Unlocking the Prevention Potential: accelerating action to end domestic, family and sexual violence


  1. Department of Social Services (DSS) National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, DSS, Australian Government, 2022; Department of Social Services (DSS) National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022, DSS, Australian Government, 2011; Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C), Working for Women: A Strategy for Gender Equality, PM&C, Australian Government, 2024. Return to footnote 1
  2. A Albanese, No more: National rally against gender based violence march [speech], Canberra, 28 April 2024. Return to footnote 2
  3. Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC), Homicide in Australia [data set], AIC website, 2024. Return to footnote 3
  4. Australian Senate, Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, Missing and murdered First Nations women and children, (Final report), Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, Commonwealth of Australia, 2024. Return to footnote 4
  5. Our Watch, Change the story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence against women in Australia, 2nd edn. Our Watch, 2021. Return to footnote 5
  6. W Mundy, Independent Review of the National Legal Assistance Partnership (2022 – 2025) – Final Report, Attorney-General’s Department, Australian Government, 2024. Return to footnote 6
  7. Department of Social Services (DSS), First Action Plan 2023-2027, DSS, Australian Government, 2023. Action 6: Improve action to prevent and address sexual violence and harassment in all settings, across the four domains of the National Plan. Return to footnote 7
  8. A Albanese, No more: National rally against gender based violence march [speech], Canberra, 28 April 2024. Return to footnote 8
  9. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), ‘Table 29 – Victims of family and domestic violence related offences by sex, Australia, 2014–2023’, Recorded Crime – Victims, 2023 [table], ABS website, 2024. Return to footnote 9
  10. Domestic Violence Death Review Team (DVDRT),Domestic Violence Death Review Team Report 2021-2023, Domestic Violence Death Review Team, New South Wales (NSW) Government, 2024. Return to footnote 10
  11. H Miles and S Bricknell, Homicide in Australia 2022-23, Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC), Australian Government, 2024, p22. Return to footnote 11
  12. Sherele Moody Femicide Watch, ‘<3 SHE MATTERS: UNNAMED WOMAN! <3…’ [Instagram Post], 14 August 2024. Femicide Watch monitors media reports of all violent deaths of women and children in Australia (most but not all of which are DFSV related), noting here the potential limitations in relation to missing and murdered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women whose disappearances and murders are not always reported by the media which this data source relies on. We note that the above figure relates only to women who have died in Australia, creating a slight disparity in figures found on the Femicide Watch data. Return to footnote 12
  13. ABS, ‘Table 29 – Victims of family and domestic violence related offences by sex, Australia, 2014–2023’, Recorded Crime – Victims, 2023 [table] ABS website, 2024. Return to footnote 13
  14. Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, ‘Missing and murdered First Nations women and children, Australian Government, August 2024. Return to footnote 14
  15. ABS, Experiences of Violence and Personal Safety of People with Disability, ABS Website, 2016. Return to footnote 15
  16. Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network (ADFVDRN) and Australian National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network data report: Filicides in a domestic and family violence context 2010–2018, Research report, 06/2024, ANROWS, 2024. Return to footnote 16
  17. DVDRT, Domestic Violence Death Review Team Report 2021-2023, DVDRT, NSW Government, 2024. Return to footnote 17
  18. ADFVDRN and ANROWS, ‘Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network data report: Filicides in a domestic and family violence context 2010–2018,Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network Data Report, 1st edn, ANROWS, 2024. Return to footnote 18
  19. ADFVDRN and ANROWS, ‘Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network data report: Filicides in a domestic and family violence context 2010–2018,Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network Data Report, 1st edn, ANROWS, 2024. Return to footnote 19
  20. ADFVDRN and ANROWS, Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network data report: Filicides in a domestic and family violence context 2010–2018, Research report, 06/2024, ANROWS, 2024. Return to footnote 20
  21. Australian Senate, Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, Missing and murdered First Nations women and children, (Final report), Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, Commonwealth of Australia, 2024. Return to footnote 21
  22. Australian Senate, Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, Missing and murdered First Nations women and children, (Final report), Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, Commonwealth of Australia, 2024. Return to footnote 22
  23. National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), Closing the Gap Report, NIAA, Australian Government, 2020. Return to footnote 23
  24. ANROWS, Promoting community-led responses to violence against immigrant and refugee women in metropolitan and regional Australia: The ASPIRE Project, ANROWS website, 2016. Return to footnote 24
  25. A Albanese, International Women’s Day parliamentary breakfast [speech transcript], Parliament House, 7 February 2024. Return to footnote 25
  26. Our Watch, ANROWS and VicHealth, Change the story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia, Our Watch, 2015. Return to footnote 26
  27. Our Watch, ANROWS and VicHealth, Change the story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia, Our Watch, 2015; World Health Organization (WHO) and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women: Taking action and generating evidence, WHO, 2010; European Commission, Factors at play in the perpetration of violence against women, violence against children and sexual orientation violence: A multi-level interactive model, European Commission, 2010; DJ Arango, M Morton, F Gennari, S Kiplesund, and M Ellsberg, ‘Interventions to prevent or reduce violence against women and girls: A systematic review of reviews’, Women’s Voice and Agency Research Series, No. 10, World Bank, 2014; United Nations, Ending violence against women: From words to action, Study of the Secretary-General, United Nations, 2006. Return to footnote 27
  28. Our Watch, Change the story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence against women in Australia, 2nd edn., Our Watch, 2021; Department of Social Services (DSS), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2023-2025, DSS, Australian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 28
  29. R Mayshak, A Curtis, K Coomber, L Tonner, A Walker, S Hyder, P Liknaitzky and P Miller, Alcohol-Involved Family and Domestic Violence Reported to Police in Australia’, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2022, 37(3-4); M Livingston ‘A longitudinal analysis of alcohol outlet density and domestic violenceAddiction 2022, 106(5):919-925; H Boxall, L Doherty, S Lawler, C Franks and S Bricknell, ‘The “Pathways to intimate partner homicide” project: Key stages and events in male-perpetrated intimate partner homicide in Australia’, ANROWS Research report, 04/2022, ANROWS, 2022; N Dowling, A Suomi, A Jackson, T Lavis, J Patford, S Cockman, S Thomas, M Bellringer, J Koziol-Mclain, M Battersby, P Harvey and M Abbott, ‘Problem gambling and intimate partner violence: A systematic review and meta-analysis’ Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 2016, 17(1):43-61; J Ogilvie, L Thomsen, J Barton, DA Harris, J Rynne, and P O’Leary, Adverse childhood experiences among youth who offend: Examining exposure to domestic and family violence for male youth who perpetrate sexual harm and violence, ANROWS Research report, 13/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 29
  30. See for example the National Principles to Address Coercive Control in Family and Domestic Violence. 
    Attorney-General’s Department (AGD), National Principles to Address Coercive Control in Family and Domestic Violence, AGD, Australian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 30
  31. H Boxall H, L Doherty, S Lawler, C Franks and S Bricknell, ‘Pathways to intimate partner homicide project: Key stages and events in male-perpetrated intimate partner homicide in Australia’, ANROWS Research report, 4/2022, ANROWS, 2022; E Gilchrist, A Johnson and K Thomson, ‘Substance use and intimate partner abuse (IPA): A descriptive model of the pathways between substance use and IPA perpetration for men’, Journal of Family Violence, 2023, 38(5):855–868. Return to footnote 31
  32. H Boxall H, L Doherty, S Lawler, C Franks and S Bricknell, ‘Pathways to intimate partner homicide project: Key stages and events in male-perpetrated intimate partner homicide in Australia’, ANROWS Research report, 4/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 32
  33. C Coumarelos, N Weeks, S Bernstein, N Roberts, N Honey, K Minter, and E Carlisle, Attitudes matter: The 2021 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS), Findings for Australia, ANROWS, 2023. Return to footnote 33
  34. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C), Working for Women: A Strategy for Gender Equality, PM&C, Australian Government, 2024. Return to footnote 34
  35. J Burn-Murdoch, ‘Gen Z’s global gender divide could split society’, Australian Financial Review, 30 January 2024. Return to footnote 35
  36. J Broyd, L Boniface , D Parsons, D Murphy and JD Hafferty, ‘Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention’, British Journal of Psychological Advances, 2023, 29(4):254-264. Return to footnote 36
  37. S Schultz ‘”Make me a sandwich”: our survey’s disturbing picture of how some boys treat their teachers’, The Conversation, 1 May 2024; S Wescott, S Roberts and X Zhao, ‘The problem of anti-feminist ‘manfluencer’ Andrew Tate in Australian schools: women teachers’ experiences of resurgent male supremacy’, Gender and Education 2024, 36(2):167-182. Return to footnote 37
  38. J Thorburn, ‘The (de-)radical(-ising) potential of r/IncelExit and r/ExRedPill’, European Journal of Cultural Studies 202, 26(3). Australian National Security, Current National Terrorism Threat Level,Australian National Security website, Australian Government, 5 August 2024. Return to footnote 38
  39. Our Watch, Change the story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia, 2nd edn., Our Watch, 2021. Return to footnote 39
  40. United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), Commission on the Status of Women, Agreed conclusions, Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls, UN Women, 2013; World Health Organization (WHO) and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women, WHO, 2010; M Ellsberg, DJ Arango, M Morton, F Gennari, S Kiplesund, M Contreras and C Watts, ‘Prevention of violence against women and girls: What does the evidence say?’The Lancet, 2014,385(9977):1555-1566; World Health Organisation, The Violence Prevention Alliance Approach, World Health Organization website, n.d. Return to footnote 40
