Ninth periodic report submitted by Australia under article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Question 11: Climate change and disaster risk-reduction

  1. Australia is committed to the United Nations Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. Australia's domestic approach to disaster risk reduction is guided by the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework, and implemented via National Action Plans. The Government is considering options for domestic implementation of the Gender Action Plan to support implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (Sendai GAP).
  2. SuccessfulIndigenous initiatives include the Indigenous Ranger Program and Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) program, supporting climate adaptation and improved resilience through use of Traditional Knowledge in managing land, sea and Country. The Government is doubling the number of Indigenous rangers to 3,800 by 2030, focusing on increasing representation of First Nations women.
  3. The Government is developing Australia's first National Climate Risk Assessment and a National Adaptation Plan, to better understand the risks and impacts to Australia from climate. Recognising impacts from climate change disproportionately affect women, the National Adaptation Plan will be gender-sensitive, participatory and fully transparent and will ensure climate adaptation funding is targeted to support groups in vulnerable situations.
  4. The National Health and Climate Strategy (released December 2023) commits to co-designing environmental management and disaster response policy in partnership with Indigenous people, recognising Indigenous communities' care for Country based on knowledge developed over tens of thousands of years.
  5. In 2022, the Government legislated Australia's greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, to reach net zero by 2050 and 43% below 2005 levels by 2030. The Government has committed to developing a Net Zero Plan, outlining how Australia will transition to a net zero economy, consistent with our international and domestic commitments.
  6. The Government is advancing gender equality through our commitment to the international 'Equal by 30' campaign. Following consultation across government and industry, the Government developed 5 additional commitments under Equal by 30, including developing a Women in Energy Resources Hub and Australian Women in Energy Roundtable, for industry to share initiatives and policies that accelerate women's participation in the clean energy workforce.
  7. Australia's international development program is focussed on gender equality across the Indo-Pacific region to enhance women's leadership in climate mitigation, adaptation, disaster risk reduction and resilience.
  8. All investments over $3 million are required to have a gender objective and from 2024-25, 50% of new investments must have a climate objective.