Farmers in a field
Purpose 1

Growing our economy, incomes and creating jobs

Strategic priorities
  • Growing the economy and creating jobs. This includes supporting the economic recovery and those sectors worst hit by the pandemic such as aviation and tourism, implementing government policies to support the jobs of today, driving the government’s deregulation agenda, working across government to support infrastructure projects such as the transport infrastructure pipeline, Snowy Hydro 2.0 and support for the freight sector.
  • Enhancing workforce participation through addressing workforce shortages, implementing government policies to develop the skills of the future, affordable child care, leveraging the Australian workforce and the role of skilled migration.
  • Accelerating Australia’s digital economy will be supported by a range of initiatives to establish a leading and secure digital economy and society by 2030. Data is key to the digital economy. We will lead the development of the Australian Data Strategy and the Office of the National Data Commissioner will deliver a public data sharing framework.
  • Increasing women’s workforce participation and economic security is a key government priority. This includes building workforce participation, narrowing the gender pay gap and providing economic security at every stage of a woman’s life. The Office for Women tracks and reports progress on the 2021–22 Women’s Budget Statement and both the 2018 and 2020 Women’s Economic Security Statements for the government, as well as managing the Women’s Leadership and Development Program.
  • Improving the reliability, security and affordability of Australia’s energy networks, by supporting the delivery of major energy reforms and priority generation and transmission infrastructure to support affordable energy and the sector transitioning to a lower-emissions future.