  41. M Keel, J Torney, E Fulu, S McCook, S Holmes, M Hunt and Y Lay, Putting the prevention of violence against women into practice: How to Change the story, Our Watch, 2017. Return to footnote 41
  42. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C), Rapid Review of Prevention Approaches Terms of Reference, PM&C website, Australian Government, 28 May 2024. Return to footnote 42
  43. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), FDSV Summary, AIHW website, Australian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 43
  44. The First Action Plan (2023-2027) Action 8: Develop and implement age appropriate, culturally safe programs across all four domains, informed by children and young people, that support recovery and healing from trauma, and intervene early to address violence supportive behaviours. Return to footnote 44
  45. T Brown, S Bricknell, W Bryant, S Lyneham, D Tyson and P Fernandez Arias, ‘Filicide offenders’, Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice, no. 568, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government, 2019. Return to footnote 45
  46. D Haslam, B Mathews, R Pacella, JG Scott, D Finkelhor, DJ Higgins, F Meinck, HE Erskine, HJ Thomas, D Lawrence and E Malacova, The prevalence and impact of child maltreatment in Australia: Findings from the Australian Child Maltreatment Study: Brief Report, Queensland University of Technology, 2023. Return to footnote 46
  47. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Nature and Extent of Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation, Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability Final Report, Volume 3, Commonwealth of Australia, 2023; G Morgan, C Butler, R French, T Creamer, L Hillan, E Ruggiero, J Parsons, G Prior, L Idagi, R Bruce, T Gray, T Jia, M Hostalek, J Gibson, B Mitchell, T Lea, K Clancy, U Barber, D Higgins, A Cahill and S Trew, ‘New ways for our families: Designing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural practice framework and system responses to address the impacts of domestic and family violence on children and young people’, ANROWS Research report, 6/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 47
  48. L Jakob and C Anderson, ‘Australian Child Maltreatment Study finds strong links between maltreatment and mental health disorders in young people’, Family and Community Services Insights Analysis and Research (FACSIAR), Family and Community Services, NSW Government, 2024. Return to footnote 48
  49. The Royal Commission into Family Violence referred to children and young people as the ‘silent victims’ of family violence; State of Victoria, Royal Commission into Family Violence: Summary and recommendations, Parl Paper No 132 (2014‑16), State of Victoria, 2016. Return to footnote 49
  50. B Mathews, ‘The Australian Child Maltreatment Study: National prevalence and associated health outcomes of child abuse and neglect’, The Medical Journal of Australia, 2023, 218(6): S12-S51; Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network (ADFVDRN) and Australian National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network data report: Filicides in a domestic and family violence context 2010–2018, Research report, 06/2024, ANROWS, 2024; S Meyer, M Atienzar-Prieto, K Fitz-Gibbon and S Moore, Missing figures: The hidden role of domestic and family violence in youth suicide - Current State of Knowledge Report, Griffith University, 2023; K Fitz-Gibbon, S Meyer, H Boxall, J Maher and S Roberts, ‘Adolescent family violence in Australia: A national study of prevalence, history of childhood victimisation and impacts’, ANROWS Research report, 15/2022, ANROWS, 2022; K Fitz-Gibbon, K Elliott and L Maher, Investigating adolescent family violence in Victoria: Understanding experiences and practitioner perspectives, Monash University, 2018. Return to footnote 50
  51. E Campbell, J Richter, J Howard and H Cockburn, ‘The PIPA Project: Positive Interventions for Perpetrators of Adolescent violence in the home’, ANROWS Research report, 3/2020, ANROWS, 2020; K Fitz-Gibbon, S Meyer, H Boxall, J Maher and S Roberts, ‘Adolescent family violence in Australia: A national study of prevalence, history of childhood victimisation and impacts’, ANROWS Research report, 15/2022, ANROWS, 2022; JK Cochran, CS Sellers, VS Wiesbrock and WR Palacios, ‘Repetitive intimate partner victimization: An exploratory application of social learning theory’, Deviant Behaviour, 2011, 32(8):790-817; A Holt, Adolescent-to-parent abuse: Current understandings in research, policy and practice, Policy Press, Bristol, 2013; M Kwong, K Bartholomew, A Henderson and S Trinke, ‘The Intergenerational Transmission of Relationship Violence’, Journal of Family Psychology, 2003, 17(3):288; VA Foshee, ST Ennett, KE Bauman, T Benefield and C Suchindran, ‘The association between family violence and adolescent dating violence onset: Does it vary by race, socioeconomic status, and family structure?’ Journal of Early Adolescence, 2005, 25(3):317–344. Return to footnote 51
  52. Crime Statistics Agency Victoria, ‘Key movements in the number and rate of family incidents’, Family Incidents, Crime Statistics Agency Victoria, Victorian Government, 2024. Return to footnote 52
  53. K O’Donnell, P Rioseco, A Vittiglia, B Rowland and L Mundy, ‘Intimate partner violence among Australian 18-19 year olds, Growing Up in Australia : The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) Snapshot Series, Issue 11, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 53
  54. AIHW, ‘Health service use among young people hospitalised due to family and domestic violence’, AIHW, FDV 13, AIHW, Australian Government. Return to footnote 54
  55. AIHW, ‘Health service use among young people hospitalised due to family and domestic violence’, AIHW, FDV 13, AIHW, Australian Government. Return to footnote 55
  56. S Baidawi and R Sheehan, ‘Cross-over kids: Effective responses to children and young people in the youth justice and statutory Child Protection systems’, Report to the Criminology Research Advisory Council, Australian Institute of Criminology, 2019. Return to footnote 56
  57. T Corrie and S Moore, ‘Amplify: Turning up the volume on young people and family violence’, Amplify Research Report, Melbourne City Mission, 2021. Return to footnote 57
  58. Swinburne University of Technology, Funding boost to prevent family violence, Swinburne University of Technology website, 30 August 2022. Return to footnote 58
  59. Noting that this can often be abused by perpetrator parents, leaving young people with no access to support; E Campbell, R Ellard, E Hew, M Simpson, B McCann and S Meyer, ‘WRAP around families experiencing AVITH: Towards a collaborative service response’, ANROWS Research report, 4/2023, ANROWS, 2023; T Corrie and S Moore, ‘Amplify: Turning up the volume on young people and family violence’, Amplify Research Report, Melbourne City Mission, 2021. Return to footnote 59
  60. E Alisic, A Barrett, R Conroy, J Devaney, O Eastwood, J Frederiskc, C Houghton, C Humphreys, K Joy, Z Kurdi, K Marinkovic Cháves, H, Morrice, K Sakthiakumaran and M Vasileva, Children and young people bereaved of domestic homicide: A focus on Australia, The University of Melbourne and the University of Edinburgh, 2023; J Frederick and A Alisic ‘Intimate partner homicide and the needs of bereaved children’, Social Work Focus, 2022, 6(4), 22-24; A Alisic ‘Children bereaved by domestic homicide: Demographics and exposure’, Family and Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly, 2018, 10(3); Australian Senate, Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, Missing and murdered First Nations women and children (Final report), Australian Senate, Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, Commonwealth of Australia, 2024. Return to footnote 60
  61. B van der Kolk, R Pynoos, D Cicchetti, M Cloitre, W D’Andrea, J Ford and M Teicher, ‘Proposal to include a developmental trauma disorder diagnosis for children and adolescents in DSM-V, Official submission from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Developmental Trauma Disorder Taskforce to the American Psychiatric Association, 2009; A Bremness and W Polzin, ‘Commentary: Developmental trauma disorder—A missed opportunity in DSM V’, Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2014, 23(2):142–145. Return to footnote 61
  62. E Campbell, J Richter, J Howard and H Cockburn, ‘The PIPA Project: Positive Interventions for Perpetrators of Adolescent violence in the home’, ANROWS Research report, 3/2020, ANROWS, 2020; In accordance with contemporary usage, ASD includes Asperger’s Syndrome. Refer to American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), 5th edn. American Psychiatric Association, 2013. Return to footnote 62
  63. K Butler and J McDonald, Violence against family animals in the context of intimate partner violence, Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), Australian Government, 2024. Return to footnote 63
  64. R Gray, T Walker, J Hamer, T Broady, J Kean, J Ling and B Bear, ‘Developing LGBTQ programs for perpetrators and victim-survivors of domestic and family violence, ANROWS Research report, 10/2020, ANROWS, Australian Government, 2020; A El-Murr, ‘Intimate partner violence in Australian refugee communities: Scoping review of issues and service responses’, Child Family Community Australia Paper, 50/2018, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government, 2018; O Octoman, M Hawkes, F Lima, M O’Donnell, C Orr, F Arney, T Moore, S Robinson, K Valentine, A Marshall, J Burton and C Brebner, ‘The nature and extent of domestic and family violence exposure for children and young people with disability’, ANROWS Research report, 16/2022, ANROWS, 2022; G Morgan, C Butler, R French, T Creamer, L Hillan, E Ruggiero, J Parsons, G Prior, L Idagi, R Bruce, T Gray, T Jia, M Hostalek, J Gibson, B Mitchell, T Lea, K Clancy, U Barber, D Higgins, A Cahill and S Trew, ‘New ways for our families: Designing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural practice framework and system responses to address the impacts of domestic and family violence on children and young people’, ANROWS Research report, 6/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 64
  65. D Gartland, E Riggs, S Muyeen, R Giallo, TO Afifi, H MacMillan, H Herrman, E Bulford and SJ Brown, ‘What factors are associated with resilient outcomes in children exposed to social adversity? A systematic review’, BMJ Open, 2019, 9(4). Return to footnote 65
  66. K Fitz-Gibbon, S Meyer, H Boxall, J Maher and S Roberts, ‘Adolescent family violence in Australia: A national study of prevalence, history of childhood victimisation and impacts’, ANROWS Research report, 15/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 66
  67. X Guadalupe-Diaz and A Anthony, A, ‘Discrediting identity work: Understandings of intimate partner violence by transgender survivors’, Deviant Behaviour, 2017, 38(1):1–16; B Russell and J Sturgeon, ‘Police evaluations of intimate partner violence in heterosexual and same-sex relationships: Do experience and training play a role?’, Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 2019, 34(1):34-44; E Reeves and B Scott, Can’t you girls work this out?’: LGBTQ+ victim-survivors’ experiences of Victoria’s family violence intervention order system, Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre, Monash University, 2022; B McCann, E Campbell, R Carson, N Logan, R Ellard, M Simpson, H Fong, E Stevens, E Poyner, M Gibson, S Young, E Hew, J De Maio, Z Jamaleddine, E Soutter, S Maury, E Price, H Forster, R Kaspiew, B Horsfall, LFalconer, L La Rocca and Z Lasater, ‘Future-proofing Safety: Surfacing inequality and building service capacity for crisis-ready responses, Family Safety Victoria Research report, 09/2023, Family Safety Victoria, Victorian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 67
