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Our role

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet plays a unique role within the Australian Public Service (APS) in our support to the Government. Our primary role is to serve the Prime Minister, support the Cabinet and work with colleagues across the APS to ensure the Government’s programs, policies and priorities are delivered to the highest possible standard. As the lead Department for the APS, we take a whole-of-nation and whole-of-government approach, working with stakeholders across the APS enterprise, national and international jurisdictions to improve the wellbeing of all Australians, advance Australia’s interests and keep our country safe and prosperous.

Over the past two reporting periods, the Department has continued to develop our Corporate Plan and performance-reporting framework. In 2021, we reviewed and revised our performance-reporting framework, consolidating our performance measures under 5 key activities that better reflect the way we work and the role PM&C plays in supporting the Government. Our key activities are:

Our key activities

1Effective and timely advice

Effective and timely advice

The Department’s primary function is to provide the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and our portfolio ministers with effective and timely advice to support their role as decision makers. This advice is supported by evidence and data, and considers the views of the diverse range of stakeholders. The Department supports the Prime Minister in his many leadership roles – leader of the Australian Government, Chair of Cabinet and Chair of the National Cabinet.

2Effective and timely advice

Helping our partner agencies to succeed

PM&C plays a key leadership role ensuring the APS delivers on the Prime Minister’s and the Government’s priorities. We utilise our understanding of the Prime Minister’s and portfolio ministers requirements to support our colleagues across the APS to successfully deliver the Government’s key programs, priorities and services. We do this by establishing successful partnerships across the APS enterprise, bringing together expertise, experience and action required to deliver a result. We track, monitor and report progress, identify opportunities, drive change and respond quickly when decisive action is needed.

3Effective and timely advice

Coordination and support for international agendas

In supporting the Prime Minister and portfolio ministers, PM&C applies a whole-of-nation and whole-of-government lens to ensure Australia’s interests are advanced at both a national and international level. We collaborate closely with state, territory and local governments. We work with national and international counterparts to build relationships, encourage cooperation, develop and deliver frameworks and programs that enhance Australia’s wellbeing, prosperity, safety and security domestically, across the region and around the globe.

4Effective and timely advice

Collaborate, communicate, engage

Effective communication, collaboration and engagement informs every aspect of the Department’s work. Every year people take the time to write to the Prime Minister and the Department ensures the Prime Minister can respond in a timely manner. Good policy and advice is strengthened when informed by a diverse range of views and voices. This work is supported by targeted stakeholder collaboration, communication and engagement exercises.

5Effective and timely advice


PM&C is directly responsible for delivering a range of Australian Government programs, frameworks and services, including a range of activities that support the efficient running of government. We support the Executive Branch of Government, the Cabinet and its committees, and support the PM&C Secretary and Secretary for Public Sector Reform in their APS stewardship responsibilities

Machinery of Government changes 2022

The July 2022, Machinery of Government changes to the Department’s functions included:

  • whole-of-government deregulation policy coordination, Data and Digital policy including the Digital Transformation Agency and the Office of the National Data Commissioner moved to the Department of Finance
  • the Office of Supply Chain Resilience, the Critical Technologies Policy Coordination Office and the Digital Technology Taskforce moved to the Department of Industry, Science and Resources
  • the National Soils Advocate moved to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
  • the National Office of Child Safety and the Open Government Partnership moved to the Attorney-General’s Department
  • the Automatic Mutual Recognition of occupational registration (AMR) moved to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
  • the natural disaster response and mitigation policy including the National Recovery and Resilience Agency moved to the Department of Home Affairs
  • the Museum of Australian Democracy moved to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
  • the appointment of a Secretary for Public Sector Reform to lead and implement a wide range of public sector reforms.

APS Reform

PM&C supports the Secretary in his leadership role as the head of the APS and the Secretary for Public Sector Reform. This includes supporting the Secretary to reform and strengthen the capability and capacity of the APS in partnership with the Australian Public Service Commissioner and Secretary for Public Sector Reform.

Parliamentary workplace reforms

PM&C, through the Jenkins Report Implementation Team, supports the Government’s commitment to work across Parliament to deliver all 28 recommendations of the Set the Standard Report, delivered by the Sex Discrimination Commissioner, to make Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces safe and respectful.

The PM&C Craft

In 2021, the Department launched the revised PM&C Craft. This document outlines the core values and behaviours expected of all staff at all levels of the Department to strive for excellence effectively, collaboratively and with integrity.
