Request for anniversary message

Provide the details of the wedding anniversary or birthday using our online form.

Details of person making this request

Details of person/couple celebrating birthday/anniversary

Anniversary Optional
Birthday Optional

Recipient's details

First person's details

Second person's details

Message recipient(s) residential address
State Optional

Details of where anniversary message should be sent

Postal address Optional
State Optional
(messages cannot be posted more than one month prior to the occasion)

Supporting documentation/information

Visit supporting documentation (link opens in a new window) for a list of acceptable documents.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx, zip.
Was this request submitted through a parliamentarian office? Optional

Anniversary messages Privacy Collection Notice

This Notice supplements the information contained in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s (the Department) Privacy Policy.

Why we collect information

The Department supports the issuing of anniversary messages (also known as congratulatory messages) from the Prime Minister of Australia to Australian citizens and permanent residents celebrating an eligible birthday or wedding anniversary. We also work with Government House in Canberra to facilitate messages from The King and the Governor-General, and with State and Territory government agencies to help facilitate messages from relevant dignitaries (such as State Governors, Premiers and Territory Chief Ministers).

Who we collect information from

To arrange anniversary messages, the Department collects personal information from:

  • Recipients of messages – i.e.: individuals or couples celebrating a significant anniversary and for whom the message is intended; and
  • Requesters of messages – i.e.: individuals who make a request for a message on behalf of a recipient or recipients.

What type of information is collected

The type of personal information collected by the Department can vary depending on who makes a request for an anniversary message.

Where a request is made by:

  • The Recipient/s themselves: the information we collect generally includes the recipient/s name (including titles), contact details, date of birth or date of wedding (depending on occasion) and copies of supporting documentation such as birth or wedding certificates. This information is used to ensure the message is addressed correctly and the details in the messages are accurate.
  • A Requester (on behalf of a recipient): in addition to information about the intended Recipient/s (above) we may also collect limited personal information about the person making the request (such as their name, contact details and relationship to the recipient/s). We collect details of the person making the request so that:
    • we can clarify any inconsistencies or ambiguities in the information provided without the need to approach the recipient directly. Such messages are often being arranged as a surprise for the intended recipient/s.
    • if duplicate requests are received (sometimes one or more individuals make requests for the same recipient/s for a particular anniversary), we can contact a subsequent requester to let them know that a request for the same recipient/s has been received.

The personal information collected by the Department through these processes is used to facilitate the issuing of accurate and timely anniversary messages from the Prime Minister. It is also used to enable anniversary messages to be issued from The King, the Governor-General, Federal and State Parliamentarians, and other State or Territory dignitaries, where applicable.

If some of the information is not provided, we may not be able to process a request for an anniversary message, or the message may not be issued in time for the anniversary.

How we use and disclose information

The information collected by the Department is used to facilitate the issuing of anniversary messages from the Prime Minister and dignitaries to the intended recipients (i.e.: those celebrating an eligible anniversary).

Unless there is a specific written request for this not to occur, the Department may also provide personal information about the recipient and requester (if applicable) to:

  • Government House in Canberra for the purpose of facilitating congratulatory messages from The King and the Governor-General (where the occasion being celebrated is eligible for such messages);
  • a recipient’s Federal Parliamentarians, so that they may also issue an anniversary message;
  • State and Territory Members of Parliament;
  • State Premiers’ Departments and Territory Chief Ministers’ Departments; and
  • the offices of State Governors and the Northern Territory Administrator.

We do this to reduce the need for requesters to make separate multiple applications about the same occasion. The Department will only use and disclose the personal information it has collected for a secondary purpose where we are authorised or permitted to do so by law.

How we collect information

Requests for anniversary messages, with supporting documentary evidence, can be received in a variety of formats, including through online forms, email and in hard copy.

The information is generally provided to us by the recipients, individuals known to the recipients (such as family members and friends who are making a request on their behalf), or through local parliamentarians and other government agencies.

Our Website and Online Communications Privacy Collection Notice provides further detail about our collection of personal information when individuals interact with us through our website or online portals.

How we safeguard personal information

The Department takes seriously its obligations to protect the personal information it holds. We take reasonable steps to protect personal information collected through these processes against misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. These steps include:

  • classifying and storing records securely as per Australian government security guidelines;
  • internal access to information is on a ‘need to know’ basis and only by authorised personnel;
  • monitoring system access which can only be accessed by authenticated credentials;
  • ensuring our buildings are secure; and
  • regularly updating and auditing our storage and data security systems.

The personal information collected by the Department to facilitate the issuing of anniversary messages is stored in electronic form on our secure servers based in Australia. Electronic records are retained in accordance with the Department’s obligations under the Archives Act 1983 and Privacy Act 1988.

Contact us

If you have any questions you can email us at: or call on 02 6271 5620.

Alternatively, you can write to us at:

Anniversary Messages
Government Division
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 
PO Box 6500 

More information about how the Department handles personal information is in our Privacy Policy. It contains information about how you can seek access or corrections of your personal information. It also explains how you can make a complaint about how we have handled your personal information.

Contact: Privacy Officer – Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Post: The Privacy Contact Office
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
PO Box 6500