ABC Foundation Ltd | AWRAE - Aboriginal Women's Research Assistant & Evaluation Training Project | This project will train Indigenous women to be evaluators of programs operating within their communities. ABC will contract Blak Impact to co design a training program with Indigenous women that will be culturally secure and hands-on, with embedded mentoring and support. This program goes beyond a training model; once women have learnt the skills of planning, data collection and analysis, they will work on contract evaluations, with support from Indigenous consultants at Blak Impact and Workplace Mentors from local Employment Services Providers. | $389,373 |
Active Refugee and Migrant Integration in Australia | Refugee and New Migrant Womens' Employment Readiness and Workforce Participation Initiative | This project will deliver an employment readiness and workforce participation program for refugee and new migrant women, focusing on those experiencing multiple barriers to employment. This will include mentoring and support, with an English language program and employment skills training to ensure participants can effectively be employed in the long term. It will include such modules as computer literacy, financial literacy and career development activities. The mentoring program will support women into entrepreneurship, while working with local businesses to identify and transition participants to ongoing paid employment. | $300,000 |
Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) | Women's Regional, Rural and Remote Diversity Scholarships | This project will improve the overall representation of women on boards, particularly focusing on increasing the representation of rural and regional women. The project will deliver a scholarship program for women to gain valuable governance skills and education through the Company Directors Course, and scholarships to attend AICD’s Foundations of Directorship course. | $773,804 |
Australian Muslim Women's Centre for Human Rights Inc | Building Capacity for Safety and Success | This project will deliver programs aimed at building capacity and awareness of personal strengths and opportunities, to support economic participation and prevent increased risk of financial dependence and financial abuse. This project will also address structural barriers for migrant, Muslim and young women who experience disadvantage and systemic marginalisation to regain confidence, capabilities and capacity to re-enter the workforce in 2021 and beyond. | $580,000 |
Australian Power Institute Ltd | POWERfulWOMEN | This project will support women to build engineering careers and leadership roles in the Australian power sector, and establish the foundation for a sustainable program that will transform the participation of women in this sector. Existing female working professionals, graduates and undergraduate students will participate in a 12 month program of live and online activities, skill building and mentoring. The participants will also develop inspiring resources to engage high school and undergraduate students about careers in the power sector. | $888,221 |
Big Hart Inc | Positive Futures | This project will support disadvantaged young women, (aged 13–20) to build new pathways to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic (STEM) education and careers. Through an engaging, task focused workshop program, young women explore the physical environment of the North West Coast and assist local organisations to document unmapped areas with drone technology. These skill building workshops introduce young women to a range of spatial mapping equipment and techniques to document wild places. The program will address an opportunity gap on the North West Coast for young women to be exposed to STEM skills and role models, and to increase community support for local STEM pathways. | $200,000 |
Brave Foundation | Supporting Expecting and Parenting Teens (SEPT) Program | This project will see the continuation and expansion of the SEPT Program. Under the program, mentors based at community hubs work with expecting and parenting teens to create individual Pathway Plans focusing on education and workforce participation; goalsetting and career advice; health and wellbeing; navigating financial and housing assistance; and help with everyday parenting skills. The program helps participants connect with existing support services and provides these young people with the tools and confidence to participate in the workforce, build their economic security and create happy, healthy and skilled families. | $6,000,000 |
Bungala Aboriginal Corporation | Aboriginal Women in Hospitality SkillsBuilding and Employment Program | This project will deliver a job creation and skillsbuilding program aimed at Aboriginal women in Port Augusta. Traineeships will be provided for Aboriginal women who will be supported to obtain a Certificate II in Kitchen Operations. This project will improve economic security for Aboriginal women who participate in the program, and it will encourage workforce participation. | $240,000 |
CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes Ltd | ‘Cooee for Coffee' Cafes and Recycled Fashion Boutique and / or Salon | The project will support women in two remote communities, Bourke and Wilcannia, who are unemployed and lack job-ready skills and experience to enter the workforce. Women will participate in a 12 month training program, including work experience in the social enterprises, 'Cooee for Coffee' cafes in Bourke and Wilcannia; and a proposed new hair salon adjacent to 'Cooee for Coffee' in Wilcannia. Training will include (but is not limited to), life skills, job readiness, financial literacy and employment skills. | $689,870 |
Centre for Multicultural Youth | 'A Seat at the Table' | This project will provide leadership training and placements in non-traditional and/or male-dominated industries, including the sports sector for young women from refugee and migrant backgrounds. The leadership training and placements, will support young women, firstly in Victoria and then around Australia, to build skills, knowledge and networks, increasing their employment pathways and the representation of diverse, young women in leadership. ‘A Seat at the Table’ will feature introductory ’taster’ workshops followed by leadership immersion programs with training, leadership placements on Boards/Committees and mentoring. | $620,000 |
Children's Ground Ltd | Removing Barriers to Meaningful Employment for First Nations Women | This project will support employment opportunities and address the challenges in maintaining employment for First Nations women who live with violence in Central Australia (Mparntwe - Alice Springs). Project activities will include access to employment, on-the-job training, mentoring, financial literacy and supporting the social, emotional wellbeing of the women at risk. The project looks beyond the job itself and focuses on the support structures within the workplace that will encourage greater participation for at-risk women. | $793,829 |
Community Corporate Pty Ltd | Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Women in Logistics | This project supports refugee and migrant women’s skill development to access current job opportunities in the logistics and warehousing industry. The custom designed employer-led pathway model includes delivering pre-employment training aligned to formal employer partners committed to genuine job opportunities as part of their diversity and inclusion agenda. Supported work experience trials, on the job training and individual coaching, will build resilience and job fitness resulting in employment outcomes for CALD women in NSW and SA. | $660,000 |
Dress for Success Sydney Inc | Dress for Success: Virtual Career Support Program | This project will extend and expand on previous funding provided under the 2018-19 WLDP grant round by delivering a digital portal that will enable women job seekers to access practical and holistic range of support services digitally anytime from anywhere in Australia. The portal will enable women to build skills, confidence, and knowledge to enter/reenter the workforce by accessing range of services such as: pre-recorded workshops and webinars; assistance with resume preparation; pre-booked mock interview sessions with corporate volunteers; 10 free coaching sessions with accredited career coaches; connection with prospective employers; virtual or face to face dressing and styling appointments and/or order a clothing pack in the post; and ongoing/long term career support to help women keep their jobs and thrive at work. | $985,068 |
Family Planning Association of Western Australia Inc | Safe to Tell | This project builds on the screening program developed by Sexual Health Quarters (SHQ) to support women most vulnerable to violence and affected by intimate partner violence (IPV), reproductive coercion (RC) and other family, domestic violence (FDV). This screening program will now be further implemented, in partnership with Women’s Health and Family Services and South Coastal Health and Community Services. The screening program will be supported by training, counselling services, and translated resources and delivered to health organisations in Western Australia. The project will enable the health workforce to have the skills and confidence to assist women experiencing violence and coercion, and ensure that more women at-risk are identified and supported to be safe in their homes and communities. | $782,970 |
Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health | Enabling STEM Women to Win Grants and Lead Research | This project addresses the disparity in research funding application and success rates for women, and aims to help retain women in STEM research careers and boost numbers of women at leadership levels. The project will equip a cohort of women medical researchers with skills and confidence to articulate the value of themselves and their research, building their capacity to secure research funding and support their career progression. | $365,000 |
First Nations Foundation | Indigenous Women's Financial Wellness Strategy | The Indigenous Women's Financial Wellness (IWFW) strategy is an extension of First Nation Foundation’s current work supporting women to be financially resilient through COVID-19. The IWFW addresses the unique position of economic disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women through four impact areas: education, workforce participation, individual and collective empowerment and leadership. The IWFW is designed with the vision of long-term financial prosperity for all First Nations women, and intergenerational wealth transformation across Indigenous families and communities. | $797,988 |