  68. K van Rosmalen-Nooijens, SL Wong, J Prins and T Lagro-Janssen, ‘Young People, Adult Worries: Randomized Controlled Trial and Feasibility Study for Internet-Based Self-Support Method “Feel the ViBE” for adolescents and young people exposed to violence’, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2017, 19(6); B McCann, E Campbell, R Carson, N Logan, R Ellard, M Simpson, H Fong, E Stevens, E Poyner, M Gibson, S Young, E Hew, J De Maio, Z Jamaleddine, E Soutter, S Maury, E Price, H Forster, R Kaspiew, B Horsfall, LFalconer, L La Rocca and Z Lasater, ‘Future-proofing Safety: Surfacing inequality and building service capacity for crisis-ready responses, Family Safety Victoria Research report, 09/2023, Family Safety Victoria, Victorian Government 2023. Return to footnote 68
  69. T Corrie and S Moore, ‘Amplify: Turning up the volume on young people and family violence’, Amplify Research Report, Melbourne City Mission, 2021. Return to footnote 69
  70. We note, for example, that in October 2021, a proposed amendment to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (Vic) was introduced, which would have enabled new child protection reports on at-risk 17 year olds, but this amendment did not pass. Return to footnote 70
  71. Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and Department of Education, Prevention of Homelessness and Provision of Accommodation for 16 and 17 year old young people who may be homeless and/or require accommodation, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and Department of Education, United Kingdom Government, 2018. Return to footnote 71
  72. J Watson, Youth homelessness and Survival Sex: Intimate Relationships and Gendered Subjectivities, 1st edn, Routledge, London, 2017. Return to footnote 72
  73. E Campbell, J Richter, J Howard and H Cockburn, ‘The PIPA Project: Positive Interventions for Perpetrators of Adolescent violence in the home’, ANROWS Research report, 3/2020, ANROWS, 2020; K Fitz-Gibbon, S Meyer, H Boxall, J Maher and S Roberts, ‘Adolescent family violence in Australia: A national study of prevalence, history of childhood victimisation and impacts’, ANROWS Research report, 15/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 73
  74. E Campbell, R Ellard, E Hew, M Simpson, B McCann and S Meyer, ‘WRAP around families experiencing AVITH: Towards a collaborative service response’, ANROWS Research report, 4/2023, ANROWS, 2023; T Blakemore, L Rak, K Agllian, X Mallett and S McCarthy, ‘Crime and context: Understandings of youth perpetrated interpersonal violence among service providers in regional Australia’, Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 2018, 2(5):53-69; K Fitz-Gibbon, S Meyer, H Boxall, J Maher and S Roberts, ‘Adolescent family violence in Australia: A national study of service and support needs for young people who use family violence, ANROWS Research report, 18/2022, ANROWS, 2022; G Morgan, C Butler, R French, T Creamer, L Hillan, E Ruggiero, J Parsons, G Prior, L Idagi, R Bruce, T Gray, T Jia, M Hostalek, J Gibson, B Mitchell, T Lea, K Clancy, U Barber, D Higgins, A Cahill and S Trew, ‘New ways for our families: Designing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural practice framework and system responses to address the impacts of domestic and family violence on children and young people’, ANROWSResearch report, 6/2022, ANROWS, 2022; S Korkmaz and C Överlien, ‘Responses to youth intimate partner violence: the meaning of youth-specific factors and interconnections with resilience’, Journal of Youth Studies, 2020, 23(3), 371-387; M Barnes, C Barter, A Herbert, J Heron, G Feder and E Szilassy, ‘Young people and intimate partner violence: Experiences of institutional support and services in England’, Journal of Family Violence, 2023, 1-13. Return to footnote 74
  75. E Campbell, R Ellard, E Hew, M Simpson, B McCann and S Meyer, ‘WRAP around families experiencing AVITH: Towards a collaborative service response’, ANROWS Research report, 4/2023, ANROWS, 2023. Return to footnote 75
  76. E Campbell, R Ellard, E Hew, S Simpson, B McCann, and S Meyer, AVITH Collaborative Practice Framework, ANROWS, 2023. Return to footnote 76
  77. Brisbane Youth Service, Other Support, Brisbane Youth Service website, n.d. Return to footnote 77
  78. AIHW, Family and domestic violence in Australia: continuing the national story, AIHW, Australian Government, 2019. Return to footnote 78
  79. J Watson, Youth Homelessness and Survival Sex: Intimate Relationships and Gendered Subjectivities, 1st edn, Routledge, London, 2017; T Corrie and S Moore, ‘Amplify: Turning up the volume on young people and family violence’, Amplify Research Report, Melbourne City Mission, 2021. Return to footnote 79
  80. Waminda, Nabu, Waminda website, n.d. Return to footnote 80
  81. Safe and Together Institute, Model Overview, Safe and Together Institute website, n.d. Return to footnote 81
  82. Melbourne City Mission, Family violence, Melbourne City Mission website, n.d. Return to footnote 82
  83. Whereto Research Consultancy, Evaluation of the Escaping Violence Payment (EVP) trial, Department of Social Services, 2023. Return to footnote 83
  84. M. L Cataldo and Y-Change, ‘We are the ones you left behind: Centering young people with a lived experience in family violence service system reform’, Parity Magazine, 2020, 33(08), in T Corrie and S Moore, ‘Amplify: Turning up the volume on young people and family violence’, Amplify Research Report, Melbourne City Mission, 2021. Return to footnote 84
  85. The First Action Plan (2023-2027) Action 5: Strengthen systems and services to better hold people who choose to use violence to account, and provide opportunities to support people who have used violence, or are at risk of using violence, to change their behaviours, with the aim of protecting the safety and wellbeing of current and potential victim-survivors. Return to footnote 85
  86. B Hansen, L Wells and C Claussen, ‘Engaging men across the violence prevention continuum: An exploratory study’, Advances in Social Work, 2021, 21(1):199-216; G Donnar, J Hewitt, F Finn, L Parker, L Brennan and J Dingeldei ‘What could masculinity be? Using Participatory co-design to define and support healthier masculinities’, Social Marketing: Principles and Practice for Delivering Global Change, 2023. Return to footnote 86
  87. JR Mahalik, BD Locke, LH Ludlow, MA Diemer, RP Scott, M Gottfried and G Freitas, ‘Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory (CMNI)’, APA PsychNet, 2003. Return to footnote 87
  88. The Men’s Project and M Flood, The Man Box 2024: Re-examining what it means to be a man in Australia, Jesuit Social Services, 2024. Return to footnote 88
  89. R Gater, ‘Amalgamated masculinities: The masculine identity of contemporary marginalised working-class young men’, Sociology, 2024, 58(2):312-329; KW Bogen, SL Williams, DE Reidy and LM Orchowski, ‘We (want to) believe in the best of men: A qualitative analysis of reactions to #Gillette on Twitter’, Psychology of Men and Masculinities, 2021, 22(1):101-112. Return to footnote 89
  90. S Meger, M Johnston and Y Riveros-Morales, Misogyny, Racism and Violent Extremism in Australia, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne, 2024. Return to footnote 90
  91. L Netzler, Exploring the "Manosphere": A Qualitative Study of Gen-Z Males' Perceptions,Northumbria University, unpublished. Return to footnote 91
  92. S Diepeveen, ‘How does social media influence gender norms among adolescent boys? Key evidence and policy implications’, Advancing Learning and Innovation on Gender Norms Briefing, 2024. Return to footnote 92
  93. M Ellenberg, A Speckhard and AW Kruglanski, ‘Beyond violence extremism: a 3N perspective of inceldom’, Psychology of Men and Masculinities, 2023, 25(3):290-299. Return to footnote 93
  94. S Meger, M Johnston and Y Riveros-Morales, ‘Misogyny, racism and violent extremism in Australia’, Faculty of Arts Policy Brief,;
    The University of Melbourne, 2024; J Thornburn, A Powell and P Chambers, ‘A world alone: Masculinities, humiliation and aggrieved entitlement on an incel forum’, British Journal of Criminology, 2023, 63(1):238-254; KR Blake, SM O’Dean, J Lian and TF Denson, ‘Misogynistic tweets correlate with violence against women’, Psychol Sci, 2021, 32(3):315:325. Return to footnote 94
  95. ReachOut, Beyond Blue and Black Dog Institute, ‘Inquiry into social media impacts on Australian society: Collaborative submission from ReachOut, Beyond Blue and Black Dog Institute’, Inquiry into social media impacts on Australian society, Submission 168, Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society, Commonwealth of Australia, 2024; M Botto and L Gottzén, ‘Swallowing and spitting out the red pill: young men, vulnerability, and radicalisation pathways in the manosphere’, Journal of Gender Studies, 2024, 33(5):596-608; M Maloney, S Roberts and C Jones, ‘’How do I become blue pilled?’: Masculine ontological insecurity on 4chan’s advice board’, New Media and Society, 2024, 26(6):3307-3326. Return to footnote 95
  96. SJ Fitzpatrick, BK Brew, T Handley and D Perkins, ‘Men, suicide, and family and interpersonal violence: A mixed methods exploratory study’, Sociology of Health and Illness, 2022, 44(6):991-1008; M Shiner; J Scourfield, B Fincham and S Langer, ‘When things fall apart: Gender and suicide across the life-course’, Social Science and Medicine, 2009, 69(5):738-746. Return to footnote 96
  97. E Casey, J Carlson, S Two Bulls and A Yager, ‘Gender transformative approaches to engaging men in gender-based violence prevention: A review and conceptual model’, Trauma Violence Abuse, 2018, 19(2):231-246. Return to footnote 97
  98. JL Oliffe, MT Kelly, G Gonzalez Montaner, ZE Seidler, D Kealy, JS Ogrodniczuk and SM Rice, ‘Mapping men’s mental health help-seeking after an intimate partner relationship break-up’, Qualitative Health Research, 2022, 32(10):1464-1476. Return to footnote 98
  99. ZE Seidler, SM Rice, JS Ogrodniczuk, JL Oliffe and HM Dhillon, ‘Engaging men in psychological treatment: A scoping review’, American Journal of Men’s Health, 2018, 12(6):1882-1900. Return to footnote 99
  100. J Leonard, P Siataga, C Savage, K Standring and E Donovan, She is not your rehab, Ihi Research, Social Change and Innovation 2022. Return to footnote 100
  101. The Man Cave, ‘Annual Report 2021’, The Man Cave Annual Report, The Man Cave, 2021. Return to footnote 101
  102. Deloitte Access Economics, Strengthening Spirit and Culture: A cost-benefit analysis of Dardi Munwurro’s men’s healing programs, Dardi Munwurro, 2021. Return to footnote 102
  103. K Diemer, Caring for Dads Program: Helping fathers value their children: Three Site Independent Evaluation 2017-2020, University of Melbourne, 2020. Return to footnote 103
  104. Centro di Ascolto Uomini Maltrattanti (Listening Centre for Abusive Men), ‘Fathers Rock:Training Manual for perinatal and early childhood professionals: How to engage fathers and address gender based violence’, Listening Centre for Abusive Men, 2022. Return to footnote 104
  105. P Kelly, J Coyte, L Robinson, F Deane, S Russell, K Clapham, E Dale, M Longbottom, R Solley and A Baker, ‘Evaluating an Aboriginal community controlled residential alcohol and other drug services: Use of benchmarking to examine within treatment changes in wellbeing’, Drug and Alcohol Review, 2022, 41(4):953-962. Return to footnote 105
