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For tips on your application, visit Your application.Always familiarise yourself with the requirements of the specific position you are applying for. The information below is of a general nature only.Current opportunitiesYou can find PM&C…
View our current vacancies.
View our current vacancies
Always refer to the requirements of the position you are applying for. The information below is of a general nature only.Crafting your applicationResumeYour resume should provide an overview of your most relevant experience for the advertised…
Senate order for the production of indexed lists of departmental and agency filesIn 1994, the Senate agreed to a motion by Senator Brian Harradine requiring that all Australian Government departments and agencies produce an indexed…
More information about the requirements of these Senate Orders is available on the departmental and agency appointments and grants page.PM&C portfolioNovember 2024Appointments and vacancies - DOCX 21 KB | PDF 198 KBGrants - DOCX 18 KB | PDF 183…
All of Australia’s communities need to be empowered for a successful energy transformation. However, many people remain unaware of what net zero really is, and most importantly, what it means for them and their community.We have developed a…
Building on our already strong foundations, we will continue to prioritise inclusion and diversity through the Inclusion and Diversity Action Plan. Actions will be undertaken in consultation with relevant stakeholders including Employee Networks and…
Executive SummaryThe Legislation Handbook (the handbook) provides comprehensive guidance on the requirements of the legislation process—from policy approval and drafting through to passage in the Parliament.This is the first revision of the handbook…
Documentation in relation to requests from the Greens and the Independent Members of Parliament for costing of policy proposals.
AppendixesA - Tabling MinuteReferenceTitleDate of IssueA1Government document - DOCX (27 KB)July 2024A2Government response to a Parliamentary Committee report - DOCX (32 KB)July 2024A3Ministerial…
Correspondence between the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Minister for/Department of Immigration and Border Protection relating to Somali refugee ‘Abyan’.
All documents released in part. Exempt material redacted under sections 47C…
Daily activity and status reports relating to ministerial correspondence backlogs.
Below are a range of flag images and templates for use. They are presented in a range of image formats to allow you to select the most appropriate image for your use.
If you intend to use this image for commercial use, please read the …
Gender_pay_gap_factsheet_august2021.pdf (
Proposed production of the Straits by Bala Pictures Pty Ltd and Guidelines for entry into Australia by Foreign Actors.
This week, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese welcomed the Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu, the Honourable Alatoi Ishmael Kalsakau Ma’aukora, to Australia.
This is the first time the prime ministers have met since Prime Minister Kalsakau's…
The 2024 Quad Leaders’ Summit was held in Wilmington, Delaware on 21 September 2024, hosted by the United States. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese attended with fellow Quad Leaders, President of the United States Joseph R. Biden Jr., Prime…
King Charles III has visited Australia 16 times, 15 of which he either accompanied or represented his mother, the Late Queen Elizabeth II. These visits took place in 1966, 1967, 1970, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1983…
Documents relating to dinners/lunches/function/events the Prime Minister has hosted in the Prime Ministerial dining room in Parliament House.
Documents involving Mr Obeid Jr, Mr Di Girolamo or Australian Water Holdings.
Copies of electricity bills for The Lodge since 1 January 2008.
All correspondence (excluding email) between PM&C portfolio Ministers’ Office and staff of the original Garnaut Review and/or Garnaut Review update, including but not limited to Professor Garnaut, in November 2007 to June 2011 relating to…
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