Fitzroy Legal Service Inc | Work without Barriers | This project will deliver an employment and professional skills development program for women who face substantial barriers to employment due to systemic disadvantage (including women with disability, women who are criminalised or have lived experience of prison, homelessness, or the child protection system). The project will provide employment opportunities for women who traditionally face barriers to employment and provide them with access to a tailored training and development program. Pathways for employment will be created through developing professional skills transferrable to other legal centres and the community/health sector. The project will also build organisational capacity to employ women with lived experience of systemic discrimination, including processes and infrastructure for safe, trauma-informed, and inclusive workplaces. The learnings will be extended to other community organisations. | $782,935 |
Flightdeck Crewing Pty Ltd | Western Sydney Women's Empowering and Enablement Program | This project empowers women to share in the prosperity of a rewarding career in the male-dominated aviation industry. The program will enable women’s workforce participation by; creating awareness of the diversity of aviation employment opportunities; reaffirming the gender and cultural diversity that currently exists within the industry; creating connections with inspiring female industry role models; providing clear, actionable plans to secure an aviation career opportunity; providing access to graduate, scholarship and cadetship opportunities; and building the confidence of women to take steps to secure a rewarding career. | $772,400 |
Get Skilled Access Pty Ltd | Women In Leadership with Disability (WILD) Sports Collective | This six-month leadership program will build leadership capability in current and retired women athletes with disability to increase the talent pool for Board selection, executive and administration roles in sporting organisations. The program will include individual mentoring and personal career planning as well as a National Summit designed to bring together National Sporting Organisations, National Sporting Organisations for people with Disability, Federal and State government sport and recreation bodies to increase their capability in inclusion and introduce the participants to potential employers. | $718,700 |
GOGO Foundation Ltd | Inclusive Work Program | This program is designed to enhance the economic security of women by creating targeted pathways to stable long-term employment. The program includes wellbeing training and mentoring, foundational work skills training, workplace immersion with partner businesses, and personalised mentoring. Following this, participants will be supported into targeted job matching, placement, preparation activities and ongoing employment support for two years. | $535,899 |
Habitat for Humanity Australia | Building Skills, Changing Lives | This project will establish an all-female social enterprise to employ and train disadvantaged young women (aged 16-35) in building and construction skills. Women will gain building experience and qualifications in a safe space. With support from the JobTrainer Fund, participants will also work towards a vocational building and construction qualification. | $788,458 |
Indigenous Employment Partners Ltd | Working Mums – Bundap Marram DurnDurn | This project will support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to retain employment, improve career pathways and leadership skills including support and mentoring to re-skill or up-skill. The project will also support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who enter or re-enter the workforce during or after family and community caring responsibilities to maintain a work/life balance including physical and mental health and well-being. | $798,000 |
Integreat Queensland | Work Placement Participation for Skilled Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Women | This project will develop a sustainable referral and management system for small to medium sized businesses in Central Queensland to host work placements for young skilled CALD women to gain a 12 week work placement that aligns with their qualifications, experience and skills. The project will also support small to medium enterprises to build their capacity to employ skilled CALD women from diverse backgrounds through cross cultural understanding. | $282,000 |
LG Professionals Australia | Local Government Women’s Future Leader Program | This project will increase female leadership in the Australian local government sector through tailored support for women and councils. The program will offer leadership development opportunities to women while providing support for councils to achieve the 40:40:20 gender leadership target set by peak body Local Government Professionals Australia by 2025. Participants will build their leadership skills, confidence and networks through professional development opportunities including mentoring, scholarships, board traineeships, and virtual and face-to-face events. Councils will be supported through reports, cases studies and toolkit resources to ensure local governments are able to encourage, accommodate and foster female leaders within their workforce. | $615,000 |