  106. Ministry of Social Development, Youth Campaign: Love Better, Ministry of Social Development website, n.d. Return to footnote 106
  107. Beyond Equality, Rethinking Masculinities, Beyond Equality website, n.d. Return to footnote 107
  108. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C), Working for Women: A Strategy for Gender Equality, PM&C, Australian Government, 2024. Return to footnote 108
  109. For example, the Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network Data Report showed that, of women killed by an intimate partner between 2010 and 2018, over 60 per cent were not in formal employment at the time of death. Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network, and Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network Data Report: Intimate partner violence homicides 2010-2018], 2022. Return to footnote 109
  110. A Summers, The Choice. Violence or poverty, University of Technology Sydney, 2022. Return to footnote 110
  111. A Summers, The Choice. Violence or poverty, University of Technology Sydney, 2022. This report cited ABS data to show that in 2016 of the 275,000 Australian women who were living in violent relationships, almost 90,000 wanted to leave but could not do so, with 22,600 saying lack of money and financial support was what was stopping them. Return to footnote 111
  112. S Bhalotra, U Kambhampati, S Rawlings and Z Siddique, ‘Intimate partner violence: The influence of job opportunities for men and women’ The World Bank Economic Review, 2021, 35(2):461-479; Y Zhang and R Breunig, ‘Female breadwinning and domestic abuse: evidence from Australia’, Journal of Population Economics, 2023, 36(4):2925-2965. Return to footnote 112
  113. Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) s 106A. Return to footnote 113
  114. Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce, A 10-year-plan to unleash the full capacity and contribution of women to the Australian economy 2023-2033, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Australian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 114
  115. The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (AFSA), ‘Achieving greater equity in superannuation’, AFSA Research paper, AFSA, 2024. Return to footnote 115
  116. Women in Super, Treasury Laws Amendment (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions) Bill 2023, Women in Super, 2023. Return to footnote 116
  117. B McCann, E Campbell, R Carson, N Logan, R Ellard, M Simpson, H Fong, E Stevens, E Poyner, M Gibson, S Young, E Hew, J De Maio, Z Jamaleddine, E Soutter, S Maury, E Price, H Forster, R Kaspiew, B Horsfall, L Falconer, L La Rocca and Z Lasater, ‘Future-proofing Safety: Surfacing inequality and building service capacity for crisis-ready responses’, Family Safety Victoria Research Report, 09/2023, Family Safety Victoria, Victorian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 117
  118. Australian Government, More Choices for a Longer Life, Budget 2018 Fact Sheet, 1, Australian Government, 2018. Return to footnote 118
  119. Refer to recommendation 1.1 in National Advocacy Group on Women on Temporary Visas Experiencing Violence, Blueprint for Reform: Removing Barriers to Safety for Victim/Survivors of Domestic and Family Violence on Temporary Visas, National Advocacy Group on Women on Temporary Visas Experiencing Violence, 2019. Return to footnote 119
  120. Women’s Legal Service NSW and Financial Rights Legal Centre, Untangling financial abuse for women escaping DV, Women’s Legal Service NSW, 2021. Return to footnote 120
  121. Australian Human Rights Commission, Respect@Work: National inquiry into sexual harassment in Australian workplaces, Australian Human Rights Commission, 2020. Return to footnote 121
  122. AIHW, Help sought after family and domestic violence [web report], AIHW website, 9 November 2022. Return to footnote 122
  123. AIHW, Help sought after family and domestic violence [web report], AIHW website, 9 November 2022. Return to footnote 123
  124. K Hegarty, M McKenzie, E McLindon, M Addison, J Valpied, M Hameed, M Kyei-Onanjiri, S Baloch, K Diemer and L Tarzia, ‘”I just felt like I was running around in a circle”: Listening to the voices of victims and perpetrators to transform responses to intimate partner violence’, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report,22/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 124
  125. K Hegarty, M McKenzie, E McLindon, M Addison, J Valpied, M Hameed, M Kyei-Onanjiri, S Baloch, K Diemer and L Tarzia, ‘”I just felt like I was running around in a circle”: Listening to the voices of victims and perpetrators to transform responses to intimate partner violence’, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report,22/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 125
  126. K Hegarty, M McKenzie, E McLindon, M Addison, J Valpied, M Hameed, M Kyei-Onanjiri, S Baloch, K Diemer and L Tarzia, ‘”I just felt like I was running around in a circle”: Listening to the voices of victims and perpetrators to transform responses to intimate partner violence’, ANROWS Research report, 22/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 126
  127. K Hegarty, M McKenzie, E McLindon, M Addison, J Valpied, M Hameed, M Kyei-Onanjiri, S Baloch, K Diemer and L Tarzia, ‘”I just felt like I was running around in a circle”: Listening to the voices of victims and perpetrators to transform responses to intimate partner violence’, ANROWS Research report, 22/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 127
  128. Safe and Equal, Are You Safe At Home?, Are You Safe At Home? Website, n.d; R U OK, How to Have Conversations About Family or Domestic Violence, R U OK, 2021; Say It Out Loud and ACON, Friends and Family Toolkit, Say It Out Loud, 2018. Return to footnote 128
  129. Safe and Equal, Are you Safe at Home?, Are you safe at home website, n.d. Return to footnote 129
  130. Griffith University, Domestic and Family Violence, Griffith University website, n.d. Return to footnote 130
  131. DV-alert, Recognise Respond Refer, DV-alert website, n.d. Return to footnote 131
  132. W Mundy, Independent Review of the National Legal Assistance Partnership (2022 – 2025) – Final Report, Attorney-General’s Department, Australian Government, 2024. Return to footnote 132
  133. Djirra, Yoorrook Justice Commission - Djirra submission - Issues Papers 1 & 2, March 2023, Yoorrook Justice Commission, 2023. Return to footnote 133
  134. Centre for Innovative Justice, Strengthening Victoria’s Victim Support System, Victim Services Review, RMIT University, 2020; Women’s Legal Services Australia, Submission to the Independent Review of the National Legal Assistance Partnership, Women’s Legal Services Australia, 2023. Return to footnote 134
  135. Impact Economics and Policy, Justice on the Brink: Stronger Legal Aid for a Better Legal System, Impact Economics and Policy, 2023. Return to footnote 135
  136. Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor, Range of support services, Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor website, 2022. Return to footnote 136
  137. Women’s Health in the North, Victim-survivor Experience Mapping Report, Northern Integrated Family Violence Service, 2023. Return to footnote 137
  138. Women’s Health in the North, Victim-survivor Experience Mapping Report, Northern Integrated Family Violence Service, 2023. Return to footnote 138
  139. Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor, Range of support services, Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor website, 2022. Return to footnote 139
  140. Information provided to the Review from Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre, August 2024. Return to footnote 140
  141. Women’s and Girls’ Emergency Centre, The ACCESS Program, Women’s and Girls’ Emergency Centre website, n.d. Return to footnote 141
  142. Department of Social Services (DSS), National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2032, DSS, Australian Government, 2022. Return to footnote 142
  143. Safe and Equal, Measuring Family Violence Service Demand Project: Phase Two Outcomes Report December 2022, Safe and Equal, 2022. Return to footnote 143
  144. Safe Steps, A sanctuary for people escaping family violence [media release], Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre, 21 September 2023. Return to footnote 144
  145. Safe Steps, Safe Steps Sanctuary Funded Under Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program [media release], Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre, 12 July 2024; W Tuohy, ‘Inside the secret place saving women’, The Age, 18 May 2024. Return to footnote 145
  146. Safe Steps, Safe Steps Sanctuary Funded Under Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program [media release], Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre, 12 July 2024. Return to footnote 146
  147. Safe Steps, A sanctuary for people escaping family violence [media release], Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre, 21 September 2023. Return to footnote 147
  148. World Health Organisation (WHO), Preventing intimate partner violence improves mental health, WHO website, 6 October 2024. Return to footnote 148
  149. AIHW, Family, domestic and sexual violence – Older people, AIHW website, 2024. Return to footnote 149
  150. K Hegarty, L Tarzia, K Forsdike-Young, R Vlais, M Flood, G Feder, C Humphries, Final Report: Promoting EArly intervention with men’s use of violence in ReLationships through primary care (PEARL study), The University of Melbourne, No to Violence, University of Wollongong and University of Bristol, U.K, 2016. Return to footnote 150
  151. WHO, Preventing intimate partner violence improves mental health, WHO website, 2022. Return to footnote 151
  152. ABS, Personal Safety, Australia [data release], ABS website, 2016; as cited in D Higgins, G Hunt and Respect Victoria, ‘Summarising the evidence: Child Maltreatment’, Research Summary, Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) and Respect Victoria, 2023. Return to footnote 152
  153. M Frederico, A Jackson and J Dwyer, ‘Child Protection and Cross-Sector Practice: An Analysis of Child Death Reviews to Inform Practice When Multiple Parental Risk Factors Are Present’, Child Abuse Review, 2014, 23(2):104-15. Return to footnote 153
  154. J Cain, Finding into death without inquest (COR 2018 002451), Coroner’s Court of Victoria, 2024. Return to footnote 154
  155. University of Melbourne, New advice for health workers responding to family violence, University of Melbourne website, 2023. Return to footnote 155
  156. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Family, domestic and sexual violence – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, AIHW website, 2024. Return to footnote 156
  157. K Hegarty, L Tarzia, K Forsdike-Young, R Vlais, M Flood, G Feder, C Humphries, Final Report: Promoting EArly intervention with men’s use of violence in ReLationships through primary care (PEARL study), The University of Melbourne, No to Violence, University of Wollongong and University of Bristol, U.K, 2016. Return to footnote 157
  158. P Radcliffe and G Gilchrist, ‘”You can never work with addictions in isolation”: Addressing intimate partner violence perpetration by men in substance misuse treatment’, International Journal of Drug Policy, 2016, 36:130-140. Return to footnote 158
