Horizon scanning
Through its work on horizon scanning, the Quad is recognising and affirming the important role of synthetic biology in promoting bio-manufacturing, including by exploring opportunities to expand cooperation through Track 1.0 and 1.5 dialogues.