Me Plus More Pty Ltd | Information Streams and Online Communities | This project will improve job readiness and provide employment opportunities for women with intellectual disability. The project will develop a number of Information Streams (effectively "how to" online modules consisting of training videos, workbooks, "cheat sheets", role plays, questions and answers) for use by women with disability and their support workers. | $224,917 |
Midland Information, Debt and Legal Advocacy Service Inc | Family Violence Health Justice Partnership | This project will provide intensive support, referral and case management to support women who are ready to leave their violent partner. The project will also deliver outreach services in a purpose-built mobile office that travels to homeless communities and meeting points to provide comprehensive services to people who are street present. This service will run in conjunction with existing services for women experiencing violence, including legal representation, financial counselling, tenancy support, and emergency relief. | $131,071 |
Multicultural Services Centre of Western Australia Inc. | Occupational Specific Food Industry Training | This project is a scalable, industry transferable program which aims to upskill migrant women in a strength based approach by matching them to current occupational gaps in the food service industry. This program will be delivered in conjunction with North Metropolitan TAFE and provide culturally competent training and work experience (with embedded English language) designed to facilitate employment of women into primarily male-dominated and in demand occupations. | $736,346 |
Murawin Pty Ltd | Tiddas in Business | The Tiddas, or Sisters, in Business program is an intensive set of support and leadership activities to encourage Indigenous women in eight urban, regional, rural and remote locations in NSW and QLD to start their own businesses. The project will support Indigenous women as well as their families/communities through business establishment and growth, contributing to closing the gap on Indigenous disadvantage. | $777,399 |
Muslim Women's Support Centre of WA Inc | Diverse Women's Leadership Program | This project will deliver leadership programs to enhance the confidence, leadership capability and networks of women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in Perth, to increase their involvement in the workplace and community. The project will tackle the barriers culturally diverse women experience in the workplace and community and increase their visibility to allow them to fully achieve their career and community goals. The leadership program includes experiential workshops, forums to bring together corporate and community stakeholders and a leadership retreat. Participants will be exposed to role models, guest speakers and paired with a mentor as well as completing personal leadership challenges to enhance their abilities, networks and experience. | $625,020 |
Narwee Baptist Community Broadcasters | 90.1 NBC FM Women's Radio Production Training and Mentoring Program | This project will provide a free radio production training course for women, particularly women from culturally and linguistically diverse communities in the St George district. Training will be followed by the opportunity for participants to further develop production and presenting skills by becoming part of the all-women production team producing a regular on-going weekly 'magazine' program focusing on issues from women's perspectives. Through this course, participants will acquire skills and confidence that will allow them to enter further industry training and/or entry level employment in the commercial, public or community sectors of the radio/podcast industry. | $20,000 |
New England North West Health Ltd | The Exchange. A Meeting of Minds, an Exchange of Ideas | “The Exchange” is a movement designed to make a positive impact on the advancement of women into leadership roles in rural areas. This project will deliver nine events to rural and regional women in six locations (Armidale, Toowoomba, Tamworth, Gatton/Ipswich, Narrabri and Moree). The emphasis on each event is empowering attendees to take the next step in her career regardless of age, industry, or geographical location. | $94,680 |
Our Community Pty Ltd | Growing Gender Equity Through Governance | This project will provide governance training, support and resources for women to be ready to take on a role as Chair. The project will empower and build the capacity of female leadership in the community sector through governance workshops, online training and AICD membership. There is specific emphasis on engaging women from regional and marginalised communities including Indigenous women. Participating women will access a board matching service and be coached to attain Chair roles. | $227,500 |
