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Activity 5

PM&C is directly responsible for delivering some Australian Government programs. We also support the Cabinet as the focal point of Government decision making and assist the PM&C Secretary and Secretary for Public Sector Reform in their APS stewardship responsibilities. We deliver well-coordinated corporate and enabling services that support our business operations and that of our portfolio agencies. In measuring the impact of this activity, we primarily assess stakeholder satisfaction with our efforts and volume of output.

Intended Result 5.1

PM&C provides effective and timely advice to inform the Prime Minister’s and the Cabinet’s decision-making


The Department is directly responsible for successfully delivering some Australian Government programs. This includes the Women’s Leadership and Development Program. This measure represents the volume of output for our efforts.

PBS Links

Outcome 1, Program 1.1 – Prime Minister and Cabinet, pp. 31–32

2022–23 Target 2023–24 Target 2024–25 Target 2025–26 Target
80% 85% 90% 95%


Data Source

Case study data and data collected on percentage of Government agreed funding decisions that have been executed will be sourced from the Grants Processing System as well as the Department’s Finance Systems, ShareHub and the Parliamentary Document Management System.


All grant agreement data is recorded and managed in the Department of Social Services Community Grants Hub’s Grants Processing System (GPS). All Government funding decisions are recorded in PDMS. For the purposes of reporting against this performance measure, grant funding decisions are those approved by the Minister for Women, seeking to allocate funding in the reporting period, and executed within the same reporting period.

The case study project will represent the priorities of the Women’s Leadership and Development Program to provide opportunities for participants to improve overall economic security, workforce participation, leadership representation and safety outcomes. The case study will demonstrate the breadth and variety of projects, as well as participant outcomes under the project. See note 5.


Output, Effectiveness and Proxy Efficiency / Quantitative and Qualitative.

Explanation of changes since 2021–2025 Corporate Plan

In the 2021–2025 reporting period we counted the number of projects funded. This did not provide a robust picture of our performance in this area. The performance measure has since been changed to ‘Proportion of Government agreed funding decisions that have been executed’ so we can capture how efficiently we are executing the government’s decisions in this program, and the case study will be used to provide a summary of our effectiveness.

Intended Result 5.2

PM&C effectively supports the Cabinet and its Committees


The Department is directly responsible for successfully delivering a range of Australian Government programs, activities, frameworks and strategies. This includes our services in supporting the business activities of the Cabinet. This measure represents the proportion of stakeholders satisfied with our efforts.

PBS Links

Outcome 1, Program 1.1 – Prime Minister and Cabinet, pp. 31–32

2022–23 Target 2023–24 Target 2024–25 Target 2025–26 Target
75% satisfied 76% satisfied 77% satisfied 78% satisfied


Data Source / Methodology

Data collected and reported by the Department’s independent annual stakeholder satisfaction survey. See note 4.

Maintaining positive external and ministerial stakeholder opinions of the support provided to the Cabinet and its Committees is key to delivering this measure and an important way to measure our success. This measure is to be supported by a case study that demonstrates the types of support provided to the Expenditure Review Committee. See note 5.


Output and Effectiveness/ Quantitative and Qualitative.

Explanation of changes since 2021–2025 Corporate Plan

Findings from the Department’s 2021–2022 annual stakeholder survey were used to establish the benchmark target of 75%.

Intended Result 5.3

PM&C contributes to the delivery of Government priorities through high quality policy projects using structured policy analysis and application of behavioural insights


The Department is directly responsible for successfully delivering a range of Australian Government programs, activities, frameworks and strategies. This includes the provision of high quality project and policy analysis to support the business activities of the Department, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, portfolio ministers and the APS enterprise. This measure represents the volume of output for our efforts.

PBS Links

Outcome 1, Program 1.1 – Prime Minister and Cabinet, pp. 31–32


20 projects

Target will be maintained across forward years. However, fluctuations and complexities in the operating environment may impact the volume and types of projects required during the period.



