Strategic coordination

Working closely and in partnership with our stakeholders is important to the achievement of PM&C’s mission of improving the lives of Australians.

We lead a whole-of-government focus through consulting and collaborating with a broad and diverse group of stakeholders encompassing APS agencies, state and territory governments, the private sector, non-government organisations, international partners, academia and the Australian people.

Within PM&C, we recognise the multi-dimensional cross-cutting nature of our advice and create collaborative and productive working relationships to bring a whole-of-department perspective.

In 2021–22 and over the forward years, PM&C will continue to build strong partnerships with our stakeholders to:

  • Provide quality, evidence-based and practical advice from a whole-of-government perspective to the Prime Minister, portfolio Ministers and the Cabinet.
  • Support the successful delivery of the Government’s agenda.
  • Lead and unite the public service to operate as an agile and innovative APS enterprise in the service of Australians.


Staff attending a presentation