Australian Government Crisis Management Framework (AGCMF)

Appendix B: Cross-sectoral all-hazards plans and arrangements

DescriptionPlans and arrangementsResponsible agency
Catastrophic crisesAustralian Government Catastrophic Crisis Plan (AUSCATPLAN)National Emergency Management Agency
Reception and coordination of international assistance

International offers of assistance may vary significantly, arise from any source and be made to any Australian Government agency. Any offers of assistance received should be appropriately coordinated, considered and actioned as required to support jurisdictions and the Australian Government’s crisis management priorities.
Australian Government Reception of International Assistance Plan (AUSRIAPLAN)National Emergency Management Agency
RecoveryCrisis Recovery Coordination PlanNational Emergency Management Agency
Request for non-financial assistance from states, territories and offshore territories

State and territory governments have responsibility for coordinating and planning for the response to and recovery from a disaster within their borders. When the total resources (government, community and commercial) of an affected jurisdiction cannot reasonably cope with the needs of the situation, the nominated official can seek non-financial assistance from the Australian Government under COMDISPLAN.
Australian Government Disaster Response Plan (COMDISPLAN)National Emergency Management Agency
Provision of Australian Government organised physical assistance to overseas countries following a disasterAustralian Government Overseas Assistance Plan (AUSASSISTPLAN)National Emergency Management Agency

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Reception into Australia of Australian citizens and permanent residents, and their immediate dependents, and approved foreign nationals evacuated from overseasAustralian Government Plan for the Reception of Australian Citizens and Approved Foreign Nationals Evacuated from Overseas (AUSRECEPLAN)National Emergency Management Agency
Assessment, repatriation and provision of care for Australians and other approved persons injured or killed overseas in mass casualty crisesAustralian Government Response Plan for Overseas Mass Casualty Incidents (OSMASSCASPLAN)National Emergency Management Agency
Manage the risk posed by re-entering space debris which may impact AustraliaAustralian Government Space Re-entry Debris Plan (AUSSPREDPLAN)National Emergency Management Agency