List of recommendations

Recommendation 1

That First Nations priorities continue as a Board priority in 2024, but with a focus on significant cross-portfolio actions, milestones and accountabilities, with the active engagement of all Secretaries in setting strategic directions and priorities.

Recommendation 2

That APS reform continue as a Board priority in 2024, with a focus on strategic cross-portfolio issues, with operational matters developed through supporting governance structures that include the large service delivery agencies.

Recommendation 3

That a one-hour session at the start of each Board meeting be set aside for strategic discussion comprising;

  1. an update from the Chair on government priorities and emerging issues;
  2. an economic and fiscal update;
  3. an international and national security update;
  4. general discussion on emerging risks and strategic issues.

Recommendation 4

That the Board agree an annual work program that informs the commissioning of work and participation of others in Board meetings, and schedules consideration of items, while retaining flexibility to address emerging issues. Horizon scanning and a scenario-based exercise should form part of an annual work program.

Recommendation 5


  1. an Executive of the Board be established, comprising the Chair and Deputy Chair and two Secretaries (appointed on an annual basis), to set the Board agenda, identify item sponsors and co-optees, engage with Sub-committee chairs, provide a quality assurance check on Board papers and sign off on action items;
  2. actions arising from Board meetings are mapped and responsibilities assigned through an action register, with progress monitored and reported at each Board meeting and Secretaries providing feedback within their portfolios on relevant Board outcomes and actions.

Recommendation 6


  1. the purpose, membership and work of Board Sub-committees be considered at the annual strategy session to ensure alignment with the annual work program. Should Sub-committees be retained, there should be a clear line of sight between the work of a Sub-committee and the Board, a process to equitably allocate members and chairing responsibilities across Sub-committees, and sun-setting provisions to ensure regular review;
  2. the Chief Operating Officer (COO) Committee should be retained in its current form, but with a stronger link to the Board, both in commissioning its work and receiving reports on operational matters. A Secretary should be nominated as sponsor of the COO Committee to act as a conduit between the Board and the Committee;
  3. the Diversity and Inclusion Champions Networks should be actively supported by the Board, with Secretary level champions appointed every two years.

Recommendation 7

That the Board deploys a range of methods to enable information exchange with senior leaders in government, business and the community and with international counterparts, and that external speakers at the monthly Board meetings be limited to those instances requiring a one-way flow of information to Secretaries and where there is no ready alternative.

Recommendation 8

That Secretaries meet annually off-site for one to two days to support deeper, policy-oriented discussions and to establish the forward work program for the Board and its committees.