Project Youth | RAISE - Raising Achievement in Safe Employment | The RAISE program will support young women aged 16-25 who are disconnected from career pathways. It builds on the successful pilot employment program (Labour Y). RAISE participants may face disadvantage such as homelessness, mental ill-health, disconnection from education and family dysfunction. The project will use trauma-informed relational support to co-create a pathway to a career though training, business mentoring, specialist career advice, and innovative industry partnerships. By working to identify career options and providing practical support, the program will help foster better transitions between school and education, training or work for disadvantaged young people. | $395,962 |
Scale Investors Ltd | Closing the Entrepreneurial Gender-Investment Gap | This project will deliver a market-ready education series ‘Closing the Entrepreneurial Gender-Investment Gap’ to help overcome common hurdles and underrepresented topics which have been statistically proven to impact female entrepreneur’s ability to access capital and succeed. The series targets female entrepreneurs across Australia to help facilitate access to capital funding from a wellregarded female founder focused network. | $800,000 |
Skill Engineer Ltd | Girls of Steel | This project will target and encourage women aged 17–24 to enter into an apprenticeship in a nontraditional trade such as fitting and turning, sheet metal fabrication, boiler making, welding, casting and molding, diesel, mechanical or electrical fitting. Participants will complete Certificate II in Engineering Pathways and Work Skills Cert 1 over 12 months. Throughout the project, participants will be given work experience and work trial opportunities. They will have field visits to large engineering or mine sites, undertake cultural immersion, address their health and wellbeing issues, be supported to obtain transport independence and they will explore enterprise opportunities. | $1,173,923 |
Southcare Inc | Emerging Leaders in Governance Program | This project increases representation of women from minority backgrounds onto the Boards of Not-For-Profit organisations in WA. The project will utilise the successful Emerging Leaders in Governance Program (ELGP) model and provide customised leadership and governance programs. Each program targets the recruitment of young women from diverse backgrounds (cultural, religious, indigenous; LGBTI; and disabilities). The program enhances the skills, knowledge and confidence to apply for Board positions. Participants will be linked with an existing network of community organisations to assess their needs and facilitate a matching process to connect graduates with Boards. | $473,490 |
The Social Outfit Inc | Thrive Through Employment | This project is a Sustainable Social Enterprise Growth project which aims to support refugee and new migrant women by creating new jobs, and providing training and employment pathways. This project will build on participants existing skills while introducing them to the Australian workplace. Training programs delivered will result in skills in retail customer service, garment creation, ecommerce, digital fulfilment and financial literacy workshops, and will support transition to ongoing external employment with retail partners. | $240,000 |
The Solution Network Australia Ltd | Women's Digital Mastery | This project will support women to gain the essential skills, knowledge and training required to enter into work in the digital technology age, either for an employer or through self-employment opportunities. Target groups include regional and rural women, younger women initially joining the workforce, new mothers to re-enter the workforce and older women to reskill and re-train to move from unemployment or under-employment to flexible full-time hours. Participants will complete dual qualifications: Cert III in Business; and Cert III in Information, Digital Media and Technology. | $263,200 |
Spacecubed Ventures Pty Ltd | She Codes Plus - Emergence | She Codes Plus - Emergence is an extension of the She Codes Plus program, a program preparing women for careers in tech by teaching content from beginner right through to junior developer. Over the course of the project, women will learn skills such as: HTML/CSS, Python, React, building web and mobile apps, processing data and presentation skills. The She Codes Plus - Emergence program will provide fully-funded scholarships for programs held in QLD and WA. | $608,420 |
Strategy Matrix Pty Ltd | Women’s STEM JumpStart | This program will deliver foundational skills and grassroots capacity building for young regional women to jumpstart their career in STEM. The program will give women the confidence to launch and propel their STEM career and take-up STEM opportunities. Participants will engage in bootcamps, mentoring and an annual connector forum with participants and business. It will spotlight STEM opportunities in agriculture, agtech, food production, natural resources, environmental science and information/digital technology. The program will build confidence, mindset, communication, and leadership. | $647,000 |
