Review of the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 submissions

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet received 47 written submissions in response to the Review of the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 addressing the Terms of Reference.

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet received 47 written submissions in response to the Review of the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 addressing the Terms of Reference. Submissions closed on 1 July 2022. Public submissions are available below.

We have redacted personal information from submissions made anonymously where individuals could be reasonably identified.

The Department is grateful for the assistance and input from everyone who engaged with the MoP(S) Act Review.


The views or opinions expressed in submissions are those of the author.

The Department does not adopt or endorse any comments expressed in submissions. The Department is publishing the submissions to inform public debate and scrutiny of the conduct of the consultations.

The Commonwealth does not warrant the truth or accuracy of the content of any submission and no person should rely on the content of any submission without undertaking their own independent inquiries.

If a person has any concerns about the publication of a submission, they should contact us via or our contact form. Where those concerns relate to an individual’s privacy, the Department’s Privacy Officer should be cc’d (

The Department will investigate and, if appropriate, remove the content.


To ensure that the privacy of individuals is protected in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988, and that the Commonwealth complies with other legal obligations, some submissions may be published with certain details redacted or removed (for example, names, addresses and phone numbers). There may be some minor formatting changes as a result.

Further information about how the Department handles and protects personal information is contained in the Department's Privacy Policy.

Submission number Submitter (Individual/Organisation) Attachment
2 Anonymous Anonymous submission
3 Mark Gilligan Mark Gilligan
4 Anonymous Anonymous submission
5 Andrew Podger AO Andrew Podger AO
5 Andrew Podger AO Supplementary Andrew Podger AO Supplementary
7 Anonymous Anonymous submission
8 Anonymous Anonymous submission
9 Anonymous Anonymous submission
10 Dr Maria Maley Dr Maria Maley
10 Dr Maria Maley Supplementary Dr Maria Maley Supplementary
13 Anonymous Anonymous submission
14 Melanie Leigh Roberts Melanie Leigh Roberts
15 Travis Jordan Travis Jordan
16 Phil Browne Phil Browne
17 Anonymous Anonymous submission
18 Anonymous Anonymous submission
19 Anonymous Anonymous submission
21 Anonymous Anonymous submission
22 Anonymous Anonymous submission
23 Anonymous Anonymous submission
24 Victorian Women Lawyers Association Inc Victorian Women Lawyers Association Inc
25 Anonymous Anonymous submission
26 Anonymous Anonymous submission
27 Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority
28 Emeritus Professor William Maley AM FASSA FAIIA and Mr Michael Maley PSM Emeritus Professor William Maley AM FASSA FAIIA and Mr Michael Maley PSM
29 Dr. Marie dela Rama - UTS Business School Dr. Marie dela Rama - UTS Business School
30 Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU)
31 Anonymous Anonymous submission
34 Peter Woolcott AO, Parliamentary Service Commissioner Peter Woolcott AO, Parliamentary Service Commissioner
35 Anonymous Anonymous submission
36 Anonymous Anonymous submission
37 Anonymous Anonymous submission
39 Gordon Legal Gordon Legal
42 Department of Finance Department of Finance
38 Fiona Scott Fiona Scott