Inclusive recruitment

PM&C is committed to supporting the employment of people with disability and takes measures to ensure they can work at any level.

People living with disability

The RecruitAbility Scheme

RecruitAbility is a scheme which aims to attract and develop candidates with disability to the APS. PM&C is committed to supporting the employment of people with disability and this scheme is applied to all our vacancies regardless of level. More details about the RecruitAbility scheme can be found at the Australian Public Service Commission’s website.

When you select ‘opt-in’ to RecruitAbility on your online application form, you will be progressed to the second assessment stage if you:

  • Identify as having a disability
  • Choose to opt into the scheme
  • Meet the minimum job requirements for the vacancy.

You do not need to provide further information or evidence of your disability to opt into the scheme, but you are making a declaration to the APS that you are living with disability. Following this the recruitment process proceeds as usual.

Affirmative Measures – Disability

Vacancies that are advertised as ‘Affirmative measure – Disability’ are only open to people living with disability and in some cases but not commonly, a particular type of disability. These roles help to grow representation of people with disability in PM&C and the APS. They are not restricted to working on disability related matters. For more information see Affirmative Measures Disability on the APSC website.

To apply you must provide evidence of your disability, which could include one of the following:

  • a certificate or letter from a medical practitioner
  • a letter from a Disability Employment Service provider or JobAccess provider, or if these documents are not available,
  • a statutory declaration signed by the individual stating they have a disability.

Evidence of disability does not need to include information about the type of disability, unless the vacancy itself has been restricted to persons with a particular type of disability. This information is managed sensitively.

Disability is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics definition and is a current limitation, restriction or impairment, which has lasted, or is likely to last, for at least six months and restricts everyday activities. Refer to a list of disabilities this definition may include.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

Identified Positions

Vacancies may be described as ‘Identified positions’ to signify that the role/s require an understanding of the issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Also required is an ability to communicate sensitively and effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. The intent is to attract applicants who have appropriate skills, attributes and experience to work effectively on Indigenous issues.

Anyone can apply for these roles if they can address the required level of Indigenous cultural competency within their application and further assessments. For more information, see the Identified Positions on the APSC website.

Affirmative Measures – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Vacancies advertised as ‘Affirmative Measures —Indigenous employment’ are only open to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. This helps to support and grow Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment in PM&C and the APS. These roles are not restricted to working on Indigenous matters. For more information see Affirmative Measures-Indigenous on the APSC website.

To be eligible to apply for an affirmative measure role, you must provide evidence that you are an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person as part of the application process. For example:

  • a letter signed and executed by the Chairperson of an incorporated Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander organisation confirming you are recognised as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person, or
  • confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent form executed by an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisation, or
  • a statutory declaration made by you or a member of an Indigenous Service Provider confirming you are recognised as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person.

This information is managed sensitively.