PM&C Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2023-26

This Strategy outlines the Department’s vision for enhancing the diversity of our workforce whilst embedding a culture of inclusion – a goal that is central to living our organisational values.

Our Action Plan

Building on our already strong foundations, we will continue to prioritise inclusion and diversity through the Inclusion and Diversity Action Plan. Actions will be undertaken in consultation with relevant stakeholders including Employee Networks and Inclusion and Diversity Champions.

This Action Plan will be refreshed halfway through the life of the Strategy, in mid-2024.

PILLAR ONE: A diverse & thriving workforce2nd Half 20231st Half 20242nd Half 2024Owner
1.1 Continue to implement the PM&C Reconciliation Action Plan. Develop a revised commitment to reconciliation for 2024 onwards, in line with the Government’s preferred approach to Closing the Gap.Action to be commencedAction to be commencedAction to be commencedPeople Branch: I&D, RAP Working Group, Reconciliation Champion
1.2 Define and implement an improved approach to assessment of need during on-boarding, to ensure reasonable adjustments needs can be understood and provided, where practical.Action to be commencedAction to be commenced People Branch: Wellbeing
1.3 Explore more options to support career development, advancement and sharing of lived experience such as mentoring relationships.Action to be commencedAction to be commenced People Branch: Workforce Capability
1.4 Promote thriving careers for First Nations employees. This includes targeting and promoting use of studies assistance, attendance at conferences and coaching, and ensuring our learning and development providers are diverse and culturally appropriate. Action to be commencedAction to be commencedPeople Branch: Indigenous Liaison Officer, support of Workforce Capability, local managers, Mara Network
1.5 Implement agreed outcomes of the Cultural Diversity Sprint Project, undertaken in early 2023 to identify how PM&C can promote and grow cultural diversity at all levels, and strengthen cross-cultural capability in our public policy craft. Action to be commencedAction to be commencedTo be determined
1.6 Design and trial bulk Affirmative Measure Indigenous and Disability recruitment rounds (in consultation with Mara and Ability Networks), leveraging best practice knowledge from across the APS to attract more diverse candidates.  Action to be commenced

People Branch: Recruitment, I&D 

Mara Network and      
Ability Network

PILLAR TWO: Positive employee experience2nd Half 20231st Half 20242nd Half 2024Owner
2.1 Refresh induction to include information about our inclusion and diversity commitment, supports, professional development options and networks, including specific reference to targeted offerings for staff of diverse backgrounds (e.g. additional studies assistance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees).Action to be commenced  People Branch: Workforce Capability
2.2 Develop a manager guide which goes to facilitating discussions with staff on preferred working and communication styles.Action to be commencedAction to be commenced People Branch: Workforce Capability
2.3 Facilitate annual Love Your Networks Day event, enabling Networks to increase membership and awareness. Action to be commenced Networks/Champions, supported by People Branch
2.4 Develop a communication campaign focused on showcasing employees from different cultural backgrounds and social identities. Action to be commenced People Branch: I&D, Networks, Communications Branch
2.5 Champions/COO facilitate annual Listening/ask me anything sessions with Networks and staff, to learn from lived experience of employees of diverse backgrounds in PM&C. Action to be commencedAction to be commencedChampions & COO. Supported by People Branch: I&D
2.6 Ensure recruitment experience is culturally appropriate and accessible for all candidates, through improved panel guidance and training (including from our Indigenous Liaison Officer and Reasonable Adjustments Officer). Action to be commencedAction to be commenced

People Branch: I&D, Recruitment and Wellbeing

Indigenous Liaison    
Officer and Reasonable    
Adjustments Officer

2.7 Develop a consistent mechanism for Networks to welcome new Network members and seek input and assistance from members and across Networks, to limit pressure on Network Executives. Action to be commencedAction to be commencedNetworks/Champions, People Branch: I&D
2.8 Seek an external provider to review PM&C's property for accessibility.  Action to be commencedPeople Branch: I&D and Property

