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What makes graduate and other entry-level program roles different to other positions advertised at the APS 3 classification is that participants receive additional support to rapidly advance their careers. Through a customised graduate program,…
Feedback received from the community suggests that improving the performance of public service delivery through the use of AI offers a significant opportunity to build agency trustworthinessThe performance of public services – how…
Successful grant recipientsThe recently funded project below commenced in June 2023.OrganisationProject TitleDescription of ProjectGrant Amount(GST excl)Women for Election Australia LtdEnhancing Diverse Women’s Pathways into…
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.Strategic OutlookThe Board discussed government priorities, emerging risks and strategic issues.The Board received an update on…
Each box represents a portfolio. Cabinet Ministers are shown in bold type. As a general rule, there is one department in each portfolio. However, there can be two departments in one portfolio. The title of a department does not…
Each box represents a portfolio. As a general rule, there is one department in each portfolio. However, there can be two departments in one portfolio. Cabinet Ministers are shown in bold type. Assistant Ministers in italics are…
Care and support are activities that develop and maintain people’s capabilities, independence or quality of life. Across a person’s lifetime, these activities may span many areas, such as health, education or social care.The care…
Each box represents a portfolio. As a general rule, there is one department in each portfolio. However, there can be two departments in one portfolio.Cabinet Ministers are shown in bold type. Assistant Ministers in italics are…
Current Ministry as at 2 September 2022Names of Cabinet ministers are shown in bold. Names of Assistant Ministers are shown in italics.The column 'Guide to responsibilities' identifies, as a matter of practice, the…
Current Ministry as at 31 May 2023Names of Cabinet ministers are shown in bold. Names of Assistant Ministers are shown in italics.The column 'Guide to responsibilities' identifies, as a matter of practice, the…
Each box represents a portfolio. As a general rule, there is one department in each portfolio. However, there can be two departments in one portfolio.Cabinet Ministers are shown in bold type. Assistant Ministers in italics are…
29 July 2024Names of Cabinet ministers are shown in bold. Names of Assistant Ministers are shown in italics.The column 'Guide to responsibilities' identifies, as a matter of practice, the division of…
20 January 2025Names of Cabinet ministers are shown in bold. Names of Assistant Ministers are shown in italics.The column 'Guide to responsibilities' identifies, as a matter of practice, the division of…
Guiding recommendation: Maintain formal structures that include a wide range of community and business representatives, and leverage these in a pandemic response alongside the use of temporary structures.Every…
In accordance with its broad Terms of Reference, the Review
Looked back to assess the intelligence agencies’ performance as they have grown rapidly to meet the expanding security challenges of the 9/11 decade
Looked forward to the new and…
The pandemic pushed our people, emergency response structures and communities to the limit and required rapid decision‑making in times of great uncertainty. Some critical gaps and lessons revealed in the health response to the pandemic can be…
The structure of the Australian intelligence community
The organisational structure of the Australian Intelligence Community has been based upon two principles designed to ensure its integrity, objectivity and…
It is well established that the quality of care and support is linked to the quality of jobs for workers.29 Not only do there need to be enough workers, but those workers need to be suitably skilled and enabled to do their jobs well. Then, they need…
The Quad is expanding cyber security cooperation and strengthening cyber resilience and critical infrastructure protection in the Indo-Pacific.On 30-31 January 2023, Quad Senior Cyber Group Principals met in New Delhi to advance a positive and…
The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety described the need to build an aged care profession. There are currently limited opportunities to add to initial worker training and build specialisation, even though the increasingly complex…
Organisations and people interviewed by the review
Australian Government
The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Hon Stephen…
"AI cannot make human-centred decisions and cannot understand wants or be empathetic" (Workshop participant)Emerging technologies such as AI may fundamentally shape not just how public services are designed, but how people interact with government.…
Information (final reports or final briefings) provided by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to the Minister for Indigenous Affairs relating to overall Remote Jobs and Communities Program or the …
Guiding recommendation: Develop and regularly stress test preparedness and a national response to a pandemic that covers the broader health, economic and social response and fully harnesses capability and resources across…
Reasonable expectations of intelligence
What can the government reasonably expect the Australian Intelligence Community will be able to tell it?
This question comes into sharp focus when events come as a surprise. Most…
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