Alignment between PBS 2021–22 and the Corporate Plan 2021–25

The following table describes the alignment between our outcome and program structure described in the Portfolio Budget Statement and our Corporate Plan purposes and key activities.

Outcome statement
(PBS 2021–22)
(PBS 2021–22)
(Corporate Plan 2021–25)
Key activities
(Corporate Plan 2021–25)
Provide high-quality policy advice and support to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, portfolio ministers and assistant ministers including through coordination of Government activities, policy development and program delivery. 1.1 Prime Minister and Cabinet Growing our economy, incomes and creating jobs 1. Informed and impactful advice
Vibrant and resilient regions
Strengthening families and communities 2. Helping our partner agencies to deliver on Government priorities
Enhancing Australia’s international and national security 3. Coordination and support for national and international agendas
Governing well 4. Collaborate, communicate, engage
Preparing well to respond to critical issues 5. Deliver