The United Nations (UN) Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (the Committee) is a body of 23 independent experts on women’s and girls’ human rights from around the world, who monitor the progress of UN member states’ efforts to eliminate discrimination against women. Natasha Stott Despoja AO was re-elected to the Committee in June 2024 as an independent member. When first elected in 2020, Ms Stott Despoja was the first Australian to have served on the Committee in almost 30 years, following the Hon Elizabeth Evatt AC. Ms Stott Despoja is the only independent member serving on the Committee from the Oceania region.
Ms Stott Despoja's nomination and election to the Committee was supported by the Australian Government.
Australia’s ninth periodic report to the Committee
As a party to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Australia has an obligation to periodically report to the Committee on measures Australia has adopted to implement commitments under CEDAW.
In 2023, the Committee issued Australia with a ‘list of issues prior to reporting’ concerning the experiences of women and girls in Australia as they relate to articles under CEDAW. The list of issues reflect the Committee’s ‘simplified reporting procedure’ which Australia agreed to in 2022 under the UN General Assembly resolution 68/268 on strengthening and enhancing the effective function of human rights treaty body systems.
The Office for Women has prepared Australia’s ninth periodic report in response to these questions, following extensive consultation with Commonwealth, state and territory government agencies, and a period of public consultation in September 2024. The periodic report reflects the significant legislative, policy and structural reforms implemented in Australia since the eighth periodic report which was submitted in 2016. Read Australia’s ninth periodic report.
Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher, Minister for Women, Minister for Finance and Minister for the Public Service, has formally submitted Australia’s ninth periodic report to the Committee. Read Minister Gallagher’s statement.
Following submission of the periodic report, Australia will be invited to appear before the Committee to speak to the report and respond to any further questions. Timing on Australia’s appearance is to be confirmed. The Committee will then issue concluding observations on Australia’s implementation of, and reporting on, progress under CEDAW. Australia’s ninth periodic report and the Committee’s concluding observations will be published on the official CEDAW website.
As part of Australia’s long-standing commitment to transparency, the Australian Government has funded an independent ‘shadow report’ which was prepared by Australia’s National Women’s Alliances, led by the National Rural Women’s Coalition.