  159. R Mayshak, E Cox, B Costa, A Walker, S Hyder, A Day, K Coomber, N Taylor and P Miller, Alcohol/Drug-Involved Family Violence in Australia (ADIVA) – Research Bulletin’, National Drug Law Enforcement Research Research Bulletin, No. 7, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government, 2018; in Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Factors associated with FDSV, AIHW website, 2024; R Vlais, S Ridley, D Green and D Chung, ‘Family and domestic violence perpetrator programs: Issues paper of current and emerging trends, developments and expectations’, Issues paper of current and emerging trends, developments and expectations, Stopping Family Violence, 2017; S Yates, ‘”An exercise in careful diplomacy”: talking about alcohol, drugs and family violence’, Policy Design and practice, 2017, 2(3):1-17. Return to footnote 159
  160. Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA), Engaging men who perpetrate domestic and family violence in the AOD treatment context, NADA Practice Resource, NADA, 2021. Return to footnote 160
  161. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Factors associated with FDSV, AIHW website, 2024. Return to footnote 161
  162. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Child protection, AIHW website, 2024; B Luu, AC Wright, S Schurer, L Metcalfe, S Heward-Belle, S Collings and E Barrett, ‘Analysis of linked longitudinal administrative data on child protection involvement for NSW families with domestic and family violence, alcohol and other drug issues and mental health issues’, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report, 1/2024, ANROWS, 2024. Return to footnote 162
  163. R Knowles, ‘Donnella Mills: We need to incorporate justice into health care’, National Indigenous Times, 14 January 2021. Return to footnote 163
  164. Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service, Sending a client to Campbelltown Emergency, if you are worried, refer, flyer. Return to footnote 164
  165. E Campbell, Opportunities for Early Intervention: Bringing perpetrators of family violence into view, Centre for Innovative Justice, RMIT University, 2015. Return to footnote 165
  166. E Campbell, Opportunities for Early Intervention: Bringing perpetrators of family violence into view, Centre for Innovative Justice, RMIT University, 2015; D Chung, D Green, G Smith, N Leggett, Breaching Safety: Improving the effectiveness of violence restraining orders for victims of family and domestic violence,Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services, 2009. Return to footnote 166
  167. E Campbell, T Bissett, A Howard, N Lewers, M Polis and J Richter, ‘More than just a piece of paper: Getting protection orders made in a safe and supported way: Responding to Recommendation 77 of the Royal Commission into Family Violence’, Centre for Innovative Justice Research Report, RMIT University, 2021. Return to footnote 167
  168. E Campbell, R Vlais and T Bissett, ‘Beyond ‘getting him to a program’: Towards Best Practice for Perpetrator Accountability in the Specialist Family Violence Court Context’, Centre for Innovative Justice Literature Review, RMIT University, 2018. Return to footnote 168
  169. E Campbell, R Vlais and T Bissett, ‘Beyond ‘getting him to a program’: Towards Best Practice for Perpetrator Accountability in the Specialist Family Violence Court Context’, Centre for Innovative Justice Literature Review, RMIT University, 2018. Return to footnote 169
  170. Victoria Legal Aid, Supporting family violence clients with diverse needs and experiences: A summary of the interim evaluation of Victoria Legal Aid’s Specialist Family Violence,Victoria Legal Aid, 2023. Return to footnote 170
  171. E Campbell, T Bissett, A Howard, N Lewers, M Polis and J Richter, ‘More than just a piece of paper: Getting protection orders made in a safe and supported way: Responding to Recommendation 77 of the Royal Commission into Family Violence’, Centre for Innovative Justice Research Report, RMIT University, 2021. Return to footnote 171
  172. D Chung, K Upton-Davis, R Cordier, E Campbell, T Wong, M Salter, S Austen, P O’Leary, J Breckenridge, R Vlais, D Green, A Pracilio, A Young, A Gore, L Watts, S Wilkes-Gillan, R Speyer, S Mahoney, S Anderson, and T Bissett, ‘Improved Accountability: the role of perpetrator intervention systems’, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report,20/2020, ANROWS, 2020. Return to footnote 172
  173. Centre for Innovative Justice, Opportunities for Early Intervention: Bringing perpetrators of family violence into view, Centre for Innovative Justice, RMIT University, 2015. Return to footnote 173
  174. D Chung, K Upton-Davis, R Cordier, E Campbell, T Wong, M Salter, S Austen, P O’Leary, J Breckenridge, R Vlais, D Green, A Pracilio, A Young, A Gore, L Watts, S Wilkes-Gillan, R Speyer, S Mahoney, S Anderson, and T Bissett, ‘Improved Accountability: the role of perpetrator intervention systems, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report, 20/2020, ANROWS, 2020. Return to footnote 174
  175. A Day, R Vlais, D Chung and D Green, ‘Evaluation readiness, program quality and outcomes in men’s behaviour change programs’, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report, 1/2019, ANROWS, 2020. Return to footnote 175
  176. D Chung, S Anderson, D Green and R Vlais, ‘Prioritising women’s safety in Australian perpetrator interventions: The purposes and practices of partner contact’, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report, 8/2020, ANROWS, 2020. Return to footnote 176
  177. D Chung, S Anderson, D Green and R Vlais, ‘Prioritising women’s safety in Australian perpetrator interventions: The purposes and practices of partner contact’, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report, 8/2020, ANROWS, 2020. Return to footnote 177
  178. V Ward, Aboriginal-led family violence trial [media release], Victorian Government, 19 February 2024. Return to footnote 178
  179. Kornar Winmil Yunti Aboriginal Corporation (KWY), Wuinparrinthi “To challenge each other”, KWY website, 2024. Return to footnote 179
  180. Queerspace, Futures Free from Violence, Queerspace website, 2024. Return to footnote 180
  181. InTouch Multicultural Centre Against Violence, Motivation for Change, InTouch website, 2024. Return to footnote 181
  182. Adapted from information provided by Women with Disabilities Victoria in Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor, ‘Monitoring Victoria’s family violence reforms: Crisis response to recovery model for victim-survivorvictim-survivors’, Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor, 2022. Return to footnote 182
  183. Victoria Legal Aid, Characteristics of respondents charged with breach of family violence intervention orders, Victoria Legal Aid website, 2022. Return to footnote 183
  184. Victorian Government, Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework, Victoria Government Website, 2023. Return to footnote 184
  185. H Nancarrow, H Thomas, V Ringland and T Modini, ‘Accurately identifying the “person most in need of protection” in domestic and family violence law’, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report, 23/2020, ANROWS, 2020. Return to footnote 185
  186. Women’s Legal Service Victoria and Monash University, ‘"Officer she’s psychotic and I need protection": Police misidentification of the ‘primary aggressor’ in family violence incidents in Victoria, Women’s Legal Service Victoria Policy Paper 1, Women’s Legal Service Victoria, 2018. Return to footnote 186
  187. C Humphreys and D Nicholson, Multi-Agency Triage Project: Final Report, University of Melbourne, 2017; in Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor, Monitoring Victoria’s family violence reforms. Accurate identification of the predominant aggressor, Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor, 2021. Return to footnote 187
  188. Women’s Legal Service Victoria and Monash University, ‘"Officer she’s psychotic and I need protection": Police misidentification of the ‘primary aggressor’ in family violence incidents in Victoria, Women’s Legal Service Victoria Policy Paper 1, Women’s Legal Service Victoria, 2018. Return to footnote 188
  189. Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor, Monitoring Victoria’s family violence reforms. Accurate identification of the predominant aggressor, Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor, 2021. Return to footnote 189
  190. Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce, Hear her voice – Report one – Addressing coercive control and domestic and family violence in Queensland, Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce, 2021. Return to footnote 190
  191. T Cubitt, A Morgan, C Dowling, S Brickness and R Brown, Targeting fixated individuals to prevent intimate partner homicide: Proposing the Domestic Violence Threat Assessment Centre, Research in practice no 48, Australian Institute of Criminology, 2024. Return to footnote 191
  192. D Chung, K Upton-Davis, R Cordier, E Campbell, T Wong, M Salter, S Austen, P O’Leary, J Breckenridge, R Vlais, D Green, A Pracilio, A Young, A Gore, L Watts, S Wilkes-Gillan, R Speyer, S Mahoney, S Anderson, and T Bissett, ‘Improved Accountability: the role of perpetrator intervention systems, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report, 20/2020, ANROWS, 2020; Centre for Innovative Justice, Multidisciplinary response models: Report to the Southern Melbourne Integrated Family Violence Partnership, RMIT University, 2016. Return to footnote 192
  193. D Chung, K Upton-Davis, R Cordier, E Campbell, T Wong, M Salter, S Austen, P O’Leary, J Breckenridge, R Vlais, D Green, A Pracilio, A Young, A Gore, L Watts, S Wilkes-Gillan, R Speyer, S Mahoney, S Anderson, and T Bissett, ‘Improved Accountability: the role of perpetrator intervention systems, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report, 20/2020, ANROWS, 2020. Return to footnote 193
  194. D Chung, K Upton-Davis, R Cordier, E Campbell, T Wong, M Salter, S Austen, P O’Leary, J Breckenridge, R Vlais, D Green, A Pracilio, A Young, A Gore, L Watts, S Wilkes-Gillan, R Speyer, S Mahoney, S Anderson, and T Bissett, ‘Improved Accountability: the role of perpetrator intervention systems, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report, 20/2020, ANROWS, 2020. Return to footnote 194
  195. A Rishworth and J Elliot, New Domestic Violence Co-Responder model trial underway in the NT [media release], 5 June 2024. Return to footnote 195
  196. B McCann, E Campbell, R Carson, N Logan, R Ellard, M Simpson, H Fong, E Stevens, E Poyner, M Gibson, S Young, E Hew, J De Maio, Z Jamaleddine, E Soutter, S Maury, E Price, H Forster, R Kaspiew, B Horsfall, L Falconer, L La Rocca and Z Lasater, ‘Future-proofing Safety: Surfacing inequality and building service capacity for crisis-ready responses’, Family Safety Victoria Research Report, 09/2023, Family Safety Victoria, Victorian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 196
  197. B McCann, E Campbell, R Carson, N Logan, R Ellard, M Simpson, H Fong, E Stevens, E Poyner, M Gibson, S Young, E Hew, J De Maio, Z Jamaleddine, E Soutter, S Maury, E Price, H Forster, R Kaspiew, B Horsfall, L Falconer, L La Rocca and Z Lasater, ‘Future-proofing Safety: Surfacing inequality and building service capacity for crisis-ready responses’, Family Safety Victoria Research Report, 09/2023, Family Safety Victoria, Victorian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 197
  198. B McCann, E Campbell, R Carson, N Logan, R Ellard, M Simpson, H Fong, E Stevens, E Poyner, M Gibson, S Young, E Hew, J De Maio, Z Jamaleddine, E Soutter, S Maury, E Price, H Forster, R Kaspiew, B Horsfall, L Falconer, L La Rocca and Z Lasater, ‘Future-proofing Safety: Surfacing inequality and building service capacity for crisis-ready responses’, Family Safety Victoria Research Report, 09/2023, Family Safety Victoria, Victorian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 198
