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Our performance

Effective and timely advice

PM&C plays a key role in supporting informed decision making by ensuring the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and our portfolio ministers are provided with timely advice that is supported by data, takes a whole-of-government and whole-of-nation perspective, and incorporates the views of a diverse range of stakeholders.

Helping our partner agencies to deliver on Government priorities

We serve the Prime Minister, who is responsible for the delivery of Government priorities. In support of this, PM&C uses a range of mechanisms to help our partner agencies to succeed and ensure Government policies, programs and decisions are successfully implemented.

Coordination and support for national and international agendas

PM&C plays an important role in driving a whole-of-government and whole-of-nation approach at both a national and international level. In doing so, we collaborate closely with state and territory governments, and foreign counterparts to develop relationships, and influence national and international frameworks that enhance Australia’s interests.

Collaborate, communicate, engage

This key activity and the underpinning measures evaluate the support we provide to the Prime Minister and our portfolio ministers to engage with the community. They also capture stakeholder satisfaction with our key engagement activities undertaken as part of our everyday work.


PM&C is directly responsible for delivering some Australian Government programs. We also support the Cabinet as the focal point of Government decision making and assist the PM&C Secretary and Secretary for Public Sector Reform in their APS stewardship responsibilities.