Cabinet Handbook - 15th edition

The Prime Minister and Cabinet Secretary have released the latest edition of the Cabinet Handbook. The Cabinet Handbook sets out the structure, practices and processes of the Government’s Cabinet and its committees.

Annex G - Cabinet Committees

  1. In settling Cabinet arrangements, it is open to the Prime Minister of the day to adopt the organisation and system he or she wishes, subject only to the provisions of the Ministers of State Act 1952. The Ministry, the Cabinet and Cabinet Committees are all elements of the Cabinet system.
  2. Submissions brought forward to a Cabinet Committee should align with the terms of reference for that Cabinet Committee.
  3. Cabinet Committee minutes and their supporting submissions are then usually listed for endorsement by the Cabinet. Examples of exceptions include ERC Budget minutes, which are held over and endorsed by the Cabinet at Budget Cabinet just prior to the Budget announcement, unless early endorsement is required for urgent implementation.
  4. Generally, the procedures and processes, including the submission and consultation processes required by Cabinet Committees mirror those of the Cabinet. The key difference is that, with the exception of the Parliamentary Business Committee of Cabinet (PBC) and the National Security Committee of Cabinet (NSC), Cabinet Committee decisions are not final and must be endorsed or considered by the Cabinet before they become operative. The PBC and NSC may, however, decide that a particular matter within their authority should be referred to the Cabinet for endorsement.
  5. Officials and advisers may attend Cabinet Committee meetings, although the numbers and seniority of attendees are restricted. Requests for attendance by advisers and officials require the specific agreement of the Cabinet Secretary.
  6. Where the Prime Minister does not Chair a Cabinet Committee, Chairs are supported by the Cabinet Division.

Endorsement of Cabinet Committee minutes

  1. The Cabinet Committee system is designed to ensure that outcomes are reached after thorough discussion and on the basis of consensus. The Cabinet’s endorsement of Cabinet Committee minutes is a formal process not usually involving the re‐opening of discussion. Cabinet Committee Chairs will advise the Cabinet Secretary where Cabinet Committee minutes require discussion so that they can be identified for discussion on the Cabinet agenda. Other ministers may also advise the Cabinet Secretary that they wish to discuss a Cabinet Committee minute in the Cabinet (noting that if the request is made by a non‐Cabinet minister then that minister would be co‐opted to the Cabinet’s discussion, subject to agreement by the Cabinet Secretary). The matter may then be raised for discussion when the Cabinet Committee minute is brought forward to the Cabinet for endorsement.
  2. Changes of substance are not normally made in endorsing a Cabinet Committee minute unless the minister responsible seeks an amendment.
  3. If a matter of substance is raised, the Cabinet may refer the matter back to the Cabinet Committee for further consideration. Similarly, if there is a Cabinet request for an additional submission, or for a corrigendum to a document already before it, the matter may be returned to the appropriate Cabinet Committee for consideration before being considered by the Cabinet again.

Current Cabinet Committees

  1. There are six Cabinet Committees and two Cabinet subcommittees. Additional Cabinet Committees may be set up by the Prime Minister from time to time for particular purposes.

Expenditure Review Committee (ERC)

MembersTerms of Reference
Prime Minister (Chair) 
Mr Marles  
Senator Wong  
Mr Chalmers (Deputy Chair)  
Senator Gallagher  
Mr Butler  
Ms C King  
Ms Rowland  
Mr Jones

The ERC considers new expenditure and revenue proposals during and between Budget updates, including gender responsive budgeting.

*Decisions of the ERC require the endorsement of the Cabinet

National Security Committee (NSC)

MembersTerms of Reference
Prime Minister (Chair)  
Mr Marles (Deputy Chair) 
Senator Wong  
Mr Chalmers  
Senator Gallagher  
Mr Bowen  
Mr Dreyfus  
Ms O’Neil  
Mr Conroy

The NSC considers the highest-priority, highest-risk and most strategic national security matters of the day.

*Decisions of the NSC do not require the endorsement of the Cabinet

**Decisions with financial implications are endorsed through a joint meeting of the NSC and ERC

Parliamentary Business Committee (PBC)

MembersTerms of Reference
Mr Burke (Chair)  
(Leader of the House)  
Senator Wong (Deputy Chair)  
(Leader of Govt in the Senate)  
Senator Gallagher  
(Manager of Govt Business in the Senate)  
Mr Butler  
(Deputy Leader of the House)  
Mr Gorman

The PBC considers priorities for the Government’s legislation program.

*Decisions of the PBC do not require the endorsement of the Cabinet

Priority and Delivery Committee (PDC)

MembersTerms of Reference
Prime Minister (Chair)  
Mr Chalmers  
Senator Gallagher (Deputy Chair)

The PDC provides regular oversight of the delivery of key Government policies and priorities.

*Decisions of the PDC require the endorsement of the Cabinet

Government Communications Subcommittee

MembersTerms of Reference
Senator Gallagher (Chair)  
Senator Farrell  
Ms Plibersek  
Mr Clare (Deputy Chair)  
Mr Gorman

The GCS provides oversight and coordination of Government advertising campaigns.

*Decisions of the GCS require the endorsement of the Cabinet

**The GCS is a subcommittee of the PDC

National Security Investment Subcommittee (NSIS)

MembersTerms of Reference
Senator Gallagher (Chair) 
Mr Marles (Deputy Chair) 
Ms O’Neil  
Mr Conroy

The NSIS considers lower-risk, operational and technical National Security matters which are primarily financial in nature, however may also include policy considerations.

*Decisions of the NSIS require the endorsement of the NSC

*The NSIS is a subcommittee of the NSC

Constitutional Recognition Committee (CRC)

MembersTerms of Reference
Ms Burney (Chair) 
Senator Farrell 
Ms Rishworth 
Mr Dreyfus (Deputy Chair) 
Senator Watt  
Mr Thistlethwaite  
Mr Gorman  
Ms M King 
Senator McAllister  
Senator McCarthy 
Senator Dodson

The CRC focuses on advancing the Constitutional recognition of First Nations peoples, including an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

*Decisions of the CRC require the endorsement of the Cabinet

**Senator Dodson attending in role as Special Envoy for Reconciliation and the Implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart

Net Zero Economy Committee (NZEC)

MembersTerms of Reference
Mr Albanese (Chair) 
Mr Bowen (Deputy Chair) 
Mr Chalmers 
Senator Gallagher 
Ms C King 
Ms M King 
Senator Watt 
Mr Husic

The NZEC considers policy matters that will realise the opportunities of Australia’s net zero transformation, including cross-cutting economic, climate, regional and industry policy issues.

*Decisions of the NZEC require the endorsement of the Cabinet