  199. E Campbell, B McCann, S Moore, J Ellis and A Butchers, Nuance in the numbers – challenge assumptions, bringing context into view, Centre for Innovate Justice with Centre for Family Research and Evaluation, Melbourne City Mission and Youthlaw, 2024. Return to footnote 199
  200. Secretariat – BOCSAR, ALRC B Gilbert, ‘The attrition of sexual offences from the New South Wales criminal justice system’, Crime and Justice Statistics Bureau Brief, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics (BOSCAR), 2024, 170: 1-23. Return to footnote 200
  201. B McCann, E Campbell, R Carson, N Logan, R Ellard, M Simpson, H Fong, E Stevens, E Poyner, M Gibson, S Young, E Hew, J De Maio, Z Jamaleddine, E Soutter, S Maury, E Price, H Forster, R Kaspiew, B Horsfall, L Falconer, L La Rocca and Z Lasater, ‘Future-proofing Safety: Surfacing inequality and building service capacity for crisis-ready responses’, Family Safety Victoria Research Report, 09/2023, Family Safety Victoria, Victorian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 201
  202. Independent Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family violence, A Call for Change (Final report), Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family violence, Government of Queensland, 2022. Return to footnote 202
  203. T Prenzler and M Maguire, ‘Models of Police Oversight and Complaints Handling Processes’, Report for the Independent Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Services Responses to Domestic and Family Violence, 2022. Return to footnote 203
  204. S Savage, ‘Thinking independence: Calling the police to account through the independent investigation of police complaints’, British Journal of Criminology, 2014, 43:94-112; in T Prenzler and M Maguire, ‘Models of Police Oversight and Complaints Handling Processes’, Report for the Independent Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Services Responses to Domestic and Family Violence, 2022. Return to footnote 204
  205. KPMG and RMIT University, This is my story. It’s your case, but it’s my story.” Interview study: Exploring justice system experiences of complainants in sexual offence matters, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Government of New South Wales, 2023. Return to footnote 205
  206. KPMG and Centre for Innovative Justice, This is my story. It’s your case, but it’s my story.” Interview study: Exploring justice system experiences of complainants in sexual offence matters, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, NSW Government, 2023. Return to footnote 206
  207. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), FDSV Workforce, AIHW website, 2024. Return to footnote 207
  208. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), FDSV Workforce, AIHW website, 2024. Return to footnote 208
  209. Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission (DFSV Commission), Yearly Report to Parliament, DFSV Commission, Australian Government, 2024. Return to footnote 209
  210. ABS, ‘Table 29 – Victims of family and domestic violence related offences by sex, Australia, 2014–2023’, Recorded Crime – Victims, 2023 [data set], ABS website, 2024. Return to footnote 210
  211. This information was provided as a verbal submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety; see A Branley and L Lohberger, ‘Aged care royal commission hears there are around 50 sexual assaults a week of residents nationally’, ABC News, 22 October 2020. Return to footnote 211
  212. N Townsend, D Loxton, N Egan, I Barnes, E Byrnes, E and P Forder, ‘A life course approach to determining the prevalence and impact of sexual violence in Australia: Findings from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health’, ANROWS Research report, 14/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 212
  213. This is based on data from the Australian Child Maltreatment Study (ACMS), as cited in The National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse, ‘An urgent national challenge: new research highlights child sexual abuse in Australia, The National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse Knowledge Summary, The National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse, 2023. Return to footnote 213
  214. N Townsend, D Loxton, N Egan, I Barnes, E Byrnes and P Forder, ‘A life course approach to determining the prevalence and impact of sexual violence in Australia: Findings from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report,14/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 214
  215. R Hirsch, ‘Improving service pathways: the COVID-19 pandemic and the experiences of women and gender-diverse people working in the Victorian sex industry’, Project Respect Research Report, Project Respect, 2024. Return to footnote 215
  216. Project Respect, ‘Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee Inquiry Into Capturing Data on Family Violence Perpetrators in Victoria (2024)’, Inquiry Into Capturing Data on Family Violence Perpetrators in Victoria Submission, No. 24, Victorian Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee, Parliament of Victoria, 2024. Return to footnote 216
  217. KPMG and RMIT University, This is my story. It’s your case, but it’s my story.” Interview study: Exploring justice system experiences of complainants in sexual offence matters, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, NSW Government, 2023. Return to footnote 217
  218. E McLindon, M McKenzie, A Webster, J Hargrave, P Turner-Myatt, K Maltzahn and L Tarzia, Reclaiming power over my story, my body and myself”. Recovery and healing for adult victim-survivors of sexual violence, University of Melbourne, Sexual Assault Services Victoria and Women with Disabilities Victoria, 2024. Return to footnote 218
  219. Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce, Hear her voice: Report one, volume two – Addressing coercive control and domestic and family violence in Queensland, Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce, Queensland Government, 2021. Return to footnote 219
  220. Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce, Hear her voice: Report one, volume two – Addressing coercive control and domestic and family violence in Queensland, Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce, Queensland Government, 2021. Return to footnote 220
  221. Attorney-General’s Department (AGD), Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration, University of Queensland and University of Melbourne, National domestic and family violence bench book, Australian Institute of Judicial Administration, 2023. Return to footnote 221
  222. F Al-Yaman, M Van Doland and M Wallis, Family violence among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, AIHW, Australian Government, 2006; J Breckenridge, Understanding economic and financial abuse in First Nations communities, Gendered Violence Research Network, UNSW and Commonwealth Bank, 2021; M Segrave, R Wickes and C Keel, Migrant and refugee women in Australia: The safety and security study, Monash University, 2021. Return to footnote 222
  223. Attorney-General’s Department (AGD), Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration, University of Queensland and University of Melbourne, National domestic and family violence bench book, Australian Institute of Judicial Administration, 2023. Return to footnote 223
  224. Australian Law Reform Commission, Family Law for the Future: An Inquiry into the Family Law System Australian Government, 2019 Return to footnote 224
  225. E Campbell, J Richter, J Howard and H Cockburn, ‘The PIPA Project: Positive Interventions for Perpetrators of Adolescent violence in the home’, ANROWS Research report, 3/2020, ANROWS, 2020. Return to footnote 225
  226. A Kayis-Kumar, Australia’s tax system is being weaponised against victims of domestic abuse. Here’s how, UNSW Australian Human Rights Institute, 2024. Return to footnote 226
  227. Women’s Legal Services Australia, Non-Payment of Child Support as Economic Abuse of Women and Children: A Literature Review, Women’s Legal Services Australia, 2024. Return to footnote 227
  228. E Stewart, Child support payments are being used as a weapon to financially abuse ex-partners, ABC News, 25 March 2023. Return to footnote 228
  229. eSafety Commissioner (eSafety) Safety by Design Principles, eSafety website, 2024. Return to footnote 229
  230. eSafety Commissioner (eSafety), Safety by Design Principles, eSafety website, 2024. Return to footnote 230
  231. C Fitzpatrick, Designed to disrupt: Reimagining banking products to improve financial safety, Centre for Women's Economic Safety (CWES) Discussion Paper 1, CWES, 2022. Return to footnote 231
  232. C Fitzpatrick, Designed to disrupt: Reimagining banking products to improve financial safety, CWES Discussion Paper 1, CWES, 2022. Return to footnote 232
  233. C Fitzpatrick, Designed to disrupt: Reimagining banking products to improve financial safety, CWES Discussion Paper 1, CWES, 2022. Return to footnote 233
  234. C Fitzpatrick, Designed to disrupt: Reimagining banking products to improve financial safety, CWES Discussion Paper 1, CWES, 2022; A Summers, ‘How tech became the next frontier in domestic violence’, The Saturday Paper, 16 March 2024. Return to footnote 234
  235. C Fitzpatrick, Reimagining general insurance products to improve financial safety, CWES Discussion Paper 2, CWES, 2024. Return to footnote 235
  236. J Hill and M Salter, ‘Rethinking primary prevention’, How Do You Smash a Ghost?, 2024. Return to footnote 236
  237. P Noonan, A Taylor and J Burke, ‘Links between alcohol consumption and domestic and sexual violence against women: Key findings and future directions’, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report, 8/2017, ANROWS, 2017. Return to footnote 237
  238. M Livingston, ‘The ecology of domestic violence: the role of alcohol outlet density’, Geospatial Health, 2010, 5(1):139-149; M Livingston, ‘A longitudinal analysis of alcohol outlet density and domestic violence’, Addiction, 2011, 106(5): 919-925; Y Mojica-Perez, S Callinan and M Livingston, ‘Alcohol home delivery services: An investigation of use and risk’, Centre for Alcohol Policy Research and Foundation for Alcohol Research & Education (FARE), 2019. Return to footnote 238
  239. M Livingston, ‘The ecology of domestic violence: the role of alcohol outlet density’, Geospatial Health, 2010, 5(1):139-149; P Noonan, A Taylor and J Burke, ‘Links between alcohol consumption and domestic and sexual violence against women: Key findings and future directions’, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Research report, 8/2017, ANROWS, 2017. Return to footnote 239
  240. R Mayshak, A Curtis, K Coomber, L Tonner, A Walker, S Hyder, P Liknaitzky and P Miller, ‘Alcohol-involved family and domestic violence reported to police in Australia’, J Interpers Violence, 2022, 37(3-4):1658-1685. Return to footnote 240
  241. Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network and ANROWS, ‘Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network national data update, Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network Data Report, 2nd edn, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 241
  242. There is currently no accurate data that measures the prevalence of FASD in the general population in Australia; see S McLean, ‘Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): An update on policy and practice in Australia’, Child Family Community Australia Paper, 65/2022, Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), Australian Government, 2022. Return to footnote 242