Support Asian Women's Friendship Association Inc | Financial Literacy for Women from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Backgrounds | This project will provide low-cost financial literacy classes to women from CALD backgrounds in the ACT. The classes will aim to empower women to understand and manage their personal and household finances to improve their long term financial outcomes and financial security. | $22,740 |
Sydney Stepping Stone Inc | STEPS | This project will create and implement a framework that addresses the specific challenges faced by young women who are at risk or experiencing homelessness, supporting them to a safe and independent future. The STEPS program will enhance existing services such as employment, education, financial literacy and safety with newly developed resources. The program will support those who have experienced childhood trauma and family violence, address barriers preventing homeless young women from entering the paid workplace/higher education, provide training/upskilling opportunities to improve financial literacy and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on homeless young women. | $779,453 |
Tumby Bay Progress Association Inc | JobPathways for Women @ Tumby Bay Skills Centre | This project will support women to develop skills for employment and workforce participation in the Tumby Bay District, Eyre Peninsula, SA. The project will provide a Learning Hub and facilitator to support learning ability, agility, resilience and skills. Women will access a toolkit of micro-credentials, digital literacy skills and connect to JobTrainer qualifications in the area of web design, automotive, cyber security, kitchen operations, aged/disability care, nursing and agriculture while focussing on STEM capabilities. | $230,994 |
Western Sydney Women Pty Ltd | Women of Western Sydney | The “Women of Western Sydney - Connected, Financially Secure & Successful” is a comprehensive program that addresses the full career lifecycle of girls and women in the Western Sydney Region. Comprised of four courses which will promote STEM career participation, STEM career networking and leadership, financial and job confidence and career growth mentoring. The program will address high schoolers, midcareer employed/unemployed and mature aged. It is designed to help build the connections, careers and confidence of Western Sydney women who currently face barriers to achieve equal employment, financial security and leadership participation. | $400,000 |
Whittlesea Community Connections Inc | Women's Employment and Empowerment Project in Whittlesea | This project will support the creation of employment pathways for women living in Whittlesea by delivering job focused courses and trade tasters in a range of areas including horticulture, agriculture, trades, IT and STEM. Women who experience multiple and complex barriers will be targeted including women returning to work after career breaks, women from migrant and refugee backgrounds, women with a disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. This project will support the skill development of women leading to further education, training and employment opportunities relevant to the local context. | $358,075 |
Women’s Health Grampians Inc | See What You Can Be | This project is a three-pillared, wrap around project servicing the Grampians region of Victoria. This project will: increase the recruitment and retention of women in male-dominated industries (e.g. construction and manufacturing) through the development and delivery of a whole-of-workplace program – ActOnSite - aimed at promoting gender equality in the construction and manufacturing sectors; support and train women currently working in male-dominated industries to become mentors and advocates on gender equality issues within their sector – to other businesses, media and women and girls interested in entering the sector; and develop a program aimed at enhancing pathways for girls and women into male-dominated industries – ensuring that careers education encompass these options, and that women are supported from ‘learning to earning’. | $680,000 |
Womens and Girls Emergency Centre Inc | ACCESS Program | ACCESS is a six-month mentoring and targeted support program developed by Women's and Girls' Emergency Centre. ACCESS provides pathways to work, training and education opportunities for women in Sydney impacted by homelessness, domestic and family violence, and social disadvantage. Participants will receive one-on-one mentoring and tailored learning opportunities, supported towards employment readiness. Participants will also receive training through the ACCESS leadership program. The ACCESS program will focus on employers, leadership and workplaces to build their capacity to create workplaces that are accessible to, and supportive of, women who have experienced domestic, family and sexual violence. | $535,780 |
YFS Ltd | Spark Women's Work Employment Mentoring Project | The project will support women impacted by crisis to enter or reenter the workforce or training with the support of skilled employment mentors. These expert mentors will help women rebuild their lives by supporting them to pursue work or training goals. They will partner with specialist domestic violence, homelessness workers and financial counsellors to wrap support around women so they can succeed. | $625,500 |