Unlocking the Prevention Potential: accelerating action to end domestic, family and sexual violence


This report is dedicated to the survivors of domestic, sexual, and family violence. Your strength, resilience, and bravery stand as a constant reminder of why this work is necessary. You have shown us what it means to continue living in the face of unimaginable harm, and it is your courage that drives us forward – towards building a system that does more than respond. We are committed to creating a system that earns your trust; safeguards your dignity; and ensures your safety.

To those whose lives were tragically cut short by violence, we carry your memory as a call to action. You deserved more than what our systems offered. Your absence serves as a painful reminder that we must do better – our responsibility is to ensure that no more lives are lost to preventable violence. 

This work is not just about addressing past failures, it’s about creating something better. A system that communities can rely on, where prevention, protection and trust are paramount. This report imagines a future where safety is not a privilege, but a human right, and where justice is delivered with care, compassion and certainty.

In particular, this work acknowledges the strength of generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders – traditional owners of unceded country across this land and holders of knowledge and wisdom about the solutions that work for their own families and communities. 

To the advocates, service providers, and Australians who stand beside survivors every day – your dedication, persistence, and belief in a better system continue to inspire this journey. Together, we strive for a world where violence is no longer tolerated and where communities can live in safety, trust, and peace.