  243. Data from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, as cited in H Gilmore, S Rawsthorne and N Gladstone, ‘The Sydney suburbs with the most alcohol-related domestic violence’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 17 July 2024. Return to footnote 243
  244. P d’Abbs and N Hewlett, Learning from 50 years of Aboriginal alcohol programs: Beating the grog in Australia, Menzies School of Health Research, Queensland, 2023. Return to footnote 244
  245. Marninwarntikura, The George Institute for Global Health, The University of Sydney and Nindilingarri Cultural Health Services, ‘The Liliwan Collaboration: Inquiry into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), Inquiry into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Submission, No. 22, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs, 2012. Return to footnote 245
  246. Marninwarntikura, The George Institute for Global Health, The University of Sydney and Nindilingarri Cultural Health Services, ‘The Liliwan Collaboration: Inquiry into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), Inquiry into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Submission, No. 22, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs, 2012. Return to footnote 246
  247. M Douglas, ‘Restriction of the hours of sale of alcohol in a small community: a beneficial impact’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 2008, 22(6):714-719; S Duailibi, W Ponicki, J Grube, I Pinsky, R Laranjeira and M Raw, ‘The effect of restricting opening hours on alcohol-related violence’, Am J Public Health, 2007, 97(1):2276-2280. Return to footnote 247
  248. C Humphreys, Football finals and domestic violence, Pursuit, University of Melbourne, 2018. Return to footnote 248
  249. Parliament of Australia, Report released: You win some, you lose more [media release], Parliament of Australia, 28 June 2023. Return to footnote 249
  250. N Hing, C O’Mullan, L Mainey, E Nuske, H Breen and A Taylor, ‘Impacts of male intimate partner violence on women: A life course perspective’, Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021, 18(16):8303. Return to footnote 250
  251. N Hing, C O’Mullan, L Mainey, E Nuske, H Breen and A Taylor, ‘Impacts of male intimate partner violence on women: A life course perspective’, Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021, 18(16):8303. Return to footnote 251
  252. Centre for Innovative Justice, Compulsion, convergence or crime? Criminal justice system contact as a form of gambling harm, RMIT University, 2017. Return to footnote 252
  253. N Hing, C O'Mullan, L Mainey, N Greer and H Breen, ‘An integrative review of research on gambling and domestic and family violence: Fresh perspectives to guide future research’, Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, 13:1-16. Return to footnote 253
  254. N Hing, C O’Mullan, E Nuske, H Breen, L Mainey, A Taylor, A Frost, NGR Kenkinson, U Jatkar, J Deblaquiere, A Rintoul, A Thomas, E Langham, A Jackson, J Lee and V Rawat, ‘The relationship between gambling and intimate partner violence against women’, ANROWS Research report, 21/2020, ANROWS, 2020; Centre for Innovative Justice, Compulsion, convergence or crime? Criminal justice system contact as a form of gambling harm, RMIT University, 2017. Return to footnote 254
  255. E Parke, Online-gambling addiction inquiry reveals disturbing stories, ABC News, 11 December 2022; see also House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs, You win some, you lose more: Online gambling and its impacts on those experiencing gambling harm (Final report), House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs, Commonwealth of Australia, 2023. Return to footnote 255
  256. AIFS, Gambling in Australia, AIFS website, 2023. Return to footnote 256
  257. F Markam, B Doran and M Young, ‘The relationship between electronic gaming machine accessibility and police-recorded domestic violence: A spatio-temporal analysis of 654 postcodes in Victoria, Australia, 2005–2014’, Social Science and Medicine, 2016, 162:106-114. Return to footnote 257
  258. Our Watch, Background paper: Pornography, young people and preventing violence against women, Our Watch, 2020. Return to footnote 258
  259. L Tarzia and M Tyler, ‘Recognising connections between pornography and intimate partner sexual violence’, Violence Against Women, 2020, 27(14):2687-2708. Return to footnote 259
  260. A Quadara, A El-Murr and J Latham,Online pornography: effects on children & young people’, Australian Institute of Family Studies Research Snapshot, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government, 2017. Return to footnote 260
  261. N Glass, K Laughon, J Campbell, A D, CR Block, G Hanson, PW Sharps, E Taliaferro, ’Non-fatal strangulation is an important risk factor for homicide of women‘, J Emerg Med. 2008, 35(3):329–335. Return to footnote 261
  262. A Quadara, A El-Murr and J Latham,Online pornography: effects on children & young people’, Australian Institute of Family Studies Research Snapshot, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government, 2017. Return to footnote 262
  263. PJ Wright, D Herbenick and RS Tokunaga, ‘Pornography consumption and sexual choking: an evaluation of theoretical mechanisms’, Health Communication, 2023, 38(6):1099–1110. Return to footnote 263
  264. eSafety Commissioner (eSafety), ‘Age Assurance’, Tech Trends Issues Paper, eSafety,Australian Government, 2024. Return to footnote 264
  265. It's Time We Talked, It’s Time We Talked, It’s Time We Talked website, n.d. Return to footnote 265
  266. L Clark, ‘‘I was filled with dread’: after her father killed her mother, Amani Haydar found words to heal’, The Guardian, 3 July 2021. Return to footnote 266
  267. A Abrahimzadeh, ‘There is nothing sensational about violence against women and their children’, The Walkley Magazine, 7 April 2021. Return to footnote 267
  268. J Gilmore, FixedIt: What did he do, not how did he blame the victim for what he did?, Jane Gilmore website, 2021; in Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce, Hear her voice: Report one, volume two – Addressing coercive control and domestic and family violence in Queensland, Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce, Queensland Government, 2021. Return to footnote 268
  269. G Sutherland, A McCormack, J Perkis, C Vaughan, M Dunne-Breen, P Easteal and K Holland, ‘Media representations of violence against women and their children: Final report’, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Horizons Research report, 03/2016, ANROWS, 2016. Return to footnote 269
  270. M Dragiewicz, B Harris, D Woodlock, M Salter, H Easton, A Lynch, H Campbell, J Leach and L Milne, Domestic, violence and communication technology: Survivor experiences of intrusion, surveillance, and identity crime, Australian Communications Consumer Action Network, 2019. Return to footnote 270
  271. D Woodlock, K Bentley, D Schulze, N Mahoney, D Chung and A Pracilio, ‘Second national survey of technology abuse and domestic violence in Australia’, WESNET, 2020; cited in eSafety Commissioner (eSafety), ‘Technology-facilitated abuse: family, domestic and sexual violence – Literature scan’, eSafety, 2023. Return to footnote 271
  272. A Powell and N Henry, ‘Technology-facilitated sexual violence victimization: results from an online survey of Australian adults’, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2019, 34(17):3637-3665. Return to footnote 272
  273. eSafety Commissioner (eSafety), ‘Technology-facilitated abuse: family, domestic and sexual violence – Literature scan’, eSafety, 2023. Return to footnote 274
  274. eSafety Commissioner (eSafety), Domestic violence, eSafety website, 2024. Return to footnote 274
  275. New South Wales Crime Commission, Project Hakea: Criminal use of tracking and other surveillance devices in NSW, New South Wales Crime Commission, NSW Government, 2024. Return to footnote 275
  276. A Summers, ‘How tech became the next frontier in domestic violence’, The Saturday Paper, 16 March 2024. Return to footnote 276
  277. eSafety Commissioner (eSafety), 1 in 8 children coerced into producing child sexual abuse material remotely [media release], eSafety, 5 September 2023. Return to footnote 277
  278. J Inman Grant, ‘Lifting the veil on sextortion’ [blog post], eSafety, 19 August 2024. Return to footnote 278
  279. eSafety Commissioner (eSafety), ‘Women in the Spotlight: Women's experiences with online abuse in their working lives’, eSafety, 2022. Return to footnote 279
  280. eSafety Commissioner (eSafety), ‘Women in the Spotlight: Women's experiences with online abuse in their working lives’, eSafety, 2022. Return to footnote 280
  281. Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence (DFSV) Commission, About us, DFSV Commission website, 2024. Return to footnote 281
  282. Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), ‘House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs Inquiry into Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence’ (2021), Inquiry into Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Submission, No 16, Commonwealth of Australia, 2021; Australian Senate, Finance and Public Administration References Committee, Domestic violence in Australia (Final report), Australian Senate, Finance and Public Administration References Committee, Commonwealth of Australia, 2015. Return to footnote 282
  283. M Flood, C Brown, L Dembele and K Mills, Who uses domestic, family and sexual violence, how and why? The State of Knowledge Report on Violence Prevention, Queensland University of Technology, 2022; Respect Victoria, Improving perpetration data: What’s needed and why, Respect Victoria website, 15 August 2024. Return to footnote 283
  284. Department of Social Services (DSS), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan 2023-2025, DSS, Australian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 284
  285. National Agreement on Closing the Gap, Priority reforms, National Agreement on Closing the Gap website, n.d. Return to footnote 285
  286. Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), A national system for domestic and family violence death review, AHRC, 2016. Return to footnote 286
  287. E Buxton-Namisnyk and A Gibson, ‘The contribution of domestic and family violence death reviews in Australia: From recommendations to reform?’, Journal of Criminology, 2024, 57: 161-186; see also Attorney-General’s Department (AGD), Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration, University of Queensland, University of Melbourne) National domestic and family violence bench book, Australian Institute of Judicial Administration, 2023; Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network (ADFVDRN) and Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), ‘Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network data report: Filicides in a domestic and family violence context 2010–2018,Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network Data Report, 1st edn, ANROWS, 2024. Return to footnote 287
  288. A Clapperton, S Newstead, L Bugeja and J Pirkis, ‘Relative risk of suicide following exposure to recent stressors, Victoria, Australia‘, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 2019, 43(3):254-260. Return to footnote 288
  289. This data was provided on request by the Coroners Court of Victoria to the Rapid Review of Prevention Approaches. Return to footnote 289
