Key activity 2: Helping our partner agencies to deliver on Government priorities

We serve the Prime Minister, who is responsible for the delivery of Government priorities. In support of this, PM&C uses a range of mechanisms to help our partner agencies to succeed and ensure Government policies, programs and decisions are successfully implemented. We establish processes to track implementation of Government priorities and report progress to the Prime Minister and his office. We also build strong reciprocal relationships across the APS enterprise, use our convening power to support projects to stay on track and deliver successfully for the Australian community. We measure the success of this activity through stakeholder’s satisfaction.

Intended result 2.1

PM&C effectively monitors and reports progress on the delivery of Government priorities

Performance measures 2021–22
Methodologies / data Purposes measured and type
Proportion of ministerial stakeholders satisfied with the level of monitoring and reporting on government priorities
Baseline to be developed Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Data collected and reported via annual stakeholder survey and supplemented by case studies demonstrating the nature of monitoring and reporting undertaken by the Department. 1–6
Proportion of APS enterprise stakeholders that perceive a ‘value add’ resulting from PM&C’s monitoring, reporting and understanding of the Prime Minister’s priorities
Baseline to be developed Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Data collected and reported via annual stakeholder survey. 1–6

Key activity two rationale

A core aspect of our role is to collaborate with and support the APS to deliver key Government priorities. We do this by monitoring and reporting progress on priorities to the government. We also utilise our shadow role, our understanding of the Prime Ministers priorities and Government processes to support the APS to deliver on these priorities to the satisfaction of the Prime Minister and portfolio ministers. The measures seek to evaluate how well undertake these functions.