Working for Women Program

The Working for Women Program aims to improve outcomes for women and gender equality in Australia.

The Australian Government is committed to creating a better, gender equal Australia for everyone. Working for Women: A Strategy for Gender Equality (the Strategy) outlines where the Government will focus its efforts over the next decade to achieve its vision – an Australia where people are safe, treated with respect, have choices and have access to resources and equal outcomes no matter their gender.

To support the implementation of the Strategy, the women’s portfolio funding, (previously known as the Women’s Leadership and Development Program) has been reframed to the Working for Women Program (WfWP).

The WfWP aims to improve outcomes for women and gender equality in Australia, with a focus on addressing gendered attitudes and stereotypes and taking action across the following five priority areas of the Strategy:

  • Gender-based violence
  • Unpaid and paid care
  • Economic equality and security
  • Health
  • Leadership, representation, and decision making.

The WfWP contributes to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Outcome 1.

Grant opportunities

For information on currently available grant opportunities under the WfWP, please visit the current Grant opportunities page.

How to apply for funding

Grant opportunities under the WfWP are advertised on GrantConnect. Organisations are encouraged to subscribe to GrantConnect to receive updates on the WfWP and other Commonwealth Government grant programs.

Latest news

Working for Women Program

International Women’s Day 2025

Grant recipient announced: gender equality research partnership
Workplace gender equality

University of Sydney awarded $5 million to build evidence base for gender equality


National Women's Alliances

Evaluation of the National Women’s Alliances Model