Key activity 1: Informed and impactful advice

PM&C plays a key role in supporting informed decision-making by ensuring the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and our portfolio ministers are provided with timely advice that is supported by data, takes a whole-of-government perspective and incorporates the views of a diverse range of stakeholders. We measure our success by evaluating how well we met these attributes and the needs of our stakeholders. In addition, volume of briefs provide context on the level of output.

Intended result 1.1

PM&C provides quality and timely advice to inform the Prime Minister’s and the Cabinet’s decision-making

Performance measures 2021–22
Methodologies / data Purposes measured and type
Number of Ministerial briefs submitted to support decision-making
Targets not appropriate due to fluctuations in nature and complexity of briefs in any given year Data collected on numbers of briefs and reported via our key briefing system Parliamentary Document Management System (PDMS). Briefs include Ministerial Briefs, Submissions, Question Time Briefs, Senate Estimates Briefs, Committee Inquiry Briefs and Electorate Briefs. To be supplemented by case studies with a breakdown to evidence the variety and effectiveness of ministerial briefs submitted. 1–6
Proportion of stakeholders satisfied with quality of advice received
Baseline to be developed Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Data collected and reported via independent survey. 1–6
Critical data sources engaged to underpin advice
Use of data informs effective and fast decision-making Evaluation through case study demonstrating how the Department’s use of data supports decision-makers. 1–6

Key activity one rationale

As a policy adviser to the Prime Minister, our portfolio ministers and Cabinet, it is important that we support decision-makers with advice that is delivered in requested timeframes, supported by evidence and data, considers the views of a diverse range of stakeholders and meets the needs of key stakeholders. We measure the number of ministerial briefs to provide context, an indication of the volume of advice provided during the reporting period noting that this metric does not cover advice provided informally through email or phone.