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Effective and timely advice

Activity 1

PM&C plays a key role in supporting informed decision making by ensuring the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and our portfolio ministers are provided with timely advice that is supported by data, takes a whole-of-government and whole-of-nation perspective, and incorporates the views of a diverse range of stakeholders. We measure our success by evaluating how well we meet these attributes and the needs of our stakeholders.

Intended Result 1.1

PM&C provides effective and timely advice to inform the Prime Minister’s and the Cabinet’s decision-making


As a policy adviser to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and our portfolio ministers, it is important that we support decision makers with advice that is effective and delivered within requested timeframes, supported by evidence and data, and considers the views of a diverse range of stakeholders. We measure effectiveness through the proportion of in-scope ministerial briefs that resulted in a decision or action; timeliness and responsiveness (as a proxy for efficiency) through the stakeholder satisfaction survey; and timeliness (as a proxy for efficiency) through the proportion of ministerial briefs provided within the requested timeframes. In-scope ministerial briefs include ministerial briefs and submissions, but do not include informal advice provided verbally or via email.

PBS Links

Outcome 1, Program 1.1 – Prime Minister and Cabinet, pp. 31–32

2022–23 Target 2023–24 Target 2024–25 Target 2025–26 Target
75% satisfied 76% satisfied 77% satisfied 78% satisfied


Data Source



Data collected and reported by the Department’s independent annual stakeholder satisfaction survey. See note 4.

Maintaining positive external and ministerial stakeholder opinions of the effectiveness and timeliness of our work, is key to delivering this measure and an important way to measure our success.


Output, Effectiveness and Proxy Efficiency/ Quantitative and Qualitative.

Explanation of changes since 2021–2025 Corporate Plan

Ensuring the Department provides ministerial and external stakeholders with effective and timely advice is important to demonstrate our performance against this key activity. This year the measure has been strengthened to include a timeliness component in order to align more closely with the intended result. Stakeholders will now be asked to rate the effectiveness and timeliness of the Department’s advice via the annual stakeholder survey.

Findings from the Department’s 2021–2022 annual stakeholder survey were used to establish the benchmark target of 75%. This is an output, effectiveness and proxy efficiency measure.

2022–23 Target 2023–24 Target 2024–25 Target 2025–26 Target
80% 81% 82% 83%


Data Source

Parliamentary Document Management System (PDMS)


Data collected via the Parliamentary Document Management System (PDMS) demonstrating the proportion of briefs provided within agreed timeframes as a percentage of the overall number of in-scope briefs submitted during the reporting period. In-scope briefs include ministerial briefs that have been requested by the offices and submitted to the Prime Minister and portfolio ministers via PDMS within the reporting period. This measure is to be supported by a case study that uses information collected from PDMS, to provide an indication of the breadth and variety of decisions supported by advice; and an overview of the external factors impacting the nature, complexity and types of briefs requested during the year. See note 5.


Output and Proxy Efficiency/ Quantitative.

Explanation of changes since 2021–2025 Corporate Plan

This is a new measure and replaces measure 1.1.3 – the use of critical data sources – from the 2021–2025 Corporate Plan. Measuring timeliness aligns more closely with the intended result 1.1 and is a more effective way of demonstrating the Department’s performance of providing effective and timely advice.