PILLAR THREE: Inclusive Work Processes, Policy & Systems
2nd Half 20231st Half 20242nd Half 2024Owner
3.1 Review the PM&C Gender Affirmation and Transitioning Policy.Action to be commenced  People Branch: Wellbeing
3.2 Refresh the PM&C Recruitment Panel Register to ensure we have a range of people from across the department of diverse backgrounds ready to participate on recruitment selection panels.Action to be commenced  People Branch: Recruitment
3.3 Improve our recruitment marketing material and campaigns to promote PM&C as an employer of choice and inclusion to attract diverse candidates. Action to be commencedAction to be commencedCommunications Branch, People Branch: I&D
3.4 Revise the PM&C Indigenous Cultural Protocols Guide. Action to be commencedAction to be commencedPeople Branch: I&D, Networks
3.5 Establish a Disability and Neurodiversity Protocols Guide. Action to be commencedAction to be commencedPeople Branch: I&D, Networks
3.6 Refresh the PM&C Inclusive Meeting Guidelines and launch an Inclusive and Effective Meetings campaign.  Action to be commencedPeople Branch: I&D, Communications Branch
PILLAR FOUR: Improved inclusion & diversity capability2nd Half 20231st Half 20242nd Half 2024Owner
4.1 Agree a list of industry events/conference options and an associated funding model, to support the professional development of diverse employees and stay current with best practice trends and strategies to promote cultural safety and integrity. May include, for example, Garma Festival, Pride in Diversity Conference, the Indigenous Leadership Summit, and Australian Network on Disability Annual Conference.Action to be commenced  People Branch: I&D, Networks and Champions
4.2 Define the ongoing scope and funding arrangements for PM&C’s Indigenous Liaison Officer (ILO) role.Action to be commenced  People Branch: I&D, COO
4.3 Develop a forward planned annual Inclusion, Diversity and cultural intelligence training program to include in the PM&C Corporate Training Calendar, where appropriate aligned with diversity dates of significance.Action to be commencedAction to be commenced People Branch: I&D
4.4 Increase SES participation in inclusion and diversity training and events through improved forward planning and Champion influence.Action to be commencedAction to be commencedAction to be commencedExecutive Board, SES leaders, Champions
4.5 Champions connect with industry experts in inclusion and/or diversity to uplift their capability and knowledge and participate in APS wide Champion bodies and networks.Action to be commencedAction to be commencedAction to be commencedChampions
PILLAR FIVE: Good governance2nd Half 20231st Half 20242nd Half 2024Owner
5.1 Formally promote the benefits of self-identifying diversity status in Aurion, including the new CALD identifier, quarterly.Action to be commencedAction to be commencedAction to be commencedPeople Branch: Analytics, Networks
5.2 Seek to influence the APSC to review the demographic information collected in the APS Employee Census to identify CALD representation in the APS and PM&C.Action to be commenced  People Branch: I&D and CALD Network
5.3 Review and revise the Terms of Reference for the Inclusion and Diversity Committee, and the Networks, to align with this Strategy. Action to be commencedAction to be commencedPeople Branch: I&D, in consultation with Champions/Networks
5.4 Agree a Champions role description statement to clarify responsibilities, in particular their role in overseeing Networks. Action to be commencedAction to be commencedPeople Branch: I&D, in consultation with Champions/Networks
5.5 Develop an Inclusion Diversity Committee reporting dashboard to include employee representation rates, progress report on this Action Plan, and updates from each Champion/Network provided biannually. Action to be commencedAction to be commencedPeople Branch: I&D and Analytics
5.6 Complete suite of Network online dashboards in PowerBI to inform SES, People Branch, Champions and Networks of real time diversity metrics (Gender, Indigenous and Disability existing, others to be added where practical). Action to be commencedAction to be commencedPeople Branch: Analytics
5.7 Explore options and benefits for internal diversity targets across all diversity groups.  Action to be commencedPeople Branch: I&D