  290. S Meyer, M Atienzar-Prieto, K Fitz-Gibbon and S Moore, Missing figures: The hidden role of domestic and family violence in youth suicide – Current state of knowledge report, Griffith University, Monash University, Melbourne City Mission and Berry Street Y-Change, 2023. Return to footnote 290
  291. X Liu and JY Tein, ‘Life events, psychopathology, and suicidal behavior in Chinese adolescents’, Journal of Affective Disorders, 2005, 86(2):195-203. Return to footnote 291
  292. K Hoeger, C Gutierrez-Munoz, A Sadullah, T Edwards, L Blackwell, L Bates and A Whitaker, Vulnerability Knowledge and Practice Programme (VKPP): Domestic homicides and suspected victim suicides 2020-2023, Year 3 report, VKPP, 2024. Return to footnote 292
  293. K Hoeger, C Gutierrez-Munoz, A Sadullah, T Edwards, L Blackwell, L Bates and A Whitaker, Vulnerability Knowledge and Practice Programme (VKPP): Domestic homicides and suspected victim suicides 2020-2023, Year 3 report, VKPP, 2024. Return to footnote 293
  294. L Farris, Fatal domestic abuse reviews renamed to better recognise suicide cases [news story], the Home Office, 5 February 2024. Return to footnote 294
  295. Commission for Children and Young People, Lost, not forgotten: Inquiry into children who died by suicide and were known to Child Protection, Commission for Children and Young People, 2019. Return to footnote 295
  296. ABS, Causes of Death, Australia [data source], ABS website, 2023. Return to footnote 296
  297. S Meyer, M Atienzar-Prieto, K Fitz-Gibbon and S Moore, Missing Figures: The Role of Domestic and Family Violence in Youth Suicide - Current State of Knowledge Report, Griffith University, 2023. Return to footnote 297
  298. W Tuohy, ‘Getting family violence victims out of motels key to suicide prevention, premier told’, The Age, 23 May 2024. Return to footnote 298
  299. ABS, ‘Statistics on partner violence, emotional and economic abuse, including socio-demographics, behaviours and relationship characteristics’, Partner Violence, ABS, 2023. Return to footnote 299

Gender-Based Violence at a Glance in Australia (August 2024) - Placemat

  1. N Weeks, S Bernstein, N Roberts, N Honey, K Minter and E Carlisle, The 2021 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS), Findings for Australia, Research Report 02/2023, ANROWS, 2023. Return to footnote 1
  2. N Weeks, S Bernstein, N Roberts, N Honey, K Minter and E Carlisle, The 2021 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS), Findings for Australia, Research Report 02/2023, ANROWS, 2023. Return to footnote 2
  3. M Tyler, R Thomson, K Navez d’Aubremont, O Stephenson, B King and M McCabe, The Man Box 2024: Re-examining what it means to be a man in Australia, Jesuit Social Services, 2024. Return to footnote 3
  4. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), ‘Statistics about long-term health conditions, disability, lifestyle factors, physical harm and use of health services’, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey, ABS, 2019. Return to footnote 4
  5. N Amos, A Hill, C Donovan, M Carman, M Parsons, R McNair, A Lyons and A Bourne, ‘Family Violence Within LGBTQ Communities in Australia: Intersectional Experiences and Associations with Mental Health Outcomes’, Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2023, 20: 1316-1327; A Hill, A Bourne, R McNair, M Carman and A Lyons, ‘Private Lives 3: The Health and Wellbeing of LGBTIQ People in Australia’, ARCSHS Monograph Series No. 122, La Trobe University, 2020. Return to footnote 5
  6. Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health (CRE-DHH), Nature and Extent of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation against people with disability in Australia, Research report, Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, 2021. Return to footnote 6
  7. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Rural and remote health, AIHW website, 2024. Please note AIHW data derived from the 2016 Personal Safety Survey. Return to footnote 7
  8. Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network (ADFVDRN) and Australian National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network data report: Filicides in a domestic and family violence context 2010–2018, Research report, 06/2024, ANROWS, 2024. Return to footnote 8
  9. ABS, ‘Rates of physical and sexual assault, family and domestic violence, economic and emotional abuse, stalking, sexual harassment, and childhood abuse’, Personal Safety, Australia, ABS, 2023. Return to footnote 9
  10. ABS, ‘Rates of physical and sexual assault, family and domestic violence, economic and emotional abuse, stalking, sexual harassment, and childhood abuse’, Personal Safety, Australia, ABS, 2023. Return to footnote 10
  11. Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC), Homicide in Australia [data set], AIC website, 2024. Return to footnote 11
  12. K Cook, A Byrt, R Burgin, T Edwards, A Coen and G Dimoloulos, Financial Abuse: The Weaponisation of Child Support in Australia, Swinbourne University of Technology and the National Council of Single Mothers, 2023. Return to footnote 12
  13. AIHW, ‘Health services’, Family, domestic and sexual violence, AIHW website, 2024. Return to footnote 13
  14. AIHW, ‘FDV reported to police’, Family, domestic and sexual violence, AIHW website, 2024. Return to footnote 14
  15. ABS, ‘Statistics about offenders proceeded against by police, including demographic, most serious offence, and family and domestic violence information’, Recorded Crime – Offenders, ABS, 2024. Return to footnote 15
  16. ABS, ‘National statistics about defendants dealt with by criminal courts including demographic, offence, outcome and sentence information’, Criminal Courts, Australia, ABS, 2024. Return to footnote 16
  17. ABS, ‘Statistics about offenders proceeded against by police, including demographic, most serious offence, and family and domestic violence information’, Recorded Crime – Offenders, ABS, 2024. Return to footnote 17
  18. ADFVDRN and ANROWS, Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network data report: Filicides in a domestic and family violence context 2010–2018, Research report, 06/2024, ANROWS, 2024. Return to footnote 18
  19. S Hulme, A Morgan and H Boxall, Domestic violence offenders, prior offending and reoffending in Australia, Trends and Issues in crime and criminal justice No. 580, AIC, 2019. Return to footnote 19
  20. S Hulme, A Morgan and H Boxall, Domestic violence offenders, prior offending and reoffending in Australia, Trends and Issues in crime and criminal justice No. 580, AIC, 2019. Return to footnote 20
  21. S Hulme, A Morgan and H Boxall, Domestic violence offenders, prior offending and reoffending in Australia, Trends and Issues in crime and criminal justice No. 580, AIC, 2019. Return to footnote 21
  22. ABS, ‘Statistics about childhood physical/sexual abuse and witnessing parental violence, including prevalence, relationship to perpetrator and disclosure’, Childhood abuse, ABS website, 2023. Return to footnote 22
  23. K Fitz-Gibbon, S Meyer, H Boxall, J Maher and S Roberts, Adolescent family violence in Australia: A national study of prevalence, history of childhood victimisation and impacts, ANROWS Research Report 15/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 23
  24. A Miles and S Bricknell, Homicide in Australia 2022-23, AIC Statistical Report No. 46, AIC, 2024. Return to footnote 24
  25. S Hulme, A Morgan and H Boxall, Domestic violence offenders, prior offending and reoffending in Australia, Trends and Issues in crime and criminal justice No. 580, AIC, 2019. Return to footnote 25
  26. ADFVDRN and ANROWS, Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network national data update, Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network Data Report, 2nd edn, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 26
  27. N Hing, C O’Mullan, E Nuske, H Breen, L Mainey, A Taylor, A Frost, N Greer, R Jenkinson, U Jatkar, J Deblaquiere, A Rintoul, A Thomas, E Langham, A Jackson, J Lee and V Rawat, The relationship between gambling and intimate partner violence against women, ANROWS Research Report 21/2020, ANROWS, 2020. Return to footnote 27
  28. H Boxall H, L Doherty, S Lawler, C Franks and S Bricknell, Pathways to intimate partner homicide project: Key stages and events in male-perpetrated intimate partner homicide in Australia, ANROWS Research report, 4/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 28
  29. H Boxall H, L Doherty, S Lawler, C Franks and S Bricknell, Pathways to intimate partner homicide project: Key stages and events in male-perpetrated intimate partner homicide in Australia, ANROWS Research report, 4/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 29
  30. H Boxall H, L Doherty, S Lawler, C Franks and S Bricknell, Pathways to intimate partner homicide project: Key stages and events in male-perpetrated intimate partner homicide in Australia, ANROWS Research report, 4/2022, ANROWS, 2022. Return to footnote 30

Prevalence of domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV) at a glance – Data tables

  1. Australian Institute of Criminology, National Homicide Monitoring Project (2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23). Miles, H & Bricknell, S 2024, Homicide in Australia 2022-23, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government, p. 24; Miles, H, Faulconbridge, E & Bricknell, S 2024, Homicide in Australia 2021-22, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government, p. 23; Bricknell, S 2023, Homicide in Australia 2020-21, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government, p. 18; Serpell, B, Sullivan, T & Doherty, L 2022, Homicide in Australia 2019-20, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government, pp. 44-45; Bricknell, S & Doherty, L 2021, Homicide in Australia 2018-19, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government, pp. 44-45; Bricknell, S 2020, Homicide in Australia 2017-18, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government, p. 45; Bricknell, S 2020, Homicide in Australia 2016-17, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government, p. 43; Bricknell, S 2019, Homicide in Australia 2015-16, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government, p. 32; Bricknell, S 2019, Homicide in Australia 2014-15, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government, p. 32. Return to footnote 1
  2. Miles, H & Bricknell, S 2024, Homicide in Australia 2022-23, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government. Return to footnote 2
  3. Personal Safety Survey (PSS) 2021-22, Table 3.1. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (15 March 2023) 2021 22 Personal Safety Survey, ABS, Australian Government. Return to footnote 3
  4. PSS 2021-22, Table 12.1. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (15 March 2023) 2021-22 Personal Safety Survey, ABS, Australian Government. Return to footnote 4
  5. PSS 2016, Tables 3.1, 3.3; 27.1; 27.3; PSS 2021-22, Tables 1.1, 1.2. ABS (8 November 2017) 2016 Personal Safety Survey, ABS, Australian Government; ABS (15 March 2023) 2021-22 Personal Safety Survey, ABS, Australian Government. ABS (8 November 2017) 2016 Personal Safety Survey, ABS, Australian Government; ABS (22 November 2023) 2021-22 Personal Safety Survey – Partner Violence, ABS, Australian Government. Return to footnote 5
  6. PSS 2016, Table 28.1, Table 28.3; PSS 2021-22, Partner Violence, Table 20.1, 21.1. Return to footnote 6
  7. PSS 2021-22, Partner Violence, Tables 2.1, 3.1, 4.1. ABS (22 November 2023) 2021-22 Personal Safety Survey – Partner Violence, ABS, Australian Government. Return to footnote 7