COVID-19 related recognition with Australian honours

Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the strength of many volunteers and professionals working tirelessly on the front line and behind the scenes to care for Australians in need.

COVID-19 related recognition with Australian honours

Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented and inspiring. The past few years have highlighted the strength of Australians, with many volunteers and professionals working tirelessly on the front line and behind the scenes to care for Australians in need.

On 24 January 2021 the then Prime Minister stated “The pandemic has challenged our nation in a way we have not seen since World War Two, yet we have seen the best of Australia as we have come together, helping one another to keep us safe.”

“There has been heartbreaking loss and hardship but our overall success has been built on the incredible sacrifices of many. From health professionals providing critical care to COVID-19 patients or those in aged care, mental health counsellors, to workers going above and beyond to keep critical services and the economy going.”

“If you know someone who has made an outstanding contribution, on the front-line or behind the scenes, I urge you to consider nominating them for an award.”

Video transcript: Recognising outstanding achievement in the COVID-19 response through the Australian Honours system - DOCX 12 KB

Recognising outstanding contributions

Your local council or state or territory government will have ways to recognise those in your community who have contributed to the response. But for those who have given an extraordinary contribution, there is also the Australian honours system.

Individuals recognised for their contribution, service or achievement relating to COVID-19 will be featured on a dedicated COVID-19 honours roll which is on the Governor-General’s website and the searchable Australian honours database from the Queen's Birthday 2022 onwards.

Five separate images of people in a row and wrapped in thick yellow border. From left is a women dressed as a health worker, a women holding cleaning chemicals, a man in a white coat, a woman in a pink dress and a person in a military uniform.

Public nominations – The Order of Australia

The Order of Australia recognises individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service or exceptional achievement in any field of endeavour or service.

Anyone can nominate someone for the Order of Australia at any time. If you know someone who has contributed extraordinarily, you can nominate them by completing the Order of Australia nomination form.

This contribution could include:

  • health professionals providing critical care to COVID-19 patients or older Australians in aged care
  • researchers and scientists developing health innovations to protect Australians from the virus
  • frontline workers going above and beyond to keep critical services and the economy going
  • volunteers supporting vulnerable members of our community, older Australians and those feeling isolated

Nominations are considered by the Council for the Order of Australia which makes a recommendation to the Governor-General.

If you need assistance completing the nomination form, contact Government House on on 02 6283 3604 or email


A man wearing a face mask, face shield and protective wear points a temperature checking device at the forehead of a woman with long brown hair. In the background is another person dressed like the man.

Organisation nominations - Meritorious Service Awards

There are also Australian honours for meritorious recognition of specific occupational-based groups, such as the police and emergency responders. Only Chief Officers of the relevant employing organisations can nominate someone for a relevant occupation-based award.

A woman wearing a police uniform and cap and a mask and safety goggles faces the camera. In the background is a road and trees.

Meritorious Service Awards include:

Chief Officers are encouraged to nominate exceptional individuals from their organisation who have gone above and beyond in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Governor-General makes these awards on the recommendation of the responsible state, territory or Commonwealth minister.

Further information is available on the Governor-General’s Meritorious Service Awards page.

A woman wearing a mask, goggles and protective clothing puts a long stick in the mouth of another woman who sits in a car. In the background is foliage.

When are awards announced?

Honours are announced annually in January and in June.

Individuals recognised for their contribution, service or achievement relating to COVID-19 will be featured on a dedicated COVID-19 honours roll. They will also be included on the Governor-General’s website and the official Australian honours database from The Queen’s Birthday 2022, onwards.

A list of the recipients and their citation is available on the Governor-General’s website. Recipients who have agreed to be identified can be searched through the Australian honours database.