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Collaborate, communicate, engage

Activity 4

This key activity and the underpinning measures evaluate the support we provide to the Prime Minister and our portfolio ministers to engage with the community. They also capture stakeholder satisfaction with our key engagement activities undertaken as part of our everyday work. Effective collaboration and engagement is an important aspect in delivery against the other four key activities.

Intended Result 4.1

PM&C effectively communicates and engages with key stakeholders and the Australian community


Effective collaboration, communication and engagement underpin every aspect of the Department’s work. Our measures focus on the Department’s effectiveness when engaging with a range of stakeholders and communicating with the Australian community.

PBS Links

Outcome 1, Program 1.1 – Prime Minister and Cabinet, pp. 31–32



Target will be maintained across forward years in recognition of the fluctuations and complexities in the operating environment that impact the volume of incoming ministerial correspondence received during the period.



Data Source

Data collected on proportion of incoming ministerial correspondence triaged and assigned for action via the Parliamentary Document Management System (PDMS).


Number of incoming ministerial correspondence triaged and assigned in five days or less, divided by total number of incoming ministerial correspondence received, multiplied by 100.

On receipt, correspondence is registered in PDMS, assessed and either assigned for response, referred to another department, or marked as no further action required and closed.

Personal and political correspondence does not require action by PM&C. Personal and/or political correspondence received is referred to the relevant Minister’s Electorate Office or Minister’s Office for appropriate action.

It is important that all correspondence is triaged, response options considered, and assigned for appropriate action as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is one of the primary ways we support the Prime Minister to engage with stakeholders and the Australian community.


Output and Effectiveness/ Quantitative.

Explanation of changes since 2021–2025 Corporate Plan


2022–23 Target 2023–24 Target 2024–25 Target 2025–26 Target
75% satisfied 76% satisfied 77% satisfied 78% satisfied


Data Source / Methodology

Data collected and reported by the Department’s independent annual stakeholder satisfaction survey. See note 4.

Maintaining positive external and ministerial stakeholder opinions of the effectiveness of PM&C’s stakeholder collaboration, communication and engagement exercises is key to delivering this measure and an important way to measure our success.

This is a new performance measure, and we were unable to refer to past results in establishing this baseline. With this in mind, any result greater than 75% will be achieved, and any result greater than 50% will be partially achieved. We will review this target in 12 months when we have received the first set of results.


Output, Effectiveness and Proxy Efficiency/ Quantitative and Qualitative.

Explanation of changes since 2021–2025 Corporate Plan

The 2021–2025 performance measure read as inward facing because it counted the number of stakeholder engagement activities undertaken. This measure has been changed to capture stakeholder satisfaction with the Department’s stakeholder collaboration, communication and engagement exercises. PM&C aligns to IAP2 stakeholder engagement principles and quality assurance standards. In this context, stakeholder engagement is broadly defined as engaging with any individual, group of individuals or organisation with an interest or stake in the outcome of a decision. The changes to this performance measure more accurately represent our role and output in collaborating, communicating and engaging with stakeholders and the Australian community.
