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States and territories administer their own criminal justice systems, correctional and prison services. Detail can be provided as part of the State Party Dialogue.Holistic early intervention, design prevention and diversion strategiesThe Government…
National Action Plan on Women, Peace and SecurityAustralia's National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2021-2031 (WPS Plan) aims to support the human rights and participation of women and…
A key component of the national emergency is the rate at which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are being murdered and disappeared. While the availability of disaggregated data is limited, the information we do have…
The government recognises that gender equality is a global public good and is committed to Australia being a global leader on gender equality.The government’s objective is to deliver outcomes for all Australians by ensuring gender equality and…
*Content warning. Information on this page may be triggering to some readers. If you need support, please call 1800 Respect National Helpline: 1800 737 732 or Lifeline (24 hours): 131 114Gender-based violence is a critical national…
Denial of education on the basis of motherhoodAmong states and territories, there are no grounds for suspension and expulsion on the basis of motherhood. States and territories have policies and programs to support students who are pregnant or…
The Australian Government47 values the views and perspectives of the Australian community. As part of Australia's long-standing commitment to transparency, the Government funded the development of a shadow report from independent civil society…
Overall government results
At 30 June 2020, there were 343 Australian Government boards with 2,489 filled positions. Women filled 48.5 per cent of all board positions (1,206 positions were filled by …
Changing behaviours and attitudes leading to gender-based violenceIn addition to addressing discriminatory stereotypes, the Government adopted measures to change behaviours and attitudes leading to high rates of GBV in Australia.The Government…
The Women's Economic Equality Taskforce (the taskforce) was established in September 2022. It delivered on an election commitment to prioritise advice to government on the many issues facing women in the Australian…
The National Women's Health Strategy outlines a national approach to improving health outcomes for all women and girls. The Strategy identifies 5 priority areas: maternal, sexual and reproductive health; healthy…
The Australian Government must undertake a long-term, targeted and deliberate investment program to ensure women are leading and building the economy in equal measure to men.Immediate actions5.1. …
When in flower, the golden wattle displays the national colours, green and gold.The golden wattle is an evergreen, tall shrub or small tree. It can grow to 8 metres tall and lives up to 12-15 years. It grows in South Australia, Victoria, New…
A $5 million Research Partnership grant – part of the Working for Women Program – has been awarded to the University of Sydney’s Australian Centre for Gender Equality and Inclusion @ Work (the Centre…
Assess demand and calculate the costTo build a firm foundation for expanding Australia’s approach to prevention, governments must provide adequate funding for DFSV services. For decades, however, services have been chronically underfunded. As…
Addressing workplace sexual harassmentMeasures taken to encourage reporting of sexual harassment in the workplace can be found in response to question 17c.The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2009 amended the Fair Work…
Established by the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Workplace Gender Equality Act), the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) manages a reporting program, in which non-public sector employers with 100 or more employees (‘relevant employers’)…
Projects commenced October 2021OrganisationProject TitleDescription of projectGrant amount (GST exclusive)BUSY Group LtdBUSY Sisters mentoring for women entering apprenticeships and traineeshipsThis project will support …
The Office for Women is the central gender equality institution within the APS, with all Australian Government portfolios responsible for developing high‑quality gender analysis and achieving gender equality outcomes.The release of…
As the Minister for Finance, Women and the Public Service, I am pleased to present the Gender Balance on Australian Government Boards Report 2021-22.
In this reporting period, the Government has met the target of 50 per cent…
Vision: An Australia where people are safe, treated with respect, have choices and have access to resources and equal outcomes no matter their gender.Working for Women: A Strategy for Gender EqualityThe Australian Government has put…
The taskforce has seven primary recommendations to the Government that will drive women’s economic equality and contribute to a strong and globally competitive Australian economy. Each recommendation contains immediate actions for…
This section explores some of the factors that contribute to women’s economic inequality. Over their lifetimes, women are more likely to earn less than men, are less likely to advance as far in their careers as men…
An ongoing, national priorityOn 28 April 2024, the Prime Minister declared that Australia faced a ‘national crisis’ of violence against women, with one woman being killed every four days.8 On 1 May 2024, National Cabinet met to…
Gender_pay_gap_factsheet_august2021.pdf (
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