Care and support economy

The government is working toward a vision of a sustainable and productive care and support economy that delivers quality care and support with quality jobs.

The care and support economy is one of the fastest growing parts of the Australian economy.

To meet this growing demand, a significant reform agenda is underway across different parts of the sectors that make up the care and support economy - aged care, early childhood education and care, veterans’ care and disability support.

This work is already helping to deliver quality care and support, and quality jobs, and is making sure the systems and processes that support the care and support economy are productive and sustainable into the future.

The Australian Government is working toward a vision across all care and support economy sectors for:

  • Person-centred care and support that recognise those accessing it as individuals and deliver quality outcomes.
  • Secure, safe jobs with fair wages, conditions and opportunities for career development.
  • Systems of care and support are effective and sustainable and harness innovation to generate efficiency gains that do not compromise quality of services.

Care and support economy reform at a glance

Care and support economy state of play

There are some common issues facing all parts of the care and support economy, such as workforce shortages. To make sure these are addressed, the Government is taking a coordinated approach to policy design and service delivery.

The Care and Support Economy Reform Unit has been established within PM&C to oversee the coordinated implementation of reforms through strong policy stewardship and strategic coordination. The Unit will focus on improving the alignment of policies, programs, and actions across the care and support economy and tracking the implementation of reforms.

The Unit will continue to engage with state and territory governments, the public, and key stakeholders as reforms progress.

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Care and support economy

Care and support economy – state of play

Care and support economy

Care and support economy reform at a glance