Cabinet Handbook - 15th edition

The Prime Minister and Cabinet Secretary have released the latest edition of the Cabinet Handbook. The Cabinet Handbook sets out the structure, practices and processes of the Government’s Cabinet and its committees.


Cabinet government is founded on the principle of collective decision-making which is rooted in ancient tradition.

Set in a mosaic within the Victorian Parliament, which housed the Commonwealth Parliament from Federation until 1927, is a verse from Proverbs 11: 'where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.' Underlying this phrase—intended as a reference to parliamentary government, but equally applicable to Cabinet—is the ancient idea that collective decision-making produces better decisions.

Collective decision-making has underpinned governance in many Australian Indigenous societies for thousands of years. The Yolŋu people of Arnhem Land, for example, call their system of law Madayin. In decision-making, the rom djägamirr (law keepers who are the selected representatives), must become ŋayaŋu waŋganydhirr—that is, all persons must become one with others.1

For more than 70 years, successive Australian Governments have issued a Cabinet Handbook which sets out procedures giving effect to the continuing principle of collective responsibility.

Cabinet and its committee system evolve to allow governments to consider matters that relate to the particular circumstances they are faced with, and progress the matters that the community want them to take forward.

This 15th edition of the Cabinet Handbook sets out processes that entrench inclusivity at the heart of the Cabinet system, giving effect to our commitment to the constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Constitution, and helping achieve greater gender equality.

The Cabinet is committed to making progress for all Australians. The principles set out in this Handbook will support the Government in this endeavour. 

We encourage all those involved in Cabinet process to strictly adhere to the guidance it provides.

The Hon Anthony Albanese MP  
Prime Minister

The Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP  
Cabinet Secretary

1 Aboriginal Research and Development Services Inc, Mägayamirr – A Foundational Principle of the Yolŋu Legal and Governmental Systems, Information Paper Number 2 (1993).