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Our operating context

Our operating context

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Corporate Plan sets out our role, purpose, strategic priorities and how we will measure our performance over the next 4 years. We focus our efforts on providing impactful and influential advice through judgement, excellence, collaboration, and by keeping our eye on the big picture.

Our role

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet plays a unique role within the Australian Public Service (APS) in our support to the Government. Our primary role is to serve the Prime Minister, support the Cabinet and work with colleagues across the APS to ensure the Government’s programs, policies and priorities are delivered to the highest possible standard.


Our people are core to our success. Over the four year life of this plan, we aim to have the right mix of people, with diverse skills and life experience, to support the Government to deliver for the Australian people in an increasingly complex and uncertain environment.


The environment in which PM&C operates is complex and dynamic, and PM&C actively engages with risk in a responsive manner. It is not possible or desirable to eliminate some of the risks inherent in our activities.


Good advice and great policy are informed by a diverse range of voices, views and perspectives. They are strengthened through collaboration with those individuals, organisations or sectors who could either be affected by the policy or decision, or could assist in helping to achieve a successful outcome.