Cabinet Handbook - 15th edition

The Prime Minister and Cabinet Secretary have released the latest edition of the Cabinet Handbook. The Cabinet Handbook sets out the structure, practices and processes of the Government’s Cabinet and its committees.

Annex I - Appointments process

  1. Ministers must ensure proposals reach the Prime Minister’s office at least 15 working days before the Cabinet meeting at which the appointment may be raised for consideration. Proposals should be submitted in advance of the time the position is to be filled, but by no more than three months. For appointments which require Federal Executive Council consideration, calculations of the lead time must take into account the cut‐off dates for submission of items for the Federal Executive Council schedule.

Proposals for appointments

  1. In submitting proposals to the Prime Minister, ministers must provide an account of the selection process. This includes whether the position has been advertised, and, if it has not, the reason for that decision. Where the minister recommends reappointment, the justification for doing so should be included. Any urgency or sensitivity relating to the position or the proposed appointment must be explained.
  2. If the position is subject to a merit and transparency process, the minister’s letter should outline how that process was applied. See the Government’s Merit and Transparency Policy for further information.
  3. In proposing appointments to a Government Business Enterprise, ministers are to follow the procedures set out in the Department of Finance guidelines: Resource Management Guide 126: Government Business Enterprises.
  4. The Minister’s proposal should also confirm that:
    1. the nominee is appropriately qualified and has experience relevant to the vacancy
    2. the appointment would conform with any applicable legislation
    3. due regard has been paid to gender, diversity and geographic balance in the organisations’ membership
    4. the necessary consultation with other ministerial colleagues, or state or territory counterparts has occurred (nominating ministers should consult relevant ministerial colleagues when proposing a nominee already employed in another portfolio to a position within their own portfolio; or where a state or territory public servant is being considered for appointment to a part‐time position, the relevant premier, chief minister or state or territory minister should also be consulted).
  5. Every appointment proposal to the Prime Minister must be accompanied by the following attachments (templates are available from the Cabinet Division):
    1. an Appointment for Cabinet Form, irrespective of whether the particular appointment is a nominee for Cabinet consideration
    2. a completed and signed Private Interests Declaration
    3. an up‐to‐date curriculum vitae (one to two pages)
    4. a current membership list of the relevant organisation, except where the position is a single-office holder.
  6. Departments and agencies are required to provide these attachments to the Cabinet Division for clearance prior to the minister’s letter being sent to the Prime Minister. Failure to do so may result in delays to the appointment process.
  7. The procedures to be followed for reappointments are the same as those for appointments.

Early announcement

  1. No public announcement should be made prior to an appointment being made by written instrument.
  2. Where an appointment is yet to be made by the Governor‐General, approval for early announcement may be sought in exceptional circumstances. This approval can only be obtained following consultation with the Federal Executive Council Secretariat (located in the Cabinet Division).