Data Source

Data collected on number of advisory and evaluation projects via overarching project tracker.


Count all in scope advisory and evaluation projects within the reporting period.


Output / Quantitative.

Explanation of changes since 2021–2025 Corporate Plan

This measure has been updated to focus only on projects using the application of behavioural insights which can be clearly defined with targets. A new measure has been created to report against policy analysis, as these projects are harder to define due to the breadth and variety of requests, and they are difficult to count. Reference to agile methodology has been removed as it did not accurately describe the measure.

2022–23 Target 2023–24 Target 2024–25 Target 2025–26 Target
75% satisfied 76% satisfied 77% satisfied 78% satisfied


Data Source / Methodology

Data collected and reported by the Department’s independent annual stakeholder satisfaction survey. See note 4.

Maintaining positive external and ministerial stakeholder opinions of PM&C’s contribution to the delivery of Government priorities using structured policy analysis is key to delivering this measure and an important way to measure our success.


Output, Effectiveness and Proxy Efficiency/ Quantitative and Qualitative.

Explanation of changes since 2021–2025 Corporate Plan

In the 2021–2025 Corporate Plan, we measured how effectively PM&C contributed to Government priorities using structured policy analysis through performance measure 5.3.1. Performance measure 5.3.1 counted the number of advisory and evaluation projects completed that used structured policy analysis and behavioural insights. However, projects using structured policy analysis are much harder to define and quantify when compared to projects that use behavioural insights. To better measure our effectiveness at contributing to Government priorities using structured policy analysis, we will now measure the proportion of stakeholders satisfied with the policy analysis provided to determine if the advice was responsive to the stakeholders needs and if it improved their understanding of the policy issue.

Intended Result 5.4

PM&C drives public sector reform and continuous improvement


The Department is responsible for leadership on APS Reform matters as well as overseeing a range of policy capability uplift activities.

PBS Links

Outcome 1, Program 1.1 – Prime Minister and Cabinet, pp. 31–32

2022–23 Target 2023–24 Target 2024–25 Target 2025–26 Target
75% satisfied 76% satisfied 77% satisfied 78% satisfied


Data Source

Data collected through training evaluation surveys.


Training evaluation surveys used to determine the proportion of APS enterprise employees satisfied with the training they received to uplift their policy capability. This measure is to be supported by a case study that demonstrates the types of policy training provided, and the specific outcomes that contributed to continuous improvement. See note 5.


Output and Effectiveness/ Quantitative and Qualitative.

Explanation of changes since 2021–2025 Corporate Plan

In the 2021–2025 Corporate Plan, this measure was identified as 5.5.1. Performance measure 5.4.1 from the 2021–2025 Corporate Plan has been removed from the 2022–2026 Corporate Plan as it was inward facing. As such, this measure has been brought forward and is now identified as 5.4.1.

In 2021–2025 this performance measure counted the number of people trained to uplift policy capability. This measure has been matured to evaluate the effectiveness of the training delivered in uplifting policy capability.


New APS Reform Agenda developed and agreed, with implementation commenced/or agreed and established.



Data Source

Data collected through APS Reform records and reporting tool.


Following the change of Government, there is a significant body of work to establish an ambitious and enduring APS Reform Agenda. As such, this is a transition measure. Once the new APS Reform Agenda has been agreed and established, we will transition to performance reporting arrangements that measure outcomes and effectiveness of the reform program.


Output/ Quantitative.

Explanation of changes since 2021–2025 Corporate Plan.

In the 2021-2025 Corporate Plan, this measure was identified as 5.5.2. Performance measure 5.4.1 from the 2021-2025 Corporate Plan has been removed from the 2022-2026 Corporate Plan as it was inward facing. As such, this measure has been brought forward and is now identified as 5.4.2.

Following the change in Government, this performance measure has been updated to monitor performance against the establishment of a new APS Reform Agenda. We were unable to continue with the previous measure (number of initiatives implemented under the former APS Reform Agenda), as we would not be able to make a fair comparison over time.