Key activity 3: Coordination and support for national and international agendas

PM&C plays an important role in driving a whole-of-government and whole-of-nation approach at both a national and international level. In doing so, we collaborate closely with state and territory governments, and foreign counterparts to develop national and international frameworks that enhance Australia’s interests. We evaluate this key activity through a collection of measures that describes the deliverables we have supported in pursuit of national and international outcomes and the extent to which our stakeholders are satisfied with our efforts.

Intended result 3.1

PM&C effectively supports, coordinates and develops a national approach to support the delivery of Government priorities

Performance measures 2021–22
Methodologies / data Purposes measured and type
Number of national plans and responses delivered
Targets not appropriate due to fluctuations in nature and complexity of plans and responses in any given year Number of key plans and responses to be supplemented by case studies to demonstrate the breadth and variety of national plans and responses delivered to showcase how PM&C’s role has been integral to successful outcomes. 1–4, 6
Proportion of key stakeholders satisfied with the coordination and support provided by PM&C in the delivery of national plans and responses
Baseline to be developed Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Data collected and reported via annual stakeholder survey. 1–4, 6

Intended result 3.2

PM&C effectively coordinates and supports the Prime Minister’s and portfolio ministers in international engagements to promote Australia’s interests

Performance measures 2021–22
Methodologies / data Purposes measured and type
Number of Prime Minister’s overseas visits, virtual engagements and Guest of Government visits delivered
Targets not appropriate due to fluctuations in nature and complexity of visits and engagement in any given year Data collected and reported via the Department’s engagement tracker and supplemented by case studies to demonstrate the breadth and variety of visits and how they supported effective outcomes. 1,4–5
Proportion of Prime Minister’s commitments to foreign leaders implemented or significantly progressed
Baseline to be developed Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Collected and reported via International Division Tracker. 4
Proportion of key stakeholders satisfied with quality of support provided by PM&C to support the Minister for Women at international forums
Baseline to be developed Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Data collected and reported via annual stakeholder survey and supplemented by a case study to demonstrate the breadth and variety of forums and how they supported effective outcomes. 1–4, 6
Proportion of key stakeholders satisfied with the coordination and support provided by PM&C for the Prime Minister’s international engagements
Baseline to be developed Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Maintained / increased Data collected and reported via annual stakeholder survey and supplemented by a case study to demonstrate the breadth and variety of engagements and how they supported effective outcomes. 1,3–4

Intended result 3.3

PM&C deploys rapid response to critical issues

Performance measures 2021–22
Methodologies / data Purposes measured and type
Annual review of the Australian Government Crisis Management Framework to ensure it remains fit-for-purpose, especially ahead of each high risk weather season
Annual review and update Year-on-year maintained
and tested through exercises, led by the Department of Home Affairs
Year-on-year maintained
and tested through exercises, led by the Department of Home Affairs
Year-on-year maintained and tested through exercises, led by the epartment of Home Affairs Data collected (including through Emergency Management Australia) on number of crises per year that require a coordinated, national response and department al records. 6
Numbers of taskforces, bodies and functions stood up
Targets not appropriate due to fluctuations in nature and complexity of plans and responses in any given year. Collected and reported via taskforce tracker and supplemented by case studies to demonstrate the breadth and variety of taskforces and other bodies stood up, efficiency of response and stakeholder satisfaction, showcasing PM&C’s support led to successful outcomes. 5–6

Key activity three rationale

We support the delivery of Government priorities that have national and international implications. This includes:

  • national reform priorities that require close coordination and collaboration across the APS enterprise, and with state and territory governments, including on the COVID-19 response, child safety and aged care
  • advancing Australia’s strategic interests through international engagement that require coordination and collaboration across the APS and with our international counterparts, including overseas visits and attendance at forums such as G20 and APEC

As a result, the measures for this key activity seek to evaluate the output delivered and the effectiveness of our engagement and collaboration