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The Australian Government’s strategic priorities

The Prime Minister has outlined an ambitious agenda for the APS to deliver over the next 12 months and within the four year life of this plan. PM&C’s role is to support the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the Australian Government to deliver on its agenda and fulfil their commitments to the Australian people. This will require a focused effort working across the APS, with state and territory governments and international partners. We do this by applying the PM&C Craft – influencing what matters, promoting a whole-of-government and whole-of-nation perspective, supporting good government and leading through partnership. We marshal expertise, collaborate, innovate, seize opportunities, and when necessary, take action to keep things on track.

PM&C’s focus for 2022–23 will be working with colleagues across the APS to deliver on the Government’s key strategic priorities.

A strong inclusive and sustainable economy

  • Host a Jobs Summit bringing together business, unions, the non-government sector and all levels of government, to discuss options to reduce unemployment, deliver secure jobs and increase wages, supporting the development of a Full Employment White Paper.
  • Reduce the cost of child care through the Plan for Cheaper Child Care to boost participation in the workforce.
  • Provide submissions to the Fair Work Commission in the Annual Wage Review and Aged Care Work Value case.
  • Establish the National Reconstruction Fund – to help rebuild Australia’s industrial base.
  • Implement fee-free TAFE and more university places to increase productivity and address skills shortages.
  • Address issues in land supply, planning and improving housing affordability.
  • Place the Government’s Budget on a sustainable footing by improving the quality of Commonwealth spending and reducing wasteful spending, and exercising fiscal restraint to ensure we can continue to deliver the quality of services that Australians deserve.
  • Build a stronger public service that delivers better outcomes for the community, acts as a model employer and contributes to building a fairer and more inclusive Australia.

Healthy, equal and resilient society

  • Make equal opportunity for women a national, economic and social priority.
  • Deliver on the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full including constitutional recognition of First Nations peoples, and a Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution.
  • Deliver Better Care, including through, fixing the crisis in aged care, getting the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) back on track, and strengthening universal healthcare through Medicare.

Stronger in the world, united at home

  • Act on climate change, including the legislating of emissions reduction targets, implementing the Powering Australia Plan, and engage with regional and global partners to promote strong climate action.
  • Deepen strategic partnerships in our region and around the world, particularly in the Pacific and Southeast Asia.
  • Introduce legislation, as soon as possible, for a national anti-corruption commission.
  • Build a strong partnership between the Commonwealth, states and territories to deliver for all Australians.
The Australian Government’s strategic priorities