2021–25 Corporate Plan

Mr Philip Gaetjens, PMC Secretary

Secretary’s statement

Our task for 2021–22 is to renew our commitment to improving the lives of all Australians. Last year, our focus was on keeping Australians safe and our economy strong. As we begin to transition from response to recovery, consolidation and growth, we will once again work together to get things done and deliver tangible outcomes.

Secretary's statement: Read more

Our mission

Improve the lives
of all Australians


Our purposes

Our six purposes and supporting priorities reflect where the Department’s efforts will be focused to deliver the Australian Government’s priorities over the next four years of this plan.


Growing our economy, incomes and creating jobs

Growing the economy and creating jobs; enhancing workforce participation; accelerating Australia’s digital economy; increasing women’s workforce participation and economic security; and improving the reliability, security and affordability of Australia’s energy networks.


Vibrant and resilient regions

Boosting regional economies and grow Australian agriculture; building resilience and better prepare communities for drought, natural disasters and a changing climate; and looking after our country, our regions and the environment.


Strengthening families and communities

Keeping Australians safe from the impacts of COVID-19 and supporting social recovery; gender equality and eliminating violence against women; mental health and suicide prevention reforms; improving the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; enhancing the safety of children and young people; and supporting the Government to deliver essential services.


Advancing Australia's international interests and enhancing national security

Shaping and enhance Australia’s strategic and national interests; increasing resilience to security threats; enhancing the delivery of defence capability; supporting the Prime Minister as chair of National Security Committee and related committees; and supporting an open, inclusive and resilient Indo-Pacific.


Governing well

Ensuring the Prime Minister, portfolio ministers and executive branch of government are well supported; ensuring the National Cabinet, Cabinet and its committees are well supported; build APS capability and implementing the government’s APS reform program; monitoring and reporting progress; and providing high-quality corporate and enabling services.


Preparing well to respond to critical issues

Enhancing anticipation and rapid response capabilities; driving whole-of-government emergency management response architectures; and ensuring the provision of balanced, coordinated and integrated advice to government.

Operational context

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) supports the Prime Minister in his many roles – leader of the Australian Government, Chair of the Cabinet, Chair of the National Cabinet and Minister for the Australian Public Service (APS). We also support the Secretary as head of the APS and Chair of the Secretaries Board.

The COVID-19 pandemic response and recovery has dominated much of the Department’s work and focus over the last year. The impacts of the pandemic are far reaching and will continue to influence our operating environment into the foreseeable future.

Operational context: Read more

Our work in supporting the Prime Minister and our central policy coordination role gives us a unique whole-of-government perspective which we draw upon in our daily work.


PM&C’s performance reporting framework

We have updated our performance reporting framework to improve the clarity of our performance information, align it more closely to Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS), better reflect the Department’s core work, and ensure a clear read across all of our performance documents and reporting cycles.

Performance management framework: Read more


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