COVID-19 Response Inquiry roundtables

We’re taking our inquiry investigations to the next level with themed roundtables starting in May.

We are grateful for the input we are receiving from a range of sources including submissions, interviews with key stakeholders and focus groups looking at the lived experience of key groups.

We are also running a series of roundtables hosted by the Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry panel members.

The roundtables are being held to further explore the impact of the pandemic on key sectors and communities, and to open up further discussion in areas where we have heard differing views on the best ways we can move ahead in pandemic preparedness and response.

They also allow the panel to test early directions and stakeholder suggestions and refine the thinking on various themes and lessons learned.

Roundtable summaries

May 2024

Economic response
Freight and logistics
Health modelling
Health research
Higher education and VET
Impacts on health services
Pandemic response logistics

June 2024

Community service providers
Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA)
Experiences of culturally and linguistically diverse communities
Experience of older Australians
Experience of people with disability
Human rights and trust in government
Mental health
News media and the information environment
Travel and tourism
Experience of First Nations people

July 2024

Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
Australian Logistics Council (ALC)
Early childhood education and care
Schools, children and young people
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Science communication and the role(s) of experts